> Just about your last question :
> You can't have markup on 'R', but you cant on 'r'
> If you use lilypond 1.7.x, you may use :
> \once \property Voice.MultiMeasureRestNumber \override #'text = #'(roman
> "my markup")
In response to all these questions, I've deci
On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 03:03:47PM +0100, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> If you use the stable version and want the centered rest given by
> R instead of the left adjusted one given by r, you could attach the
> text to a spacing rest in a parallel line of music:
Ah, and so in 17/8 it would be :
If you use the stable version and want the centered rest given by
R instead of the left adjusted one given by r, you could attach the
text to a spacing rest in a parallel line of music:
I don't understand what you do with the empty bars, in 17/8,
you should get a two measure rest using R8*34 or
Just about your last question :
You can't have markup on 'R', but you cant on 'r'
If you use lilypond 1.7.x, you may use :
\once \property Voice.MultiMeasureRestNumber \override #'text = #'(roman
"my markup")
before the 'R' you want to mark...
Stef Epardaud wrote:
On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 a
On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 01:23:10PM +0100, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> Go to lilypond.org, klick on Search and enter "line break" and
> "bar number", respectively and follow the top links.
Thanks, I am stupid not to have used the search, I just went and looked
in the reference manual and overlooked it.