On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 03:03:47PM +0100, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> If you use the stable version and want the centered rest given by
> R instead of the left adjusted one given by r, you could attach the
> text to a spacing rest in a parallel line of music:
> <R2. s2.^"My text">

Ah, and so in 17/8 it would be :
<R8*34 s8*34^"My Text"> then ?
somehow this does not do what I want.

> I don't understand what you do with the empty bars, in 17/8,
> you should get a two measure rest using R8*34 or
> R8*17 R8*17, I just tried it myself.

OK, I have to confess I do something far-fetched to get to this
situation, in the middle of the song it works, but at the beginning,
after my drum header (the measure explaining the mappings) it needs an
extra empty measure. This could be caused by me putting my drum support
in a separate .ly file that I include, and defining the drum header
measure as a sort of macro.
I have attached the two files I use, this should give you a clearer
example of the problem, delbosh-drums.ly is the main file and drums.ly
is the included file.
The fea comments in it are in french, I apologize, but they should not
be relevant, and I tried to keep it clear, the fault line of empty
measure is at line 25 in delbosh-drums.ly

> I must admit I've never heard about a piece in 17/8, but I once
> played a piece in alternating 11/8 and 13/8 by some Russian composer
> who apparantly wrote it as a wedding march for his own wedding.
> I wonder how he and his bride manage to walk in rhythm. ;-)

Maybe they don't have to walk in rythm in Russian weddings ?
Maybe it's a danced march ?
For me this 17/8 piece sounded great when composed on the guitar until I
had to play drums over it and realized the time signature melted my
# Stef Epardaud, # Teachers have potentially more power than military,
# Java Defeater  #   the former can teach us how to not need the latter.
#     Earth      # Lunatech Research,
#  Solar System  #   soon we'll quit researching and start finding...
\header {
  filename =    "delbosh-drums.ly"
  title =       "Delbosh"
  subtitle =      "Drums"
  source =      "Stef Epardaud"
  composer =    "Stef Epardaud"
  enteredby =   "jcn"
  copyright =   "Private"

\include "drums.ly"

% tomh toml tommh tomml tomfh tomfl 
drh = \notes { 
 % on est a 160bpm
 \time 17/8
 % depart guitare
 % bon j'en veux que deux mais faut en mettre trois, je sais pas pourquoi
 % et ca c'est pour avoir le tempo ecrit sur un R8*17
 %% mais ca marche que pour lilypond 1.7
 % \once \property Voice.MultiMeasureRestNumber \override #'text = #'(roman "160bpm")

 % montee en toms ternaire
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne }
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    <tomfh4.^"160bpm" tomml4.> <tomfh4. tomml4.> <tomfh4. tomml4.> <tomfh4. tomml4.>
    <tomfh4. tomml4.> <tomfh4 tomml4>

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne }
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    r8 <tomfh4. tomml4.> <tomfh4. tomml4.> <tomfh4. tomml4.> <tomfh4. tomml4.>
    <tomfh4 tomml4> <tomfh4 tomml4>

 % montee en toms binaire
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne }
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    <tomfh4 tomml4> <tomfh4 tomml4> <tomfh4 tomml4> <tomfh4 tomml4>
    <tomfh4 tomml4> <tomfh4 tomml4> <tomfh4 tomml4> <tomfh4 tomml4>
    <tomfh8 tomml8>

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne }
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    r8 <tomfh4 tomml4> <tomfh4 tomml4> <tomfh4 tomml4> <tomfh4 tomml4>
    <tomfh4 tomml4> <tomfh4 tomml4> <tomfh4 tomml4> <tomfh4 tomml4>

 % theme principal deux fois
 \repeat "volta" 2 {
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymca4. cymcb4 cymca8   hh8 hh8 cymr4 cymr8 hho8 <hhc8 cymr8>
    hh8 cymr4 cymr8
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd8 sn8 sn8 bd8 sn8 bd4. bd8 sn4 bd4. bd8 sn4 

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    hho8 <hhc8 cymr8> hh8 cymr4 cymr8 hho8 <hhc8 cymr8>
    hh8 cymr8 cymch4. sn4 cymch8
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4. bd8 sn4 bd4. bd8 sn8 bd8 bd8 sn8 bd8 sn4

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymr8 hh8 cymr4 cymr8 hho8 <hhc8 cymr8> hh8 cymr4 cymr8 hho8 <hhc8 cymr8>
    hh8 cymr4 cymr8
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4. sn4 bd4. bd8 sn4 bd4. bd8 sn4

 % transition (les deux premieres mesures du theme principal)
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymca4. cymcb4 cymca8 hh8 hh8 cymr4 cymr8 hho8 <hhc8 cymr8>
    hh8 cymr4 cymr8
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd8 sn8 sn8 bd8 sn8 bd4. bd8 sn4 bd4. bd8 sn4 

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    hho8 <hhc8 cymr8> hh8 cymr4 cymr8 hho8 <hhc8 cymr8>
    hh8 cymr8 cymch4. sn4 r4
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4. bd8 sn4 bd4. bd8 sn8 bd8 bd8 sn8 bd8 sn16 sn16 sn8

 % le theme en alternance sur le stax
 \repeat "volta" 2 {
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    stax8 hh8 hh8 hh8 stax4
    hh8 hh8 stax8 hh4
    hh8 stax8 hh8 hh4 stax8
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4. bd4 sn4. bd4 bd4. bd4 sn4

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    hh8 hh8 stax8 hh8 hh4 stax8
    hh8 hh8 hh8 stax8 hh8
    hh8 hh8 stax4 hh8
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4. bd4 sn4. bd4 bd4. bd4 sn4

 % le theme en triplo-charley
 \repeat "volta" 2 {
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    hh8 \times 2/3 {hh16 hh16 hh16} hho8 hhc8 hh4 
    hh8 hh8 hho8 hhc8 hho8
    hhc8 hh8 hho8 hhc4 hh8
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4. bd4 sn4. bd4 bd4. bd4 sn4

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    hh8 \times 2/3 {hh16 hh16 hh16} r8 hho8 hhc8
    hho8 hhc8 hh8 hho8 hhc4 hh8
    hh8 hho8 hhc8. cymca8.
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4 sn8 bd8 sn8 bd4. bd4 sn4. bd4 sn16 bd8.

 \time 7/4
 % heavy avec stax en off-beat
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymca8 cymr16 stax16 cymr8 stax4 stax8 cymr8 stax8 cymca8
    stax8 cymr8 stax8 sn4
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd2 sn2 bd4. bd8 sn8 sn8

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymca8 cymr16 stax16 cymr8 stax4 stax8 cymr8 stax8 cymca8
    stax8 cymr8 stax8 sn4
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd2 sn2 bd4. bd8 sn8 tommh8

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymca8 cymr16 stax16 cymr8 stax4 stax8 cymr8 stax8 cymca8
    stax8 cymr8 stax8 sn4
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd2 sn2 bd4. bd8 sn8 sn8

 \time 8/4
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymca8 cymr16 stax16 cymr8 stax4 stax8 cymr8 stax8 cymca1
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd2 sn2 bd8. tommh16 tommh8 tommh8. tomml16 tomml8 tomml8 tomml8

 \time 7/4
 % heavy avec charley a la tool
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymca4 hho4 hhc4 hho4 <hhc8 sp8> sp8 r4 sp8 sp8
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd2 sn8 sn4. bd4 sn8 sn4

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymca4 hho4 hhc4 hho4 <hhc8 sp8> sp8 r4 sp4
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd2 sn8 sn4. bd4 sn8 sn4 sn8

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymca4 hho4 hhc4 hho4 <hhc8 sp8> sp8 r4 sp8 sp8
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd2 sn8 sn4. bd4 sn8 sn4

 \time 8/4
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymca4 hho4 hhc4 hho4 <hhc1 sp1>
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
   bd2 sn8 sn4. bd8. tommh16 tommh8 tommh8 tomml8 tomml8 <tomml4 tomfh4>

 \time 17/8
 % a bloc de charley

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    sp16 hh16 hh16 hh16 hh16 hh16 hho16 hhc16 hh16 hh16
    hh16 hh16 hh16 hh16 hh16 hh16 hho16 hhc16 hh16 hh16
    hho16 hhc16 hh16 hh16 hh16 hh16 hho16 hhc16 hh16 hh16
    r16 hh16 hho16 hhc16
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4. bd4 bd4. bd4 bd4. bd4 tomh4

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    sp16 hh16 hh16 hh16 hh16 hh16 hho16 hhc16 hh16 hh16
    hh16 hh16 hh16 hh16 hh16 hh16 hho16 hhc16 hh16 hh16
    hho16 hhc16 hh16 hh16 hh16 hh16 hho16 hhc16 r4 cymca8
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4. bd4 bd4. bd4 bd4. bd8 toml16 toml16 toml16 toml16 bd8

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymca4. cymch4
    cymca4. cymch4
    cymca4. cymch4 cymch4
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd8 \times 2/3 {sn16 sn16 toml16 toml16 bd16 bd16} sn8 bd8
    bd8 \times 2/3 {tommh16 tommh16 tommh16 tommh16 bd16 bd16} sn8 bd8
    bd8 \times 2/3 {tomml16 tomml16 tomml16 tomml16 bd16 bd16} sn8 bd8 sn8 bd8

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymr16 hh16 cymr16 hh16 cymr4 hho8
    <hhc16 cymr16> hh16 cymr16 hh16 cymr4 hho8
    <hhc16 cymr16> hh16 cymr16 hh16 cymr4 hho8 hhc8 hho8
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4. sn4
    bd4. sn4
    bd4. sn4 sn4

 % en ternaire
 \time 6/8
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    sp8 hh8 cymr4 cymr8 hho8
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4. sn4 bd8

 \repeat "volta" 3 {
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    <hhc8 cymr8> hh8 cymr4 cymr8 hho8
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4. sn4 bd8

 % et maintenant avec le tom et stax
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    sp8 stax4. stax8 hho8
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4 bd8 sn4 bd8

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    hhc8 stax4. stax4
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4 bd8 sn8 tommh8 tommh8

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    r8 stax4. stax8 hho8
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4 bd8 sn4 bd8

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    hhc8 stax4. stax4
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4 bd8 sn8 tommh8 tommh8

 % ternaire relax
 \time 6/4
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    sp4 cymr4 cymr4 cymr4 cymr8 sp8 cymr8 sp8
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd8 bd4 bd4 bd8 sn8 sn4 bd4 bd8

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    sp4 cymr4 cymr4 cymr4 cymr8 sp8 cymr8 sp8
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd8 bd4 bd4 bd8 sn8 sn4 bd4 bd8

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    sp4 cymr4 cymr4 cymr8 cymr8 r2
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd8 bd4 bd4 bd8 sn8. sn16 sn8 tommh8 tomml8

 % et avant le break, descente de toms/chinese
 \time 17/8
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymca4. cymch4
    cymcb4. cymch4
    cymcb4. cymch4 r4
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd8 tommh16 tommh16 bd16 bd16 sn8 bd8
    bd8 tomml16 tomml16 bd16 bd16 sn8 bd8
    bd8 tomfh16 tomfh16 bd16 bd16 sn4 r4
 % on se repose 3 mesures (ouf)

 %% Et c'est repartit! deuxieme mouvement

 % en deux mesures avec un contre-temps sur le tambourin
 \repeat "unfold" 2 {
  \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
     sp8 hh8 cymr8 hh8 tamb4 cymr8 hh8 tamb8 hh8 cymr8 hh8 tamb8 hh8 
     cymr4 tamb8
  \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
     bd4. bd4 sn4. bd4 bd4. bd4 sn4
  \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
     hho8 <hhc8 cymr8> hh8 tamb8 hh4 hh8 tamb8 hho8 <hhc8 cymr8> 
     hho8 <hhc8 tamb8> hh8 cymr8 hh4 hh8
  \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
     bd4. bd4 sn4. bd4 bd4. bd4 sn4

 % en lead a la ride, variations en 17/8
 % normal (base)
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymca8 rb8 rb4 rb4 
    rb8 rb4 rb4 
    rb8 rb4 rb4 rb8
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4. bd4 sn4. bd4 bd4. bd4 sn4

 % avec trash
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymca8 rb8 rb4 rb4 
    rb8 rb4 rb4 
    rb8 rb4 rb8 cymch4
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4. bd4 sn4. bd4 bd4. bd4 sn4

 % cc+tom
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymca8 rb8 rb4 rb4 
    rb8 rb4 rb4 
    rb8 rb4 rb4.
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4. bd4 sn4. bd4 bd4. bd4 sn16 sn16 tommh8

 % avec trash en contre-temp
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymca8 rb8 rb4 rb4 
    rb8 rb4 rb4 
    rb8 rb4 rb4 cymch8
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4. bd4 sn4. bd4 bd4. bd4 bd8 sn8
 % deuxieme tour
 % normal (base)
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymca8 rb8 rb4 rb4 
    rb8 rb4 rb4 
    rb8 rb4 rb4 rb8
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4. bd4 sn4. bd4 bd4. bd4 sn4

 % caisse claire
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymca8 rb8 rb4 rb4 
    rb8 rb4 rb4 
    rb8 rb4 r4.
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4. bd4 sn4. bd4 bd4. sn8 sn16 sn16 sn8 sn8

 % caisse claire
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymca8 rb8 rb4 rb4 
    rb8 rb4 rb4 
    rb8 rb4 r4.
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4. bd4 sn4. bd4 bd4. bd8 sn16 sn16 tommh16 tommh16 tommh8

 % deux trash
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymca8 rb8 rb4 rb4 
    rb8 rb4 rb4 
    rb8 rb8 cymch4. cymch8
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd4. bd4 sn4. bd4 bd4. sn4. sn8

 % troisieme tour
 % normal + charley
 \repeat "unfold" 4 {
  \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
     cymca8 rb16 hh16 rb4 rb4 
     rb16 hh16 rb4 rb4 
     rb16 hh16 rb4 rb4 rb8
  \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
     bd4. bd4 sn4. bd4 bd4. bd4 sn4

 % quatrieme tour
 % avec les toms en boum
 \repeat "unfold" 2 {
  \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    r4. cymch8 cymr8 cymr4 cymr8 cymr4 cymr4 cymr4 cymr4 cymr8
  \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    <tommh8 tomml8> <tommh8 tomml8> bd8 sn4. bd4. sn4 bd4 sn4 bd4

 % et la descente de toms, et une ...
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymca4. cymch4
    cymca4. cymch4
    cymca4. cymch4 cymch4
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd8 \times 2/3 {tomh16 tomh16 tomh16 tomh16 bd16 bd16} sn8 bd8
    bd8 \times 2/3 {toml16 toml16 toml16 toml16 bd16 bd16} sn8 bd8
    bd8 \times 2/3 {tommh16 tommh16 tommh16 tommh16 bd16 bd16} sn8 bd8 sn8 bd8
 % ... et deux
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymca4. cymch4
    cymca4. cymch4
    cymca4. cymch4 cymch4
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd8 \times 2/3 {tommh16 tommh16 tommh16 tommh16 bd16 bd16} sn8 bd8
    bd8 \times 2/3 {tomml16 tomml16 tomml16 tomml16 bd16 bd16} sn8 bd8
    bd8 \times 2/3 {tomfh16 tomfh16 tomfh16 tomfh16 bd16 bd16} sn8 bd8 sn8 bd8

 % on finit le passage avec une rythmique de toms a la tool
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
   [sn16^"without snare" sn16 tommh16 tommh16 bd16 bd16 tomml16 tomml16 bd16 bd16]
   [sn16 sn16 tommh16 tommh16 bd16 bd16 tomml16 tomml16 bd16 bd16]
   [sn16 sn16 tommh16 tommh16 bd16 bd16 tomml16 tomml16 bd16 bd16]
   [tomml16 tomml16 bd16 bd16]

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
   [sn16 sn16 tommh16 tommh16 bd16 bd16 tomml16 tomml16 bd16 bd16]
   [sn16 sn16 tommh16 tommh16 bd16 bd16 tomml16 tomml16 bd16 bd16]
   [sn16 sn16 tommh16 tommh16 bd16 bd16 tomml16 tomml16 bd16 bd16]
   [tomml16 tomml16 bd16 bd16]

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
   [sn16 sn16 tommh16 tommh16 bd16 bd16 tomml16 tomml16 bd16 bd16]
   [sn16 sn16 tommh16 tommh16 bd16 bd16 tomml16 tomml16 bd16 bd16]
   [sn16 sn16 tommh16 tommh16 bd16 bd16 tomml16 tomml16 bd16 bd16]
   [sn16 sn16 bd16 bd16]

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
   [sn16 sn16 tommh16 tommh16 bd16 bd16 tomml16 tomml16 bd16 bd16]
   [sn16 sn16 tommh16 tommh16 bd16 bd16 tomml16 tomml16 bd16 bd16]
   [sn16 sn16 tommh16 tommh16 bd16 bd16]
   \grace sn8 sn8 bd16 bd16 \grace sn8 sn8 bd8

 % coups de gc+cymb
 \repeat "unfold" 4 {
  \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
    cymc8^. r4 cymc8^. r4 cymc8^. r4 cymc8^. r4 cymc8^. r4 cymc8^. r8
  \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
    bd8 r4 bd8 r4 bd8 r4 bd8 r4 bd8 r4 bd8 r8

 % encore un petit passage en tool pour avant le break
 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
   [sn16 sn16 tommh16 tommh16 bd16 bd16 tomml16 tomml16 bd16 bd16]
   [sn16 sn16 tommh16 tommh16 bd16 bd16 tomml16 tomml16 bd16 bd16]
   [sn16 sn16 tommh16 tommh16 bd16 bd16 tomml16 tomml16 bd16 bd16]
   [tomml16 tomml16 bd16 bd16]

 \context Voice=VA {\voiceOne 
   cymch1 r1 r8
 \context Voice=VB {\voiceTwo 
   sn1 r1 r8

\score { 
  \context Staff=drumst \notes <
    \property Staff.NoteHead
     \set #'font-name = #"feta11"
    \property Staff.instrument="Drums"
    \clef "percussion"
    \apply #(drums->paper 'mydrums) <
 \paper {
   \translator {
      \consists Instrument_name_engraver
      Script \override #'padding = #0.5
 papersize = "a4"
 linewidth = -1.0

\include "paper16.ly"
\include "italiano.ly"

#(define note '(columns
  (music "noteheads-2" ((kern . -0.1) "flags-stem"))))
#(define eight-note `(columns ,note ((kern . -0.1)
  (music ((raise . 3.5) "flags-u3")))))
#(define dotted-eight-note
  `(columns ,eight-note (music "dots-dot")))

#(define mydrums (append `(
   (tambourine      diamond #f ,(make-pitch 0 3 0))
   (maxstax         diamond #f ,(make-pitch 0 4 0))
   (splash          diamond #f ,(make-pitch 0 5 0))
   (chinesecymbal   diamond #f ,(make-pitch 0 6 0))
   (hightom         default #f ,(make-pitch 0 4 0))
   (lowtom          default #f ,(make-pitch 0 3 0))
   (bassdrum        default #f ,(make-pitch -1 1 0))
   (crash           cross   #f ,(make-pitch 0 6 0))
   (crashcymbala    cross   #f ,(make-pitch 0 6 0))
   (crashcymbalb    cross   #f ,(make-pitch 1 0 0))
   (ridecymbal      xcircle #f ,(make-pitch 0 5 0))
) drums ))
#(define drum-pitch-names (append `(
                (maxstax   stax     ,(make-pitch -3 6 0 ))
                (crash     cc         ,(make-pitch -3 6 0 ))
                (splash    sp         ,(make-pitch -3 6 0 ))
                (splash    sp         ,(make-pitch -3 6 0 ))
) drum-pitch-names ))

\include "drumpitch-init.ly"

stax = \notes { hc }

drumheader = \notes {
 tomh4^"8 TT "
 toml4^"10 TT "
 tommh4^"12 TT "
 tomml4^"13 TT "
 tomfh4^"16 TT "
 bd4^"Bass drum "
 sn4^"Snare "

 cymca4^"A Cr. "
 cymcb4^"B Cr. "
 cymr4^"Ride "
 cymch4^"Chin. "
 hh4^"HH "
 hho4^"HH open "
 hhc4^"HH closed "
 sp4^"Spl. "
 stax4^"Stax "
 tamb4^"Tambourine "
 \property Score.currentBarNumber = #0
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