work surprisingly well in many situations:
\new Staff \new Voice << \sopI \sopII \alto >>
Quoting Benedict Singer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hi all,
I'm working on a choral piece for SSATBB using 2.10, and would love
to get an automatic piano reduction to go along with
Hi all,
I'm working on a choral piece for SSATBB using 2.10, and would love to get an
automatic piano reduction to go along with it. With 4 vocal parts this was no
problem, but I'm not sure if it's possible in a clean way with 6. What I've
been trying so far is essen
Mats Bengtsson> writes:
[snip override solution]
> However, do you really need \partcombine? Often you can get very far with
>\new PianoStaff <<
> \new Staff { \clef treble \Key \Time
> << \sopranoMusic \\ \altoMusic >>
> } % Staff
> ...
> >> % P
The problem is that \partcombine creates its own voices.
A simple solution is to keep the engraver and just make sure that no
dynamics are printed:
\override DynamicText #'stencil = ##f
\override DynamicTextSpanner #'stencil = ##f
\override Hairpin #'stencil = ##f
However, do you really need \par
Assume we know about sopranoMusic, sopranoWords, etc. alto, tenor, bass and
that the choirstaff has been defined (basically as done in the template).
>\new PianoStaff <<
> \new Staff << \clef treble
>\set Staff.printPartCombineTexts = ##f
> << \Key
I am using the template provided in the manual. I have changed the formating
of the ChoirStaff a bit, but otherwise it is unchanged. I have attached a
reduced version of my current code in a followup post (!?) as it doesn't seem
to matter where I put it in this one, I am accused of top-posting
Bertalan Fodor wrote:
> I've never used \partcombine, but I suppose it could be good:
Hello Bertalan,
I entered the piano part from scratch. \partcombine works according to
the manual only with tw
I've never used \partcombine, but I suppose it could be good:
lilypond-user mailing list
I am working on a Haendel Aria and already entered the string's notes.
There is a piano reduction in the score as well and I wonder wether
there is a way to merge the Violins and the Viola to a right hand piano
I tried to copy all events of Lilypond's midi output into one track but