On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 07:40:13PM +0100, David Kastrup wrote:
> > There is 2.19.80 available in the repository, so I could give it a try
> > easily.
> Probably the easiest way out.
Indeedily-doodely. The document compiles now in full. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’
Please do not sh
Frank Steinmetzger writes:
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 01:40:48AM +0100, David Kastrup wrote:
>> Frank Steinmetzger writes:
>> > […]
>> > This snippet causes Lilypond to crash on my machines. Both run Gentoo Linux
>> > with identical versions, namely Lilypoind 2.18.2. I installed 2.18.2 on an
>> >
On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 01:40:48AM +0100, David Kastrup wrote:
> Frank Steinmetzger writes:
> > […]
> > This snippet causes Lilypond to crash on my machines. Both run Gentoo Linux
> > with identical versions, namely Lilypoind 2.18.2. I installed 2.18.2 on an
> > Ubuntu and an Arch installation. Bo
Frank Steinmetzger writes:
> Dear list,
> after a long hiatus, I am now typing another piece for choir. But after I
> had finished the first voice, the document would not compile. I narrowed it
> down to the following MWE. See the comment in the second line with notes:
> \version "2.18"
> \
On Sun 11 Mar 2018 at 20:34:42 (+0100), Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
> Dear list,
> after a long hiatus, I am now typing another piece for choir. But after I
> had finished the first voice, the document would not compile. I narrowed it
> down to the following MWE. See the comment in the second line
Dear list,
after a long hiatus, I am now typing another piece for choir. But after I
had finished the first voice, the document would not compile. I narrowed it
down to the following MWE. See the comment in the second line with notes:
\version "2.18"
\language "deutsch"
SopranNoten = \relative
Jay Anderson writes:
> On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 1:16 AM, Janne Uusitalo
> wrote:
>> I've attached two images to illustrate a problem I'm having with
>> simultaneous notes, slurs and ties.
>> The original version is what I'm hoping to get, and the lilypond
>> version is what 2.14.2 offers me fo
Urs and Joram
not sure about how you intend this excerpt to be "personal" etc. However in
the past composers often indicated ideas through different ways - different
groups of sixteen notes etc. to show phrasing, articulation etc. again i
don't know the piece or the context so a rule of thumb is
Am 21.04.2015 um 14:27 schrieb Simon Albrecht:
> Am 21.04.2015 um 09:49 schrieb Noeck:
>> Hi,
>> is this correct?
>>\relative c''' { a,,( e' b' c) ~ c( b a d,) }
> This was rather common in the 18th and 19th centuries I think and in
> tight vertical spacing it helps.
>> How is it dif
Am 21.04.2015 um 09:49 schrieb Noeck:
is this correct?
\relative c''' { a,,( e' b' c) ~ c( b a d,) }
This was rather common in the 18th and 19th centuries I think and in
tight vertical spacing it helps.
How is it different from:
\relative c''' { a,,( e' b' c ~ c b a d,) }
On 2015-04-21 09:51, Urs Liska wrote:
is this correct?
\relative c''' { a,,( e' b' c) ~ c( b a d,) }
How is it different from:
\relative c''' { a,,( e' b' c ~ c b a d,) }
My musical intuition prefers the second line but the original score
reads the first.
The first version isn't tec
Am 21.04.2015 um 09:49 schrieb Noeck:
is this correct?
\relative c''' { a,,( e' b' c) ~ c( b a d,) }
How is it different from:
\relative c''' { a,,( e' b' c ~ c b a d,) }
My musical intuition prefers the second line but the original score
reads the first.
The first version isn't
is this correct?
\relative c''' { a,,( e' b' c) ~ c( b a d,) }
How is it different from:
\relative c''' { a,,( e' b' c ~ c b a d,) }
My musical intuition prefers the second line but the original score
reads the first.
>- Original Message -
>To: lilypond-user mailinglist
>Sent: Monday, June 02, 2014 2:08 AM
>Subject: slur and tie in a chord>
>I have trouble make the following code working:
>I like to see ef, tie t
slur and tie in a chord
I have trouble make the following code working:
I like to see ef, tie to Ef, Ef tie to Ef, Af slur to G. The ties are ok
but slur does not display.
\version "2.19.7"
\language "english"
\key ef\major
\clef bass
I have trouble make the following code working:
I like to see ef, tie to Ef, Ef tie to Ef, Af slur to G. The ties are ok but
slur does not display.
\version "2.19.7"
\language "english"
\key ef\major
\clef bass
2. |2.
Janne Uusitalo writes:
> ^( worked as intended, but in this case, despite Gould, I wanted to
> direct the slurs down to not interfere with the first bass melody. I
> also tried \slurDown but it didn't seem to have an effect on ^(.
Small wonder. ^ is an explicit "up". Don't write it if you don'
On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 10:16 AM, Janne Uusitalo
> Any ideas on how do I make the slur connect the two higher notes
> instead of the two lower ones?
On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 11:00 AM, TaoCG wrote:
> One possibility is to use a third voice marked \voiceTwo.
> You'll get some warnings ab
Janne Uusitalo writes:
> Hi,
> I've attached two images to illustrate a problem I'm having with
> simultaneous notes, slurs and ties.
> The original version is what I'm hoping to get, and the lilypond
> version is what 2.14.2 offers me for
> %{ 24 %}2(~
> %{ 25 %})~
> Any ideas on
Janne Uusitalo writes:
> Hi,
> I've attached two images to illustrate a problem I'm having with
> simultaneous notes, slurs and ties.
> The original version is what I'm hoping to get, and the lilypond
> version is what 2.14.2 offers me for
> %{ 24 %}2(~
> %{ 25 %})~
Please include
On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 1:16 AM, Janne Uusitalo
> I've attached two images to illustrate a problem I'm having with
> simultaneous notes, slurs and ties.
> The original version is what I'm hoping to get, and the lilypond
> version is what 2.14.2 offers me for
> %{ 24 %}2(~
> %{ 25 %}
des2( as,)
\context Voice = "2" {
\override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #.01%%% prevents shifting, so
it looks like a chord.
des,~ des,
View this message in context:
#7 des2( | as)~ | as } \\
{ \voiceTwo des,2~ | des~ | des }
View this message in context:
Sent from the User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I've attached two images to illustrate a problem I'm having with
simultaneous notes, slurs and ties.
The original version is what I'm hoping to get, and the lilypond
version is what 2.14.2 offers me for
%{ 24 %}2(~
%{ 25 %})~
Any ideas on how do I make the slur connect the two highe
On 17-Sep-05, at 7:28 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
from what i understood, the issue of slur collision
was dealt with recently.
version 2.7.8, however, still produces both slur and tie
collisions with the cresc. marking:
I believe that this was fixed after 2.7.8.
As for general sol
hi all,
from what i understood, the issue of slur
was dealt with recently.
version 2.7.8, however, still produces both
slur and tie
collisions with the cresc. marking:
{a'4 c'\<( c'~ c'\> d' e') f'8\!
first off, the program
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