On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 10:16 AM, Janne Uusitalo
<janne.uusit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Any ideas on how do I make the slur connect the two higher notes
> instead of the two lower ones?

On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 11:00 AM, TaoCG <tao_lilypondu...@gmx.net> wrote:
> One possibility is to use a third voice marked \voiceTwo.
> You'll get some warnings about colliding note columns

On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 5:11 PM, Jay Anderson <horndud...@gmail.com> wrote:

> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=3031
> ties be in opposite direction to the slur connecting chords. So you
> could try that (add a '^' before your '(')

I decided to go with Tao's and Eluze's suggestion, first creating an
extra voice for the upper second bass and then tweaking stem lengths
and force-hshifting notecolumns to mimic chords. I also starred the
issue Jay linked to, as I really think this should be something
working out of the box.

^( worked as intended, but in this case, despite Gould, I wanted to
direct the slurs down to not interfere with the first bass melody. I
also tried \slurDown but it didn't seem to have an effect on ^(.

Thanks for all the replies.


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