> "pabuhr" == pabuhr writes:
pabuhr> I tried manually converting the ps to eps: ps2pdf generates
pabuhr> a file that is unusable (go figure), and "convert" generates
pabuhr> a low quality image (maybe one of the many parameters can
pabuhr> fix this).
"convert -density' somet
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 08:26:07 +0200 (CEST)
From: Martin Tarenskeen
To: pabuhr
Subject: Re: lilypondfile
On Mon, 27 Aug 2012, pabuhr wrote:
lilypond -dbackend=eps -daux-files=#f file.ly
should be what you are after...
Perfect, except it
I've not tried this to confirm it's correct, but my expectation is that the
syntax is
lilypond options filename
So you should write
lilypond -o fred mary.ly
Works! I'm just an old C programmer and always put the '-o' at the end of the
command. 8-(
- Original Message -
From: "pabuhr"
To: "Reinhold Kainhofer"
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: lilypondfile
Finally, what does the "-o" option do?
-o,--output=FILE or FOLDER
Set the default output file to FILE or, if a
> Perfect, except it still generates a PDF file, which I don't need and I
> not find an command-line option to prevent the PDF from being created.
> But that's what a Makefile is for: I just delete the PDF.
Lilypond also has a --ps option So what you want is:
On 2012-08-28 07:09, pabuhr wrote:
> Is there a way to generate an eps file directly as for a ps file? I need
> bounding box to include the exact output into latex (I'm not using
> I tried manually converting the ps to eps: ps2pdf generates a file that is
> unusab
> Is there a way to generate an eps file directly as for a ps file? I need
> bounding box to include the exact output into latex (I'm not using
> I tried manually converting the ps to eps: ps2pdf generates a file that is
> unusable (go figure), and "convert" generates a
On 2012-08-28 02:12, pabuhr wrote:
Is there a way to generate an eps file directly as for a ps file? I need the
bounding box to include the exact output into latex (I'm not using pdflatex).
I tried manually converting the ps to eps: ps2pdf generates a file that is
unusable (go figure), and "conve
Is there a way to generate an eps file directly as for a ps file? I need the
bounding box to include the exact output into latex (I'm not using pdflatex).
I tried manually converting the ps to eps: ps2pdf generates a file that is
unusable (go figure), and "convert" generates a low quality image (ma
The vertical spacing between systems in lilypond-book is established by
LaTeX, not LilyPond, so most spacing parameters will not be effective.
Ouch! 8-( Having to fuss with vertical spacing in two places is unfortunate,
especially since the latex version only gives a fixed spacing whereas li
pabuhr writes:
> I cannot get the direct output from lilypond to match the output from
> lilypondfile with lilypond book. Below I have the source file and a PDF file
> where page 1 is the direct output from lilypond and page 2 is generated by
> lilypond book using:
> \lilypondfile{Mary_Lamb.ly}
So well.. I tweaked a little bit and now it seems to work. What I wanted
is just the anhang (appendix) to be typesetted by lilypond, the other
examples I wanted as simple images. So I kept the file structure and
just made a file anhang.lytex which I compiled (tanks very much for the
make file)
If your file is a lytex file and you are using lilypond-book, I think
the first mistake is the use of '\include'. Change it by '\input':
anyway, send your folder to me and let me see if I can make it work.
p.s. I don't read German by can understand
I just don't seem to grasp it.
I tried to do everything like you did. I have a hauptdatei.lytex
(mainfile) file which looks like the following:
The fundamental thing to remember is this:
To use \lilypond or \begin{lilypond}, you need to write
a .lytex file. This *CANNOT* be done inside a .latex or .tex
Use lilypond-book to translate from .lytex to .tex.
The makefile is just an automated way to do this. If you prefer,
Sorry. I hope I did it correctly with the mailinglist this time.
Well... Although I found this:
I don't get a clue at all. Most likely I'm too stupid. :/
> Please keep the discussion on the mailist.
> lilypond-book
Please keep the discussion on the mailist.
lilypond-book works quite well for such things; I'm using it for
my thesis. Please search the mailist archives from about one or
two months ago; we discussed this recently, and I posted a working
example with a makefile.
- Graham
On Sat, 10 Ma
You need to process your .lytex file with lilypond-book first.
Please see the docs.
- Graham
On Sat, 10 May 2008 10:25:20 +0200
stefankaegi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everybody
> I'm kind of lost. I'm writing a document with latex and then tried at
> some point to integrate a lil
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