Re: lilypondfile

2012-08-30 Thread Laura Conrad
> "pabuhr" == pabuhr writes: pabuhr> I tried manually converting the ps to eps: ps2pdf generates pabuhr> a file that is unusable (go figure), and "convert" generates pabuhr> a low quality image (maybe one of the many parameters can pabuhr> fix this). "convert -density' somet

Re: lilypondfile (fwd)

2012-08-28 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
-- Forwarded message -- Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 08:26:07 +0200 (CEST) From: Martin Tarenskeen To: pabuhr Subject: Re: lilypondfile On Mon, 27 Aug 2012, pabuhr wrote: lilypond -dbackend=eps -daux-files=#f should be what you are after... Perfect, except it

Re: lilypondfile

2012-08-28 Thread pabuhr
I've not tried this to confirm it's correct, but my expectation is that the syntax is lilypond options filename So you should write lilypond -o fred Works! I'm just an old C programmer and always put the '-o' at the end of the command. 8-( Thanks. ___

Re: lilypondfile

2012-08-28 Thread Phil Holmes
- Original Message - From: "pabuhr" To: "Reinhold Kainhofer" Cc: Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 4:59 PM Subject: Re: lilypondfile Finally, what does the "-o" option do? -o,--output=FILE or FOLDER Set the default output file to FILE or, if a

Re: lilypondfile

2012-08-28 Thread pabuhr
> Perfect, except it still generates a PDF file, which I don't need and I could > not find an command-line option to prevent the PDF from being created. > But that's what a Makefile is for: I just delete the PDF. Lilypond also has a --ps option So what you want is: lilypond

Re: lilypondfile

2012-08-28 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
On 2012-08-28 07:09, pabuhr wrote: > Is there a way to generate an eps file directly as for a ps file? I need the > bounding box to include the exact output into latex (I'm not using pdflatex). > I tried manually converting the ps to eps: ps2pdf generates a file that is > unusab

Re: lilypondfile

2012-08-27 Thread pabuhr
> Is there a way to generate an eps file directly as for a ps file? I need the > bounding box to include the exact output into latex (I'm not using pdflatex). > I tried manually converting the ps to eps: ps2pdf generates a file that is > unusable (go figure), and "convert" generates a

Re: lilypondfile

2012-08-27 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
On 2012-08-28 02:12, pabuhr wrote: Is there a way to generate an eps file directly as for a ps file? I need the bounding box to include the exact output into latex (I'm not using pdflatex). I tried manually converting the ps to eps: ps2pdf generates a file that is unusable (go figure), and "conve

Re: lilypondfile

2012-08-27 Thread pabuhr
Is there a way to generate an eps file directly as for a ps file? I need the bounding box to include the exact output into latex (I'm not using pdflatex). I tried manually converting the ps to eps: ps2pdf generates a file that is unusable (go figure), and "convert" generates a low quality image (ma

Re: lilypondfile

2012-08-27 Thread pabuhr
The vertical spacing between systems in lilypond-book is established by LaTeX, not LilyPond, so most spacing parameters will not be effective. Ouch! 8-( Having to fuss with vertical spacing in two places is unfortunate, especially since the latex version only gives a fixed spacing whereas li

Re: lilypondfile

2012-08-27 Thread David Kastrup
pabuhr writes: > I cannot get the direct output from lilypond to match the output from > lilypondfile with lilypond book. Below I have the source file and a PDF file > where page 1 is the direct output from lilypond and page 2 is generated by > lilypond book using: > > \lilypondfile{}

Re: Lilypondfile: does not seem to work

2008-05-12 Thread stefankaegi
Ok. So well.. I tweaked a little bit and now it seems to work. What I wanted is just the anhang (appendix) to be typesetted by lilypond, the other examples I wanted as simple images. So I kept the file structure and just made a file anhang.lytex which I compiled (tanks very much for the make file)

Re: Lilypondfile: does not seem to work

2008-05-11 Thread Hugo Ribeiro
If your file is a lytex file and you are using lilypond-book, I think the first mistake is the use of '\include'. Change it by '\input': \input{kapitel/einleitung/einleitung} anyway, send your folder to me and let me see if I can make it work. Hugo. p.s. I don't read German by can understand

Re: Lilypondfile: does not seem to work

2008-05-11 Thread stefankaegi
Hi I just don't seem to grasp it. I tried to do everything like you did. I have a hauptdatei.lytex (mainfile) file which looks like the following: \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{scrreprt} \usepackage{ngerman} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{typearea} \usepackage[a4

Re: Lilypondfile: does not seem to work

2008-05-10 Thread Graham Percival
The fundamental thing to remember is this: To use \lilypond or \begin{lilypond}, you need to write a .lytex file. This *CANNOT* be done inside a .latex or .tex file. Use lilypond-book to translate from .lytex to .tex. The makefile is just an automated way to do this. If you prefer, you

Re: Lilypondfile: does not seem to work

2008-05-10 Thread stefankaegi
Sorry. I hope I did it correctly with the mailinglist this time. Well... Although I found this: I don't get a clue at all. Most likely I'm too stupid. :/ Stefan > Please keep the discussion on the mailist. > > lilypond-book

Re: Lilypondfile: does not seem to work

2008-05-10 Thread Graham Percival
Please keep the discussion on the mailist. lilypond-book works quite well for such things; I'm using it for my thesis. Please search the mailist archives from about one or two months ago; we discussed this recently, and I posted a working example with a makefile. Cheers, - Graham On Sat, 10 Ma

Re: Lilypondfile: does not seem to work

2008-05-10 Thread Graham Percival
You need to process your .lytex file with lilypond-book first. Please see the docs. Cheers, - Graham On Sat, 10 May 2008 10:25:20 +0200 stefankaegi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi everybody > > I'm kind of lost. I'm writing a document with latex and then tried at > some point to integrate a lil