The fundamental thing to remember is this:
  To use \lilypond or \begin{lilypond}, you need to write
  a .lytex file.  This *CANNOT* be done inside a .latex or .tex

  Use lilypond-book to translate from .lytex to .tex.

The makefile is just an automated way to do this.  If you prefer,
you could use a shell script, or even do it manually by hand.

- Graham

On Sat, 10 May 2008 11:33:16 +0200
stefankaegi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sorry. I hope I did it correctly with the mailinglist this time.
> Well... Although I found this:
> I don't get a clue at all. Most likely I'm too stupid. :/
> Stefan
> > Please keep the discussion on the mailist.
> > 
> > lilypond-book works quite well for such things; I'm using it for
> > my thesis.  Please search the mailist archives from about one or
> > two months ago; we discussed this recently, and I posted a working
> > example with a makefile.
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > - Graham

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