Hello again,
I haven't been able to solve the problem yet, but I did a little bit of
testing. It seems that the issue has something to do with multiple voices;
however, I cannot really pinpoint it.
The issue in my sample code is resolvable by placing more than a few notes
inside parts with multip
Hi Valentin,
The solutions you provided worked great, I just had to tweak the arpeggio's
spacing. The configured dashed bars are also working perfectly.
No. 3:
Apologies for not having provided the code in my first email. I have
attached code based on an excerpt from a 9-page score I am working o
Hi Hans,
About 1: The cross-staff Arpeggio appears to be handled as part of the Staff
Group, not of the Staves. Thus add
\override Arpeggio.font-size = #-3
to the PianoStaff. As this will also affect the staves within you need to
\override Arpeggio.font-size = #0
for these.
For the Span
Hi, I am having some problems with regards to using smaller/ossia staves.
For the problems I am about to list, I will provide dummy code (this format
is exactly what I am using for my current score, plus a few unneeded
overrides that I have removed for convenience):
\version "2.22.1"
\new StaffG