Hi, I am having some problems with regards to using smaller/ossia staves.

For the problems I am about to list, I will provide dummy code (this format
is exactly what I am using for my current score, plus a few unneeded
overrides that I have removed for convenience):

\version "2.22.1"

\new StaffGroup \with {
  \override SpanBar.glyph-name = #"!"
  \remove System_start_delimiter_engraver } <<
  \new PianoStaff \with {
      \override SpanBar.glyph-name = #"|"
      connectArpeggios = ##t
    } <<
    \new Staff = "vOssiaRight" \with {
      fontSize = #-3
      \override StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -3)
      \consists "Span_arpeggio_engraver"
    } \relative { c''1\arpeggio }
    \new Staff = "vOssiaLeft" \with {
      fontSize = #-3
      \override StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -3)
      \consists "Span_arpeggio_engraver"
    } \relative { c'1\arpeggio }
  \new PianoStaff \with {
      \override SpanBar.glyph-name = #"|" } <<
    \new Staff = "right" \relative { c'1 }
    \new Staff = "left" \relative { \clef bass c1 }

1. Cross-staff arpeggios are normal size even when they are in smaller
staves. How can this be fixed?
2. I wish to increase the gap between dashes of the SpanBar. My true
intention here is to match the dashed barline produced by a normally sized
staff, because when you have ossias below the staff and none above,
LilyPond will use the size of the topmost staff to determine the dashed
barline gap. If other parts of the score have below-staff ossias, this
becomes inconsistent.
3. This is pretty weird, refer to the image. This is the final measure of
the piece. I have \bar "|." as well as the StaffGroup's SpanBar overridden
to #"|." and this is what it produces. No ossia staff above (removed by
\RemoveAllEmptyStaves). What's weird is that when I deleted all the left
hand ossias up to a certain point, it fixed by itself, but letting one more
measure stay would mess it up as in the image. No \key changes, no \time
changes, nothing whatsoever; just a random bar that is very much like its
previous and succeeding bars. What's causing this problem and how can I fix
this? (any workaround is welcome if the problem cannot be solved directly)

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