...but for this score I think I'll stick with what I know, or it'll never see
the light of day.
Best regards,
Tuesday, December 3, 2019, 6:00:32 PM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> Hi Peter,
>> I think this is the firs
Hi Peter,
> I think this is the first time I've had to set a score of this complexity
Welcome to the "deep end of the ’Pond”. =)
> I shall now rewrite large amounts of music
The good news is, going forward you’ll be writing much more efficient,
flexible, maintainable, and extensible Lilypond
Hello Kieren,
Thanks. I think this is the first time I've had to set a score of this
complexity (which is pretty low compared with many I've seen). Thanks very much
for the help. I shall now rewrite large amounts of music :(
Best regards,
Hi Peter,
> I've just thought of another reason not too use \mark for placing text for
> tempo changes and expressive text: what happens if it's not at the beginning
> of the bar?
I think you’ve misunderstood. Using \mark doesn’t mean you stop using precise
timing placement — of course you still
Hello Kieren,
I've just thought of another reason not too use \mark for placing text for
tempo changes and expressive text: what happens if it's not at the beginning of
the bar? You would have to do a lot of tweaking to get the position just right
- and then you decide to change the music in a
Thanks - I found this from the various snippets and issue reports as you can
see from my next paragraph. I haven't had time to investigate yet, though.
Best regards,
Sunday, December 1, 2019, 1:22:20 PM, Kieren Ma
Hi Peter,
> Oh dear, it didn't! The staff in question (in my score) isn't at the top of
> the full score. It's a piano 4-hands score so I want the Ritard. to be at the
> top of staves 1 & 3, but not 2 or 4. To the tweak in the snippets won't work
> either as that puts marks over all staves.
Sunday, December 1, 2019, 3:19:51 AM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> Hi Peter,
>> The following MWE shows that the full bar rests are not shifted as I would
>> have expected in the parallel voices. Bars 5 and 6 print the rests at
>> different heights. Have I missed a property somewhere?
Hello Kieren,
Sunday, December 1, 2019, 3:19:51 AM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> Hi Peter,
>> The following MWE shows that the full bar rests are not shifted as I would
>> have expected in the parallel voices. Bars 5 and 6 print the rests at
>> different heights. Have I missed a property somewhe
Hi Peter,
> The following MWE shows that the full bar rests are not shifted as I would
> have expected in the parallel voices. Bars 5 and 6 print the rests at
> different heights. Have I missed a property somewhere?
Well, rests are Rest, and full-bar rests are MultiMeasureRest… ;)
> Alternati
The following MWE shows that the full bar rests are not shifted as I would have
expected in the parallel voices. Bars 5 and 6 print the rests at different
heights. Have I missed a property somewhere? I experimented with
voiced-position but that didn't affect the full-bar rests.
Alternatively, c
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