Hi Lucas-fabian,
Thanks a lot, that did the trick!
cheers, Jogchum
Op 05-03-2021 om 18:25 schreef Lukas-Fabian Moser:
\override Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn.line-break-permission = ##f
I want to control the line/page breaking in setting the score of the
Ave Maria from Josquin. To that end, I add \pagebreaks in the score.
Page breaks do occur indeed on those places, but also in between,
where I don't want them.
Following suggestions ginven in this list to users with mo
I want to control the line/page breaking in setting the score of the Ave
Maria from Josquin. To that end, I add \pagebreaks in the score.
Page breaks do occur indeed on those places, but also in between, where
I don't want them.
Following suggestions ginven in this list to users with mo
Thank you for the answer, I found out the new 2.5.19 makes all the
breaks you could want;-)
On Mon, 11 Apr 2005 16:25:48 +0200
Mats wrote:
> The support for page breaks between scores was introduced in
> version 2.5.2. Note that version 2.5.0 is much older than
> the latest stable version,
As a complement to what we discussed some days ago, here is how I
managed to give everybody his own score of the cantata.
Since I don't manage to deal correctly with Latex neither with
lilypond-book, and the emacs lilypond-mode is self-sufficient for a
pdf output and the midis that will be bur
Jean-Charles Malahieude wrote:
Le Vendredi 12 Mars 2004 00:05, Paul Scott a écrit :
That would require different global parts for parts and scores which
defeats the purpose. The combination of the two ideas would work.
It works perfectly good and gives a way to deal each part much easier.
I ha
Le Vendredi 12 Mars 2004 00:05, Paul Scott a écrit :
> Roland Goretzki wrote:
> >Hello list, hello Zbynek,
> >
> >You wrote:
> >>Is way to define linebreak (or pagebreak) in files with \score sections?
> >>Breaks are on other place at score and on other place at part.
> >
> >AFAIK You can give the
Hello list, hello Zbynek,
You wrote:
> Is way to define linebreak (or pagebreak) in files with \score sections?
> Breaks are on other place at score and on other place at part.
AFAIK You can give the linebreaks in the global section, par example:
global = \notes {
\key c \major \time 2/4
Roland Goretzki wrote:
Hello list, hello Zbynek,
You wrote:
Is way to define linebreak (or pagebreak) in files with \score sections?
Breaks are on other place at score and on other place at part.
AFAIK You can give the linebreaks in the global section, par example:
global = \notes {
Hello, Zbynek:
I don't know if this is the "optimal" technique, but in each .ly file,
I have a "layout" block the sole purpose of which is to dictate line
layout = \notes
s4*4*5 \break
s4*4*3 \break
% etc.
Then I just roll it into the \score block:
Zbyněk Burget wrote:
I've one small problem - I've written notes in one .ly and including it itno
few .ly files, where are \score sections (score and parts).
Is way to define linebreak (or pagebreak) in files with \score sections?
Breaks are on other place at score and on other place at pa
I've one small problem - I've written notes in one .ly and including it itno
few .ly files, where are \score sections (score and parts).
Is way to define linebreak (or pagebreak) in files with \score sections?
Breaks are on other place at score and on other place at part.
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