As a complement to what we discussed some days ago, here is how I managed to give everybody his own score of the cantata.
Since I don't manage to deal correctly with Latex neither with lilypond-book, and the emacs lilypond-mode is self-sufficient for a pdf output and the midis that will be burned (after having doubled the ad hoc voice with full volume piano and the minimum listenable for the others) for chorists' homework, I decided to deal with includes and therefore have split according to the needs: One file per party and per nature (notes and texts) for each movement of the work. Those will be called to in a group's file for each movement and then brought together in a group's full score. ====================== HOW DISTRIBUTION GOT SPLITTED ====================== Each file contains : 1 prefix caracter x caracters corresponding to the nature 1or2 suffix caracters when needed (distinction Soloist / Choir) Prefix Means ------ ----- 0 whole work, or used everywhere 1 first movement 2 second movement 3 third movement 4 fourth movement Suffix Means ------ ----- M Musique -notes- (preceded by "S" for soloist or "C" for choir) T Text (preceded by "S" for soloist or "C" for choir) 1 or 2 first or second instrument in a group S line breaks (Saut de ligne) for a group paper output none generating the desired ouput of the considered movement Nature Means ------ ----- Cello violoncello (or continuo) defs particular definitions created for the output (eg. P sub.) Flute instrumental flute Gambe alto, à défaut viola di gamba Global key, time signature, tempi and rehearsal marks Midi for midi output (disconnected from paper) Papier paper specifications (common and movement number) Voix singers (grouping choir and soloists) Alt alti singers Bas bassi singers Sop soprani singers Ten tenori singers I have quite a lot of files (87), I do agree, but it is much more convenient to deal with the layout, and one correction can be easily located. I must point out that all those file are in a standalone directory. _______________________________________________ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]