Hi Caio,
> It is a bit strange that there is no method (that I know of) to write
> centralized notes
#(define center-column
(lambda (col)
(let* ((left-col (ly:grob-object col 'left-neighbor))
(right-col (ly:grob-object col 'right-neighbor))
; If a column adjoining
> It's not optimal, since I have to judge the "centralization" by eye, but
> at least I can get a satisfactory output.
Well, now that I tried another example with 5 notes that method didn't
work. The solution was to use \override NoteColumn.X-offset. It is a bit
strange that there is no method
> What about
> \version "2.19"
> music = \relative {
> \tweak extra-spacing-width #'(-14 . 5) e'2 f g
> }
> \score {
> \new Staff {
> \time 3/2
> \clef "baritone^8" \music
> }
> \layout{
> \context {
> \Score
> \omit Clef
> \omit ClefModifier
> \o
Hi Caio,
What about
\version "2.19"
music = \relative {
\tweak extra-spacing-width #'(-14 . 5) e'2 f g
\score {
\new Staff {
\time 3/2
\clef "baritone^8" \music
\context {
\omit Clef
\omit ClefModifier
\omit Stem
\omit TimeSi
I'm writing some music snippets for a friend that is creating a music text
book, and they want to have and example in which a single musical line
shows three notes: one below the line, one on the line and one above it.
I managed to write almost what they want, except that would be nicer that