Hi Caio, > It is a bit strange that there is no method (that I know of) to write > centralized notes
#(define center-column (lambda (col) (let* ((left-col (ly:grob-object col 'left-neighbor)) (right-col (ly:grob-object col 'right-neighbor)) ; If a column adjoining our column is a PaperColumn, ours ; is not alone in the measure. We make no adjustments. (alone? (and (eq? #t (ly:grob-property left-col 'non-musical)) (eq? #t (ly:grob-property right-col 'non-musical))))) (if alone? (let* ((elts-list (ly:grob-array->list (ly:grob-object col 'elements))) (note-cols (filter (lambda (elt) (grob::has-interface elt 'note-column-interface)) elts-list)) (all-rests (map (lambda (c) (ly:grob-object c 'rest)) note-cols)) (all-rests (filter ly:grob? all-rests)) (all-notes (map (lambda (c) (ly:grob-object c 'note-heads)) note-cols)) (all (map (lambda (ga) (if (ly:grob-array? ga) (ly:grob-array->list ga) '())) all-notes)) (all (flatten-list all)) (all (append all all-rests)) (same-dur? (every (lambda (o) (equal? (ly:grob-property o 'duration-log) (ly:grob-property (car all) 'duration-log))) all))) (if same-dur? (let* ((sys (ly:grob-system col)) (col-center (interval-center (ly:grob-extent col sys X))) (left-right-X (cdr (ly:grob-extent left-col sys X))) (right-left-X (car (ly:grob-extent right-col sys X))) (middle-X (- (average left-right-X right-left-X) col-center))) (ly:grob-translate-axis! col middle-X X)))))))) centerSolitaryPaperColumn = \override Score.PaperColumn.after-line-breaking = #center-column Hope that helps! Kieren. ________________________________ Kieren MacMillan, composer ‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info ‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user