Re: Da Capo al Fine

2006-12-27 Thread Manuel
Joe, Yes! Now it worked just fine - thanks. Manuel Am 27/12/2006 um 21:06 schrieb Joe Neeman: On 12/27/06, Manuel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Thank you, it is *much* better now. But I still get an error message: Warnung: Eigenschafts-Typpr"ufung f"ur >>outside-staff-padding<< (backend-

Re: Da Capo al Fine

2006-12-27 Thread Joe Neeman
On 12/27/06, Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Joe Neeman wrote: > > Ah, sorry. outside-staff-padding is a new feature in 2.11. In 2.10, > change it to padding (and maybe boost the value up to 3 or so). Could that anything to do with why my Scheme definitions containing: #{ \once \override T

Re: Da Capo al Fine

2006-12-27 Thread Paul Scott
Joe Neeman wrote: On 12/27/06, *Manuel* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: Thank you, it is *much* better now. But I still get an error message: Warnung: Eigenschafts-Typpr"ufung f"ur >>outside-staff-padding<< (backend-type?) kann nicht gefunden werden. viellei

Re: Da Capo al Fine

2006-12-27 Thread Joe Neeman
On 12/27/06, Manuel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Thank you, it is *much* better now. But I still get an error message: Warnung: Eigenschafts-Typpr"ufung f"ur >>outside-staff-padding<< (backend-type?) kann nicht gefunden werden. vielleicht ein Tippfehler? Warnung: Zuweisung wird trotzdem durchg

Re: Da Capo al Fine

2006-12-27 Thread Manuel
Thank you, it is *much* better now. But I still get an error message: Warnung: Eigenschafts-Typpr"ufung f"ur >>outside-staff-padding<< (backend-type?) kann nicht gefunden werden. vielleicht ein Tippfehler? Warnung: Zuweisung wird trotzdem durchgef"uhrt [8][11] And the words do appear too

Re: Da Capo al Fine

2006-12-27 Thread Joe Neeman
On 12/27/06, Manuel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Joe, I get these error messages: 44:37: Fehler: GUILE signalisierte einen Fehler f"ur den hier beginnenden Ausdruck \once \override Score.RehearsalMark # break-visibility = #begin-of-line-invisible 44:38: Fehler:

Re: Da Capo al Fine

2006-12-27 Thread Manuel well as: Unbound variable: break-visibility at the end. Manuel Am 27/12/2006 um 17:48 schrieb Joe Neeman: On 12/27/06, Manuel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Joe, I tried this but it didn't quite work: You're nearly there -- I've just put in some more overrides to get (I hope) what y

Re: Da Capo al Fine

2006-12-27 Thread Manuel
Joe, I get these error messages: 44:37: Fehler: GUILE signalisierte einen Fehler f"ur den hier beginnenden Ausdruck \once \override Score.RehearsalMark # break-visibility = #begin-of- line-invisible 44:38: Fehler: syntax error, unexpected STRING, expecting

Re: Da Capo al Fine

2006-12-27 Thread Joe Neeman
On 12/27/06, Manuel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Joe, I tried this but it didn't quite work: You're nearly there -- I've just put in some more overrides to get (I hope) what you want: \version "2.10.0" \new ChoirStaff \relative << \new Staff { \clef treble \key g \major \time 2/4 \override Sc

Da Capo al Fine

2006-12-27 Thread Manuel
t of your tutorial. I also have very little experience with wikis but I don't believe they are very difficult to use. I do have lots of small questions, of course. Speaking of wich, maybe you can help me here. I want to put "Fine" and "Da Capo al Fine" in a p

Re: da capo al fine

2005-08-24 Thread fiëé visuëlle
Am 2005-08-23 um 13:29 schrieb Mats Bengtsson: For the MIDI, I hope you know that you can make a separate \score{...} for the MIDI output, for example something like, Thank you - sometimes you've to point me to the obvious. I always use a separate \score for MIDI output, because I need to \u

Re: da capo al fine

2005-08-23 Thread Mats Bengtsson
.} for the MIDI output, for example something like, % Paper output: \score{ {\partA \mark "Fine" \partB \mark "Da Capo al Fine" } \layout{...} } % MIDI output: \score{ { \partA \partB \partA } \midi{...} } /Mats ___ lily

da capo al fine

2005-08-23 Thread fiëé visuëlle
Hello again! I couldn't find in the docs or the ml's archive how to set "Da Capo" and "Fine" - I'd like it to work also in MIDI, if I \unfoldRepeats. The messages from 2003 tell me it wouldn't be possible (or only very complicated using some Scheme commands). Any change in this area? Gre

Re: Entering 'da Capo al Fine'...

2004-01-20 Thread Mats Bengtsson
If you want it attached to the final bar line instead of the final note, use \mark. If you want boldface font and larger size, use \mark \markup {\large \bold "da Capo al Fine" } (you probably want \property Score.RehearsalMark \override #'break-visibility = #begin-of-line-invi

Entering 'da Capo al Fine'...

2004-01-18 Thread Alberto Manuel Brandao Simoes
is entered as normal text or is there any special way to do it? Thanks ALB ___ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]