Joe Neeman wrote:
On 12/27/06, *Manuel* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Thank you, it is *much*  better now. But I still get an error message:

    Warnung: Eigenschafts-Typpr"ufung f"ur >>outside-staff-padding<<
    (backend-type?) kann nicht gefunden werden.  vielleicht ein
    Warnung: Zuweisung wird trotzdem durchgef"uhrt

    And the words do appear too close to the staff.

Ah, sorry. outside-staff-padding is a new feature in 2.11. In 2.10, change it to padding (and maybe boost the value up to 3 or so).
Could that anything to do with why my Scheme definitions containing:
#{ \once \override TextScript #'padding = #$padding #}

seem to have stopped working?

Paul Scott

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