Hi Walt,
> Below is a sample of an issue I am having with chords, Voice, and Lyrics. I
> want the chords to be above the voice line. But in this case it printing
> between the voice line and the lyrics. But if I comment out the "intro"
> section then the chords print as expected. I am inten
Below is a sample of an issue I am having with chords, Voice, and
Lyrics. I want the chords to be above the voice line. But in this case
it printing between the voice line and the lyrics. But if I comment out
the "intro" section then the chords print as expected. I am
intentionally leaving
Hello Walt,
the reason is that by default contexts will be ordered in order of creation.
So your intro creates the Staff, and then your first Verse will create first a
ChordNames and then a Lyrics context.
You can use the alignAboveContext context property to change this default