Hi Walt, > Below is a sample of an issue I am having with chords, Voice, and Lyrics. I > want the chords to be above the voice line. But in this case it printing > between the voice line and the lyrics. But if I comment out the "intro" > section then the chords print as expected. I am intentionally leaving chords > out of the intro section - I want them to come in when the voice starts..
I believe there are perhaps better ways to structure your score code… Below is one possibility. Notes: 1. I’ve broken out the global information (measure structure, section labels, etc.), notes, lyrics, and chords into their own variables. 2. There’s no need (or, in such a simple song, benefit) to break up the Intro and Verse One content; therefore, it’s contiguous in each variable. 3. I’ve put the breaks into a separate variable which I include in a Devnull context. [n.b. I almost always use OpenLilyLib’s EditionEngraver to inject line and page breaks, but it would be overkill for a simple song like this.] 4. It all gets combined (using <<>>) into a single score at the end. I think this gives you the result you want, and is probably much easier to modify and maintain as you go forward. If you haven’t already, I suggest [re-]reading the Learning and Notation manuals — they’re very good (IMO) at getting you started on the right foot. Hope this helps! Kieren. %%% SNIPPET BEGINS \version "2.24.2" global = { %% Intro \section \sectionLabel \markup { \box \bold \fontsize #-1 "Intro" } \partial 2 s2 s1 %% Verse One \section \sectionLabel \markup { \box \bold \fontsize #-1 "Verse One" } \partial 2 s2 s1 } theNotes = \relative c' { %% Intro \partial 2 e4 g | a2. c4 | %% Verse One \partial 2 e,4 g | a2. c4 | } theLyrics = \lyricmode { %% Intro \repeat unfold 4 { \skip 8 } %% Verse One Far o -- ver the } chrds = \chordmode { %% Intro \partial 2 s2 | s1 %% Verse One \partial 2 r2 | a1:m | } breaks = { %% Intro \partial 2 s2 s1 %% Verse One \break } \score { << \new Devnull \breaks \new ChordNames \chrds \new Staff \new Voice = "One" << \global \theNotes >> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "One" \theLyrics >> } %%% SNIPPET ENDS ______________________________________________ My work day may look different than your work day. Please do not feel obligated to read or respond to this email outside of your normal working hours.