> "Patrick" == Patrick or Cynthia Karl writes:
The problem is in the Prall rendition:
It comes out as:
{ < d'' >32 < c'' > < d'' > < c'' >1*-1/32 }
This is generated from a ly:music-compress function applied to
{ 32}
to squash it to the same length as the original s
The following snippet shows several problems:
\version "2.19.15"
\include "articulate.ly"
S = \relative b' {
\set Staff.instrumentName = "S"
\clef treble
c4 c16\prall e r8 r r r r
c4 c c c
A = \relative c'' {
\set Staff.instrumentName = "A"
\clef treble
c4 c c c
c4 c c c
Am 20.08.2011 23:38, schrieb Patrick Karl:
(here, we don't want to get printable scores).
Why don't we want to get printable scores here?
\articulate is made for improving lilypond's MIDI output, nothing more,
nothing less.
In the header of ly/articulate.ly, it says
% This script
Am 19.08.2011 21:36, schrieb Marc Hohl:
Am 19.08.2011 19:13, schrieb Patrick Karl:
I am having a problem with the \articulate command in LilyPond 2.14.1
on a mac with OSX 10.6.8.
For example, with the lilypond input file (I call it
\version "2.14.1"
\include "articu
Am 19.08.2011 19:13, schrieb Patrick Karl:
I am having a problem with the \articulate command in LilyPond 2.14.1 on a mac
with OSX 10.6.8.
For example, with the lilypond input file (I call it "articulate_problem.ly):
\version "2.14.1"
\include "articulate.ly"
music = \relative b' {
I am having a problem with the \articulate command in LilyPond 2.14.1 on a mac
with OSX 10.6.8.
For example, with the lilypond input file (I call it "articulate_problem.ly):
\version "2.14.1"
\include "articulate.ly"
music = \relative b' {
a b c d
a2 b