Am 20.08.2011 23:38, schrieb Patrick Karl:
(here, we don't want to get printable scores).

Why don't we want to get printable scores here?
\articulate is made for improving lilypond's MIDI output, nothing more, nothing less.
In the header of ly/, it says

% This script tries to make MIDI output from LilyPond a little more realistic.
% It tries to take articulations (slurs, staccato, etc) into account, by
% replacing notes  with sequential music of suitably time-scaled note plus
% skip.

If you'd try to write your scores *exactly* as they should sound like, the resultig score
would be almost unreadable. That's where the articulations come in handy.

\articulate just does the reverse: it translates all the articulation stuff into an (internal)
representation which sounds better when played as a MIDI file.
  It would be interesting to see what \articulate has done to the music, 
possibly with the prospect of modifying it.
AFAIK, you could tweak the output by changing the defaults within ly/, but you would not see any of them in your printed output, as a scaled quarter note still looks like a quarter note.
   And in any case if we do want to get a printable score here, wouldn't we 
like it to be accurate?
No, I don't think so.

It is just that
c4-. c-. c-. c-.

is far more convenient to read as

c16 r r8 c16 r r8 c16 r r8 c16 r r8

or even

c32 r r16 r8 c32 r r16 r8 c32 r r16 r8 c32 r r16 r8

depending on how you play a staccato, for example.

Anybody have an idea on the GenericResourceDir problem?
No, sorry.



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