Re: Having trouble with an old snippet--what to do?

2013-11-25 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
That works excellently! Thanks Jay! It's nice to get help from the guy who wrote the snippet. :) Jay, did you submit that snippet to the LSR? If you did, would it be possible to get it updated? It is a wonderful snippet and a HUGE timesaver!!! :) - Ryan McClure Luna Music Engraving www.lun

Having trouble with an old snippet--what to do?

2013-11-25 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
I'm messing with the snippet found here: I found the snippet originally on the LSR: Looking on the mailing list message, it was created on 2.11.45. I tried to update the file

Re: invert the colors (to print white score on black paper)

2013-11-25 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
Give this a try. I used some snippets in the LSR to apply a giant markup black background and changed everything to white. \version "2.17.29" #(define (override-color-for-all-grobs color) (lambda (context) (let loop ((x all-grob-descriptions)) (if (not (null? x)) (let ((grob-name (c

Re: formatting a text before the score

2013-11-25 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
Try this for the first part: \markup{ \abs-fontsize #12 \column { \vspace #1 \wordwrap {LIOUBOV On dirait qu'il y a de la musique quelque part.\italic {(Elle écoute.)} } \wordwrap {GAÏEV C'est notre fameux orchestre juif. Tu te rappelles, quatre violons, une flûte et une contrebass

Re: Possible bug? Commenting out section causes EOF

2013-11-24 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
/facepalm/ I forgot to uncomment at the end of the document so that \book { could be closed. Please disregard these emails :P PS--To all of those who are reading this, thank you for all of the help you've given me during my LilyPond learning process! It is appreciated more than you could ever kno

Possible bug? Commenting out section causes EOF

2013-11-24 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
I am working on a multi-part piece. I have all of my parts in one .ly file. So, when I want to work on just one, I comment out all other parts using %{ %} However, when I go to engrave, I get an error that reads /home/ryanmcclure/Compositions/Transcriptions/Holst, Gustav/First Suite In E-Flat/Pa

Re: Primo symbol in LilyPond

2013-11-24 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
(My apologies for not responsing--sleep and things like that happened) Marcos, your idea looks excellent! I'm going to try using that. I like the other ideas too--and I had no idea that having the symbol with or without the dot, or using a different circle, had different implications. - Ry

Primo symbol in LilyPond

2013-11-23 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
How can one create a primo symbol in LilyPond? Here is what it should look like: I've attempted to create one using markup. Here are what I've tried: ^\markup{ \concat{ "1" \super "o"}} ^\markup{ "1°"} ^\markup{ \concat{ "1" \large "

Re: Using a 'global' variable with multi-bar rests

2013-11-21 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
This is something I've been trying to figure out for myself. Did you put \compressFullBarRests in anywhere? I don't see it in your example...if it is, then, I'm just as stumped as you are :) -Ryan McClure - Ryan McClure Luna Music Engraving -- View this message

Re: Bar numbers under the music rather than above?

2013-11-19 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
Hi there Janek! I tried your Scheme and it worked WONDERFULLY! That's exactly what I want for larger bar numbers at the beginning! I am clueless about how to do Schemes...I could probably drop a bunch of rocks on my keyboard and get a better result than if I were to try and use it. How would I go a

Re: Bar numbers under the music rather than above?

2013-11-19 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
That works if there are multiple parts. But, if there is only one part, then it wouldn't work sadly. I'll have to give that scheme a try...At some point when I am near my computer. - Ryan McClure Luna Music Engraving -- View this message in context:

Re: Bar numbers under the music rather than above?

2013-11-18 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
I came up with a solution--for now. This solution is best used whenever the piece is completely finished and you can put in this line at the beginning of every line. \version "2.17.29" barNumberLine = \once \override Score.BarNumber.direction =#up \layout{ \context { \Score \override B

Re: Bar numbers under the music rather than above?

2013-11-18 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
That worked, but it moved the bar numbers at the beginnings of lines down, too. Is there a way to apply something to beginning of line numbers? If so, then the normal barlines can be down and, if possible, set to a smaller size, and the ones at the beginnings of lines can be up and normal size.

Re: Bar numbers under the music rather than above?

2013-11-18 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
Also (forgive my double email), would it be possible to format bar numbers? For example, making those that are not at the beginning of lines smaller or larger? This is one thing I've sort of been ignoring but the time has come that I finally ask -.- - Ryan McClure Luna Music Engraving -- Vi

Bar numbers under the music rather than above?

2013-11-18 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
Is it possible to move bar numbers UNDER the music rather than above (with the exception of the first of each line)? I've checked the documentation and snippets and can't find anything. - Ryan McClure Luna Music Engraving -- View this message in context: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.c

Re: notation rule question

2013-11-17 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
Personally, I would do r8 c~ c4 c2 My reason is because it is obvious where the beats are. While using r8 c4. c2 makes it obvious too, I have found that there are less sight-reading errors when it is spelled out by beat rather than by syncopation. Again, that's my 2 cents...the 2 cents that I

Re: Barlines obscuring text in score

2013-11-02 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
Gilberto, your last option looks great! I do have a quick question--for subito dynamics, what should be aligned to the first note of said dynamic: the actual dynamic or "subito"? - Ryan McClure Luna Music Engraving -- View this message in context:

Barlines obscuring text in score

2013-11-02 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
I'm finishing up a score and I am encountering this problem in many places: What would be my best option for making this look better? Could I make the barline at that section be transparent so that only the text is visible?

Re: Thoughts about creating Stack Exchange page?

2013-11-02 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
Allow me to clarify that in no way did I intend for the Stack Exchange page to replace this list. It would have been purely an addition of resources. For me, the purpose of the Stack Exchange page is about accessibility to those who are 1) not familiar with LilyPond or 2) not familiar with mailing

Re: Thoughts about creating Stack Exchange page?

2013-11-01 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
It seems like a good many people support the idea. Thanks Noeck for that link--it seems like many supported it back then. It doesn't seem like too much work to create a page. I have created a proposal for it: I have also created a generic s

Re: Thoughts about creating Stack Exchange page?

2013-11-01 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
I know that AskUbuntu is WONDERFUL--it is the webpage that helped me breech the gap between being a newbie to a confident user in Ubuntu. A LilyPond page would be tremendous not only to new users but also for archiving information. Yes, the mailing list is excellent, but for someone who is absolute

Thoughts about creating Stack Exchange page?

2013-11-01 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
I'm not sure if many of you are familiar with Stack Exchange. However, to those who are--What are your thoughts about creating a LilyPond Stack Exchange page? I personally love the concept of Stack Exchange, and I believe that it would be great for the LilyPond community. - Ryan McClure Lun

RE: Citing Lilypond in a paper?

2013-10-27 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
Hi Mark, Thank you for your response. I have a few quick questions about this quickly: Who should I put as the creator of the software at the beginning? Would this be the way I should do it, in your opinion? CREATOR INFORMATION (2013). Lilypond (Version 2.17.29) [Software]. Available from http:/

Citing Lilypond in a paper?

2013-10-27 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
Hi all! I'm writing a paper for my Music History class and I used Lilypond to generate a few examples. I cited the original music in my paper, and I would like to cite Lilypond as well. How would I go about citing Lilypond in MLA style for a paper like this? Thanks all! - Ryan McClure Lun

Re: Slur goes way too high in this passage

2013-10-07 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
/doc/v2.17/Documentation/notation/modifying-shapes#modifying-ties-and-slurs > > It's not your only alternative, however, it is very powerful in > certain situations. > > (I'm using 2.17, fyi) > > -Ben > > > ryanmichaelmcclure wrote > That seems to work

Re: Slur goes way too high in this passage

2013-10-07 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
That seems to work well. Is there another workaround, do you think? Seeing the slur over that far bugs me just the slightest. By the way, is this a bug in Lilypond? I'm currently on 2.16.2 -Ryan McClure On 10/07/2013 11:33 PM, SoundsFromSound [via Lilypond] wrote: > Hello, > > I see what you me

Slur goes way too high in this passage

2013-10-07 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
I'm currently typesetting a Beethoven piece for 2 oboes and Cor Anglais. I'm working on oboe I and I came across this problem. The slur overtop of this passage is incredibly high--it reminds me of Finale almost. What should I do to fix this? Thank you all for being so awesome! \score { \relative

LilyPond Linux distro?

2013-04-23 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
I have been looking for something like this but have been unable to find anything...does anyone know if there is a LilyPond distro? That is, one made entirely for LilyPond? It would be nce to have a small, portable distro that just had LilyPond, a text editor, and a PDF viewer (or a LilyPond GUI li

Removing lines of rest with two voices and bar count numbers

2013-03-29 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
I am working on the bassoon part for Holst's First Suite, and I want to try something that looks essentially like this: Except I want the last measure in the 2nd part to be hidden (There is music later in that part but I want the rests to be gone.) I do not know how

Re: Lilypond Woodwind-Diagram for Bassoon missing half-hole option for first finger

2013-03-20 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
I'm unable to post the fingering chart from my professor's book because it's owned by the publisher and not him... There goes that idea. My only other suggestion that I have found for the current fingering chart is that on the right hand on the back, where there are only four keys, the round key is

Re: Lilypond Woodwind-Diagram for Bassoon missing half-hole option for first finger

2013-03-18 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
I've looked at the diagram and have found the following things that I would like to mention: The top hole should be a hole on both bassoon and contrabassoon. The top hole very often has a half hole, and some players even use quarter and three-quarter holes for the top hole. The third hole on the

Re: Lilypond Woodwind-Diagram for Bassoon missing half-hole option for first finger

2013-03-17 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
Hello everyone! I currently am a bit busy today. Tomorrow I'll look through the documentation and let you all know what I've found. :) - Ryan McClure Luna Music Engraving -- View this message in context:

Re: Lilypond Woodwind-Diagram for Bassoon missing half-hole option for first finger

2013-03-16 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
This is precisely what I need. Is there a way that I could make this appear in the fingering using a tweak? -- View this message in context: Sent from the U

Re: articulation simbols

2013-03-16 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
Hi there! To be honest, I don't use the symbols like "+" and things like that. Here is what I use: After the note in question, after a duration if it has one, add the following: \staccato \tenuto \accent For example, if you wanted an accent over a half note c: c2\accent Let me know if things

Lilypond Woodwind-Diagram for Bassoon missing half-hole option for first finger

2013-03-15 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
I am attempting to make a fingering chart for a friend of mine for bassoon, but sadly, there is no first-finger half hole or anything other than one or oneT. This is one of the more crucial holes that has a half hole on the bassoon. Is there a way to make it have a half hole, or does this feature n

Re: Advocating non-free softwares

2013-02-26 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
The last that I checked, this was a LILYPOND mailing list, and not a battle about software freedom. Let those who want to have freedom use their OS, and those who don't care use their OS. -- View this message in context:

Temporarily removing bracket from staff groups

2013-02-14 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
I am working on a composition for my music theory professor. He wants a particular layout for the work. Here is what I have thus far: I want to know if it is possible to remove the bracket between the third and fourth staffs, the blank ones? I tried setting 3 differen

Re: Removing the line before a staff begins

2013-02-11 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
Here's a pastebin link to my code: I used Frescobaldi as a tool for setting up the staves, so I may have to do some rearranging. -- View this message in context: Sen

Removing the line before a staff begins

2013-02-11 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
I am working on an assignment for music theory that requires a particular layout. Here is what I am able to get using Lilypond: Here is the staff layout my instructor desires:

Re: Slurs cut into reminder accidentals

2013-01-11 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
Here is the exact code that I entered: fis8 (d'!8 b4) And I get this: Here is a link to the .ly file and the .pdf that shows it happening. .ly: .pdf -- V

Slurs cut into reminder accidentals

2013-01-11 Thread ryanmichaelmcclure
I have created a measure that has the following: fis8( d'!8 b4) Whenever the slur is engraved, it cuts into the natural of the d. How can I correct this? -- View this message in context: Sent from the User