Good job, it works for me ok (winXP, cygwin).
I'm not familiar with jedit though -- is it possible to create a
keyboard shortcut for running lilypond on a buffer?
Lilypond-user mailing list
>> In addition, \property Voice.fingeringOrientations = #'(right,
>> left) works only for chords (at least this is what I have
>> observed)
>> So, if someone has any ideas how to tackle the problem, please
>> share!
> I hope that a chord of one note will do it.
Aaah, this is it! Simple, yet n
and sorry for starting the same thread once again (I haven't
been subscribed to the list when posting for the first time...)
I *have* read "Fingering instructions" in the manual,
and that's why I try to get help from you, wise people!
Usually guitar fingering instructions for left hand are
Is there an easy way of attaching fingerings to noteheads?
Fingerings are used very frequently for guitar music I have been
recently trying to write in lilypond, and the default behaviour
of placing digits above stems is not acceptable for me.
It would be much easier to use extra-offset to pl