and sorry for starting the same thread once again (I haven't
been subscribed to the list when posting for the first time...)

I *have* read "Fingering instructions" in the manual,
and that's why I try to get help from you, wise people!

Usually guitar fingering instructions for left hand are marked
with numbers, placed right above the note head, or to the left
of the note head; but always close to the note head, and not
above or below the stem.

Placing the fingering numbers manually by means of extra-offset
property is, well, somewhat tedious work.

In addition, \property Voice.fingeringOrientations = #'(right,
left) works only for chords (at least this is what I have

So, if someone has any ideas how to tackle the problem, please


I have searched some lilypond music repositories for the guitar,
but to my surprise, there is almost no fingering instructions in
scores! I hope guitarists use lilypond for making sheet music,
and not something else...

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