Re: clefs, time signatures, and key signatures

2023-12-22 Thread Michael Dietz
Hi Werner, does the new proposed spacing mean that the time signatures are not aligned across staves any more but were before? Best, Michael

Re: N.C. No Chord poll

2023-05-21 Thread Michael Dietz
I usually use an m-dash "—" as the noChordSymbol as it is more language agnostic. But N.C. is reasonable default IMHO.

Recursive includes

2023-04-16 Thread Michael Dietz
Hi Lilypond users, I had an issue with a file which repeatedly crashed my computer. It took all memory. The error is clearly on the user’s side: I had this line in a file (let’s say) \include So LilyPond recursively included this file over and over again until the RAM was

Re: Frescobaldi & edition engraver

2023-01-05 Thread Michael Dietz
That works indeed. So with Frescobaldi v3.2 via git and qpageview via pip it opens normally. git clone -b v3.2 pip install qpageview cd frescobaldi ./frescobaldi I still hope for a native apt installation, but until then with this

Re: Frescobaldi & edition engraver

2023-01-05 Thread Michael Dietz
Thank you Laurie, I just upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04 and had Frescobaldi problems. Looking at your log it looks like qpageview is the culprit - it was with me too. You can install a working version by 1) pip install qpageview Unfortunately this did not fix it for me. I uninstalled the Flatpak,

Re: Frescobaldi & edition engraver

2023-01-05 Thread Michael Dietz
Hi Jean, I'm going to wait for Ubuntu to react and I now registered with launchpad to support your efforts. In the meantime, I can use Flatpak for editing and rough previews and the commandline for the real compilation including a specific version and custom fonts. Calling git also doesn't w

Re: Frescobaldi & edition engraver

2023-01-05 Thread Michael Dietz
I have three follow-up questions concerning Flatpak-Frescobaldi: The PDF next to the .ly files seems to be unchanged. Why doesn't it update? How can I install other music fonts? I used to copy them into ~/mydir/lilypond-2.24.0/share/lilypond/2.24.0/fonts/{otf,svg} But as the exectuable is listed

Re: Frescobaldi & edition engraver

2023-01-05 Thread Michael Dietz
Thank you. I installed both oll-core and edition-engraver and tried this example: And this example actually runs. Now I have to see whether the syntax in my scores is still compatible.

Re: Frescobaldi & edition engraver

2023-01-05 Thread Michael Dietz
Thank you Jean, 1. I will try Flatpack 2. Here I was not precise enough: I am already up to date in this repo. git pull says that I am "Already up to date." I apparently forked it back then. The upstream is And the latest commit is from 2019 https:/

Frescobaldi & edition engraver

2023-01-04 Thread Michael Dietz
Hi, after a few years, I come back to LilyPond. I just installed the latest stable version 2.24. Thanks a lot for it. Working on Ubuntu 22.04, I now have two issues: - How to use Frescobaldi (I really enjoyed it but it crashes on startup) - How to get the latest edition engraver (I heavily use

Re: tempo

2021-05-22 Thread michael . dietz
Hi Mario, with \tempo I don't understand the sign before the = in your image... Cheers Michael Am 22.05.21 um 10:35 schrieb Mario Moles: > Hi lilyponders! > > How to make this? Like \markup ? Or other? > >