Can anyone think of a practical way of engraving curved glissandi
between and through notes? I am particularly interested in illustrating a
sinus-wave-like motion between two repeated notes.
Best regards,
lilypond-user mail
> *From:* Stephan Elliot Perez
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Sunday, November 21, 2010 3:03 PM
> *Subject:* \book output
> Greetings,
> When I have multiple \score in a \book , I receive multiple .pdf
> files as output, as if I had processed each of
When I have multiple \score in a \book , I receive multiple .pdf
files as output, as if I had processed each of them separately. How can I
process them into one file?
Many thanks,
lilypond-user mailing list
n 19 November 2010 12:49, Stephan Elliot Perez
> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> > I am trying to use the technique listed on this page
> >
> > for ordering the symb
I am trying to use the technique listed on this page
for ordering the symbols above a note. However certain marks, such as
\downbow and \portato, do not seem to work inside the \markup. Any
I wish to have a parenthesis to the left of a crescendo hairpin and
then its counterpart to the right of a decrescendo hairpin. Is thIs there
an easier way to have this than to insert markups containing the parentheses
and disable padding?
Is there a way to make an ottava line that starts low but goes up at an
angle and then straightens itself again to accomadate a much higher pitch?
I don't see anything for control points in the Internal References...
Kind regards,
due to the nesting), but nothing happens.
Why is this?
On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 6:11 PM, Stephan Elliot Perez <> wrote:
> Thank you!
> On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 6:08 PM, James Worlton wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 16, 2010
I am trying to change the spacing priority of either \markup obects
or pedal markings (\sustainOn and \sustainOff ) so that the latter will be
displayed closer to the staff than the former. I have tried lowering the
priority number of \markup with
\override TextScript #'outside-st
Ah, I just found that
\once \override TextScript #'outside-staff-padding = #5
works for this problem.
On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 2:44 PM, Stephan Elliot Perez <> wrote:
> Thank you for the links. I have read through the sections for twea
Thank you for the links. I have read through the sections for tweaking,
moving objects, and usage of the internal reference, but I still cannot
figure out how to move a \markup vertically upward so that it is no longer
covered by a beam. I am still a bit clueless when I look at this page
Thanks again for the help. I have yet another question. :)
I am notating something for viola and piano. The piano has three staves,
the middle of which is only used for one measure, and is before and
afterward invisible. So the setup is like this:
<< \new Staff { }
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staf
For usage when a note in one staff of a piano system is slurred to
one in the other system, is there a way to make a slur that changes
direction in the middle of the transition? Also, can this be done for
tuplet-brackets as well? Thanks.
Beste Grüße,
Bien cordialement,
Best reg
How can I move other objects? I would like, for example to move dynamic
symbols and text into the system itself. I know how to move text around
within a markup with /lower and /hspace , but not through other objects.
There is probably a section of the notation reference I need to read, but I
am not
Good day,
Could someone please tell me ho to change the vertical position of the
/textSpanner ?
Best regards,
lilypond-user mailing list
I wish to use bars as an indication of seconds and would therefore
prefer it, if the first note of the measure were to touch the bar (and the
stem, if the stem is pointing downward). Does anyone know how this is
Many thanks,
" #UP }
\line \sans \override #'(line-width . 100) \override #'(style . harmonic) {
\hspace #5 Pizzicato - \note #"2" #UP }
\line \override #'(line-width . 100) { \hspace #17 + } }}
On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 11:00 PM, Stephan Elliot Perez <
Does no one know of another way? Mr. Bengtssons suggestion is difficult
because I have other lines of text above and below this one.
On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 10:55 PM, Stephan Elliot Perez <> wrote:
> Thank you ...and what if I want another sign ab
command at
> /Mats
> Stephan Elliot Perez wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I am making instructions for my piece with \markup and want to show
>> the different note heads. I can use \note,
I am making instructions for my piece with \markup and want to show the
different note heads. I can use \note, but since it's inside of a \markup,
I can't change noteheads in the normal way, and if I use \musicglyph, only
the head will be displayed, not the stem- I would like to ha
I have two horn parameters for which I want to display gradual
changes- a transition between stopped and open, as well as between
,,schmetternd" and ,,nicht schmetternd" ( notated as "s" and "ns" ) I have
been trying to do this with \startTextSpan and \stopTextSpan, but it is
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