Dear community,
if I want to simulate plucked strings of different thickness in csound, how
could I achieve this?
Which opcode for physical modelling (plucked, wgpluck, etc.) should I use
for this?
all notes have the same duration.
Am Di., 30. Juli 2024 um 13:40 Uhr schrieb David Kastrup :
> Stefan Thomas writes:
> > With your help, I was able to create a function that can generate
> sequences
> > of a motif in a simple way:
> >
> >> multitranspose =
With your help, I was able to create a function that can generate sequences
of a motif in a simple way:
> multitranspose =
> #(define-music-function (initton seq motiv ) (ly:pitch? ly:music?
> ly:music? )
> (music-clone seq 'elements
>(map (lambda (p) #{ \transpose $initton #(ly:music-pr
ital parts, but you should be able to get it
> working by renaming Transpose.vim to lilypond.vim and moving it into the
> after/ftplugin folder of your (n)vim configuration. Haven't tested it yet,
> though...
> Best,
> Kenneth
> Stefan Thomas, Jun 18, 2024 at 09:3
Dear community,
has anyone of You successfully installed LilyVimTranspose?
Hello everyone,
these are really a lot of suggestions, I will try them out and then get
back to you.
Am Do., 6. Juni 2024 um 11:05 Uhr schrieb Kenneth Flak <>:
> This issue seems related:
> Fennel, Jun 06, 2024
Dear community,
did any of You manage to get the autoload-function for lilypond of vim to
Thanks for Your help,
> works on the shell command line.
> On 03/06/2024 06:24, Stefan Thomas wrote:
> Dear David,
> thanks for Your reply.
> Unfortunately, none of your suggestions have brought the desired result!
> Best,
> Stefan
> Am Mo., 3. Juni 2024 um 03:19 U
Dear David,
thanks for Your reply.
Unfortunately, none of your suggestions have brought the desired result!
Am Mo., 3. Juni 2024 um 03:19 Uhr schrieb David Wright <>:
> On Sun 02 Jun 2024 at 16:10:56 (+0200), Stefan Thomas wrote:
> > again
Dear community,
again, I'm trying to activate point and click in gvim. I made a little
I wrote in the editor options of okular:
gvim --remote-silent +%l %f +normal! %c
When I click on a note, the right document is opened and the cursor is
placed at the correct line, but not at the correct
> Hope it helps!
> On Fri, May 31, 2024 at 8:38 PM Stefan Thomas
> wrote:
>> Dear Paolo,
>> thank for Your help. I've installed chrome and I changed the workspace. I
>> can also see, that webmidi works with this browse
aolo Prete :
> On Thu, May 30, 2024 at 7:14 PM Stefan Thomas
> wrote:
>> Dear Paolo,
>> I could install Spontini. When I open it in chromium browser I get the
>> message "InvalidStateError: Platform dependent initialization failed."
> H
astest choice might be.
> In the meantime you can ask questions in the LilyPond-user mailing list, as
> is also the case for other editors (like Frescobaldi). I normally read this
> mailing list.
> Il gio 30 mag 2024, 10:49 Stefan Thomas ha
> scritto:
>> Dear communiy,
>> is there a user group for the spontini editor?
Dear communiy,
is there a user group for the spontini editor?
-empty sequence of characters without any { character
\ needs escaping
Your could add \s at the end to remove empty spaces or lines
Le 25.05.24 à 18:15, Stefan Thomas a écrit :
Dear community,
I would like to remove automatically all the "\mark \markup { \box { LETTER
} }" in the below q
Dear community,
I would like to remove automatically all the "\mark \markup { \box { LETTER
} }" in the below quoted text. Can I do this with regex? Does someone know
\version "2.22.2"
violine = {
\clef "treble" | % 1
R1*8 | % 9
\mark \markup { \box { A } } R1*8
> g4 r4 r4 |
> c,2. |
> fis2.\pp\( |
> g4\) r4 r4 |
> e2.\( |
> f4\) r4 r4 |
> }
> Regards
> Ritchie
> On Tue, 20 Feb 2024 at 14:49, Stefan Thomas
> wrote:
>> Dear
Dear community,
is it possible to display the dynamics, also haipins and other things like
crescendo etc., in coulour?
Could someone could give me a hint?
Dear Auke,
I don't know this ornament either but maybe it could be useful to see a few
bars more of this music.
> Hallo,
I'm transcribing the organ music of Josef Ferdinand Norbert Seger. The prelude
I'm currently working on, shows an ornamentation I am not familiar with.
See scree
Dear David,
thanks for your reply. But would also a solution with regex be possible?
David Kastrup schrieb am Sa., 9. Dez. 2023, 13:49:
> Stefan Thomas writes:
> > Dear community,
> > I'm using a lot frescobaldi with MIDI input. I would like to know is how
> >
Dear community,
I'm using a lot frescobaldi with MIDI input. I would like to know is how
could I achieve automatically the right enharmonic spelling. e.g. when I
want to get bis instead of c'?
Maybee one could usw a python Script with
Dear community,
is it possible to transpose a sequence of notes with only one motif several
times at once?
I'have in mind something like this:
motiv = { c'4 d' e' c' }
\multitranspose d e fis gis \motiv
% result: d'4 e' fis' d' e' fis' gis' e'e' fis' gis' e' gis'
ais' bis' gis'
Or maybee
Dear Jean,
thanks for Your answer. I understand now!
Am Di., 13. Juni 2023 um 16:43 Uhr schrieb Jean Abou Samra <>:
> Le mardi 13 juin 2023 à 16:34 +0200, Stefan Thomas a écrit :
> Exactly. Sorry I've forgotten to send the link.
> The sn
Exactly. Sorry I've forgotten to send the link.
Am Di., 13. Juni 2023 um 16:15 Uhr schrieb Kenneth Flak <>:
> On 13 Jun 2023 16:12, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> >Le mardi 13 juin 2023 à 15:56 +0200, Stefan Thomas a écrit :
> >> Dear
Dear community,
I discovered the snippet that lets you generate random pitches in Lilypond.
How does Lilypond "know" what are the lowest, what are the highest pitches?
How could I change that?
Thanks for Your help
I just noticed that it doesn't seem to make any difference whether I write
in a latex file, that I process with lilypond-book.
The lines don't fit the page margins.
Does anyone know what to do here?
hings with this module, if You're
Am Di., 20. Sept. 2022 um 21:31 Uhr schrieb Jean Abou Samra <>:
> Le 20/09/2022 à 16:27, Lukas-Fabian Moser a écrit :
> >
> > Hi Stefan,
> >
> > Am 20.09.22 um 13:00 schrieb
t; with regard to helping Lilypond enter the 20th Century. ;)
> Please keep me in the loop!
> Kieren.
> > On Sep 20, 2022, at 10:27 AM, Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote:
> > Hi Stefan,
> > Am 20.09.22 um 13:00 schrieb Stefan Thomas:
> >> Dear community,
> >> sorry, it's a bit an off topic
Dear Lukas,
the file, unfortunately, doesn't work for me, I don't have
Am Di., 20. Sept. 2022 um 16:28 Uhr schrieb Lukas-Fabian Moser :
> Hi Stefan,
> Am 20.09.22 um 13:00 schrieb Stefan Thomas:
> Dear community,
> sorry, it's a bit an off topic: If Y
Dear community,
sorry, it's a bit an off topic: If You are not interested in pitch-class
set theory, You don't have to read the following.
I've worked on a python module dealing with pitch-class set theory as I've
read in "The structure of atonal music" by Allen Forte.
I know that there already exi
Dear community,
I would like to know how the pagebreak could be avoided between the two
"movements" in the below quoted snippet:
\version "2.22.0"
\header { title = "My great Work"
composer ="Stefan Thomas"
Music = \relative c' {c4 d e f g1
Dear community,
thanks for Your answers. I've downloaded and installed omlily and I tried
to export a basic patch, but I can't see any ly-file.
What is wrong with this patch?
Thanks for your help
Dear community,
does anyone of You use openmusic in conjunction with lilypond?
I would like to know how to export a patch to lilypond. A small example or
any hint would be very appreciated!
Dear community,
I try to understand more of the arranger tool, have a look at
Could someone give an instructional example, what the functions copy-out
can do and how it works?
I generally think taht there should be more examples in the docs. I'm
willing to h
Dear community,
I would like to do something like the following, but automatically, without
typing all the music again:
allNotes= { c'8 g' e' g' d' g' f' g' c' g' e' g' }
someNotes = { c' d' c' }
In other words: I would like to filter out every 4th note of allNotes, so
that I could do in combinat
Dear Gilles,
thanks again for Your explanation!
Am Sa., 23. Apr. 2022 um 22:45 Uhr schrieb Gilles Thibault :
> > I would like to ask You two questions concerning the code, You've
> > sended:
> > 1. How does the function noteToRest "know", that the f sharp has to be
> > converted
> >>
> }
> }
> }
> }
> \layout {
> \context {
> \Lyrics
> \override LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
> }
> }
> Il giorno lun 18 apr 2022 alle ore 19:28 Stefan Thomas <
>> ha s
Dear community,
for certain reasons I would like to change the font-style of a Lyrics
context to italic.
I tried it with
\override LyricText #'font-style = #'italic
but without success.
Does someone know how to do it?
flute and there should be a rest in the second one.
Am Mo., 18. Apr. 2022 um 13:43 Uhr schrieb Hans Aikema <>:
> > On 18 Apr 2022, at 12:23, Stefan Thomas
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Dear community,
> > I would like
Dear community,
I would like to split the following example into two parts:
\version "2.22.1"
global = { \time 7/8 }
flutes = {
8 r fis' 8 r 8 r8 r
8 r fis' 8 r r4
I know I can do it with
But the result is the desired only for the first flute.
Whe I do
flA = { \glo
Dear Devin,
did You succeed with your research? I would be interested in a file with
definitions for notenames and accidental glyphs.
Am Do., 29. Juli 2021 um 13:24 Uhr schrieb :
> Thank you; I will do some research.
> On 2021-07-28 13:49, Stefan Thomas wrote:
Dear David,
thanks for Your reply.
Can it also be done with \once \override?
Am Do., 2. Dez. 2021 um 17:07 Uhr schrieb David Kastrup :
> Stefan Thomas writes:
> > Dear community,
> > is it possible to make a clef change invisible, at the end of the line?
> > I don
Dear community,
is it possible to make a clef change invisible, at the end of the line?
I don't want to see the bass clef at the end of the first line here:
\version "2.22.1"
Musik = \relative c'' {
\clef "treble" g f e d
\clef "bass" c4 b a2 }
\new Staff \Musik
Thanks, I'll check it out.
Am Mi., 10. Nov. 2021 um 22:42 Uhr schrieb Gilles Thibault :
> > I would like to understand what is the difference
> > beetween
> >
> >> \new Staff \new Voice \A
> >>
> > and
> >
> >> \new Staff \A
> >>
> This is not related to :
> This snippet works
Dear Gilles,
thanks, it works! I would like to understand what is the difference
> \new Staff \new Voice \A
> \new Staff \A
Could You be so kind and give me a hint?
Thanks, Stefan
Am Sa., 6. Nov. 2021 um 23:48 Uhr schrieb Gilles Thibault :
> Le 2021-11-0
Dear community,
I would like to do with something similar to
Key = { \key f \major }
music =
{ \Key c'4 d' e' f'2.}
artiA = { s2.( s) }
music = { \context Voice << {\music} {\artiA } >> }
I tried in in the following way, without success, unfortunately:
\version "2.22.1"
Dear Devin,
there's also the "society for ekmelic music" in Salzburg, Austria.
They also support mictronal notation with lilypond.
Have a look at
Maybee this helps You!
> Hi All,
> I need help from users who have some ex
Dear Xavier,
thanks, it worked perfectly!
Am Do., 17. Juni 2021 um 21:43 Uhr schrieb Xavier Scheuer <>:
> On Thu, 17 Jun 2021 at 21:28, Stefan Thomas
> wrote:
> >
> > Dear community,
> > in the following example the stems in voice three are to
Dear community,
in the following example the stems in voice three are to short in my
How can I shorten them?
\version "2.22.0"
global = { \key d \minor \time 6/8 }
upper = { \voiceOne
4. 4 8
middle = { \voiceThree
\override Stem.length = #1 % has no effect!
d8 e d
under = { \
Dear Timothy,
thanks for that tip, it works!
Am Mi., 9. Juni 2021 um 22:05 Uhr schrieb Timothy Lanfear <>:
> On 09/06/2021 10:05, Stefan Thomas wrote:
> Dear community,
> is there a way to get the "a due" text in combined parts automatically?
Dear community,
I'm currently trying out (have a look at
Unfortunately, I'm not able to manage some of the functions in the right
In the below quoted example I would like to play the Voice "Lower" colla
parte with Upper in measures 4 and 5.
Dear community,
is there a way to get the "a due" text in combined parts automatically?
Here's my short snippet:
\version "2.22.0"
voiceA = \relative c'' {
c4 d e f g4 f e d c1
R1*27 \break
c4 d e f g4 f e d c1 }
voiceB = { \voiceA }
\score {
\new Staff { \partCombine \voiceA \voice
Dear Mark,
You can do it easily in this way:
\version "2.22"
tune = \relative c'' {
\clef treble
r4^"A" \tuplet 3/2 { d8 d d } \tuplet 3/2 { d8 d d } d8 r8 |
r4^"B" r8 \tuplet 3/2 { d8[ d d] } \tuplet 3/2 { d8[ d d] } d8 |
\score { \new Staff \tune }
But I would recommend to do it as quot
Cool, thanks!
Am Di., 13. Apr. 2021 um 13:27 Uhr schrieb Graham King <>:
> There's an interesting summary here:
> -- Graham
> On 13 Apr 2021, at 11:00, Stefan Thomas
> wrote:
Dear community,
I'm searching, for pedagogical purposes, for an online-midi-file player.
Especially one that could show you the corresponding piano key when a note
is played.
Do You know something like this?
Thanks for You help,
> there are several old sources. But the version in this wiki shows the
> melody without full barlines
> MT
> Verzonden vanaf mijn Huawei mobiele telefoon
> Oorspronkelijk bericht ----
> Onderwerp: het wilhelmus
> Van: Stefan Thomas
> Aan: li
Dear community, especially those of You living in my direct neighborhood in
the Netherlands,
I assume that the melody from "Het Wilhelmus", the National Anthem of NL is
a very old one, from the renaissance.
As far as I know times signatures and especially changes of time signatures
didn't exist in
Thank You for all the information,
I think, this information should be available on the site.
But I will contact Mike by myself.
All the best,
Am So., 11. Apr. 2021 um 14:17 Uhr schrieb Xavier Scheuer <>:
> On Sun, 11 Apr 2021 at 11:11, Stefan Thomas
Dear Thomas,
I've seen these two links before too. But the question remains: Who is the
owner of the website?
Can we trust them?
Am So., 11. Apr. 2021 um 10:45 Uhr schrieb Thomas Morley <>:
> Am So., 11. Apr. 2021 um 09:30 Uhr schrieb
Dear community,
a few days I discovered which seems to be a very
interesting and useful site.
But I didn't find there an impressum.
Who are the people behind this site? Can I trust them?
Does someone of You know something about them?
> Unbound variable: expand-notes-and-chords-copy-of
> Success: compilation successfully completed
Am Sa., 10. Apr. 2021 um 12:32 Uhr schrieb Jonas Hahnfeld :
> Hi Stefan,
> it's of course possible that is not yet prepared for
Dear community,
I've remove lyp and I've also uninstalled and reinstalled lilypond but the
problem still persists.
Does someone of You know, what I could do now?
Am Fr., 9. Apr. 2021 um 17:20 Uhr schrieb Stefan Thomas <>:
> Dear Jon
Dear Jonas,
I've download my lilypond from the lilypond-website, not from my linux
Am Do., 8. Apr. 2021 um 15:40 Uhr schrieb Jonas Hahnfeld :
> Hi,
> Am Donnerstag, dem 08.04.2021 um 11:12 +0200 schrieb Stefan Thomas:
> > Dear gilles,
> > thanks very mu
Dear gilles,
thanks very much for Your reply and Your kind help.
I'm using version 2.22.0 now. Unfortunately, with this version, I can't see
neither metronome-marks nor time signature nor anything else.
I've got this error message:
> error: GUILE signaled an error for the expression beginning her
Dear community,
I' ve tried, for the 1st time,
I copied some code from the Docs. Unfortunately it didn't work as expected.
I could compile the file but I can't see the metronome markings.
Could it be possible that lyp and and exclude each other?
Here' s my file:
> \version>:
> Am Mi., 23. Dez. 2020 um 15:25 Uhr schrieb Stefan Thomas
> :
> >
> > Dear community,
> > I would like to know, how I can avoid the collision between the treble
> clef and the note b in the below quoted example:
> > % SNIP
> > \vers
Dear community,
I would like to know, how I can avoid the collision between the treble clef
and the note b in the below quoted example:
\version "2.20.0"
global = { \key e \major \time 4/4 }
Up = { \change Staff="upper" \stemDown }
Down = { \change Staff="lower" \stemUp }
upper = {
Dear Aaron,
thanks for Your reply.
This works fine for me!
On 2020-12-04 7:10 am, Stefan Thomas wrote:
Dear Thomas,
thanks for Your reply!
Unfortunately the code doesn't work for me, I get the error message:
Processing `/tmp/lyp/wrappers/'
um 23:13 Uhr schrieb Thomas Morley <>:
> Am Mi., 2. Dez. 2020 um 17:10 Uhr schrieb Stefan Thomas
> :
> >
> > Dear community,
> > I found a working code for a bend-before command. I would like to know,
> how I could increase the distance be
Dear community,
I found a working code for a bend-before command. I would like to know,
how I could increase the distance between the bending-sign and the
Thanks for your help.
#(define (scp-stencil grob)
Am Sa., 28. Nov. 2020 um 16:02 Uhr schrieb Mark Knoop :
> At 14:53 on 28 Nov 2020, Stefan Thomas wrote:
> > Dear community,
> > I wanted to add an octavation only to specific pitches. I hope that
> > the following snippet shows better what I want. Unfortunat
fis' e'' f'
dis'' fis' a' d'' fis' a' dis'' fis' e'' f' }
MusicWithOnlySomeOctaves = {
\musicMap \whenPitchAbove c'' \okT \Music
> At 10:51
Dear community,
I would like to add automatically an octabe to certain pitches, e.g. higher
than d''.
I have in mind something like this:
\version "2.18.2"
global = {
\time 6/8 \clef "treble_8" }
okT = #(define-music-function (x) (ly:music?)
\context Voice <<
Dear community,
is there a way to avoid the collision between ledger lines and beams in the
following example:
\version "2.20.0"
Music = {
\time 6/8 \clef "treble_8"
r8 g''-> gis fis' r ais
\new Staff \Music
Could this be done automatically if there are more cases like this?
Thanks for Your he
Dear community,
I wanted to save a file in hacklily (
Unfortunately I can't do this, I always get
> TypeError: e.sent map is not a function.
I should mention that I use the firefox browser.
Has someone an idea what could be wrong?
Dear Frederico,
it worked!
I've installed abjad successfully.
Am So., 1. Nov. 2020 um 22:55 Uhr schrieb Federico Bruni :
> Il giorno dom 1 nov 2020 alle 17:07, Stefan Thomas
> ha scritto:
> > many thanks to Your fast reply. But unfortunately it didn't work
> and if that succeeds then once again try
> pip install abjab
> More than that I can't really say, as I am not an Abjab user (at least not
> yet) and have not installed it myself.
> Best,
> Dave
> On Sun, Nov 1, 2020 at 10:22 AM Stefan Thomas
worrying about it -- the older version of pip is fully functional and
> should not affect your ability to install and run what you need.
> - Dave
> On Sun, Nov 1, 2020 at 9:38 AM Stefan Thomas
> wrote:
>> Dear Dave,
>> thanks for Your soon reply.
>> When I
g pip with sudo (i.e., "sudo pip install --upgrade pip"),
> though it is not really necessary to run abjab or anything else, which
> seems to have installed properly.
> - Dave
> On Sun, Nov 1, 2020 at 8:01 AM Stefan Thomas
> wrote:
>> Dear community,
Dear community,
I tried to install abjad with
pip install abjad
And I got:
> Collecting abjad
> Using cached
> 53d90cc/Abjad-3.1.tar.gz
> Could not import setuptools which is required to install
> Hello,
> Le 21/10/2020 à 12:43, Stefan Thomas a écrit :
> Dear community,
> I'm trying to define microtonal note names and accidentals with the
> HE-font.
> Unfortunately, I get the following error message when I compile the
Dear community,
I'm trying to define microtonal note names and accidentals with the HE-font.
Unfortunately, I get the following error message when I compile the below
quoted file:
> error: wrong type for argument 2. Expecting
> music, found "c"
> Music = \relative
> c' {ch2 cl }
Dear community,
I've recently tried to install microlily with the command
> lyp install microlily
Unfortunately I've got the message:
> Cloning
> Installing microlily@0.1.0
> Could not find include file reference join-path specified in
> /home/s
Dear community,
I've recently and successfully installed lyp, which seems to be a great
When I use the lilypond command, I normally use a bash alias, that allows
my to automatically include a folder, in which I have some templates.
I would like to integrate this path in lyp, but I've no idea
property m 'articulations
whenPitchAbove =
(pitch proc)
(ly:pitch? procedure?)
(lambda (m)
(let ((p (ly:music-property m 'pitch)))
(if (and (ly:pitch? p) (ly:pitch4. }
On 2020-09-24 5:23 am, Stefan Thomas wrote:
Dear community,
Dear community,
I would like to achieve , in a certain example, that all pitches will get
automatically an accent sign.
Like this:
Music = { \time 6/8 g 8 r a g c'-> r g d'-> r g e'-> r }
MusikwithAccents = { \time 6/8 g 8 r a g c->' r g d'-> r d e'-> r }
Can this be done with lilypond?
Has so
Moser :
> Hi Stefan,
> Am 17.09.20 um 10:02 schrieb Stefan Thomas:
> Dear community,
> the following code is very old, written by Rune Zedeler, but it is very
> useful.
> It allows You define a motive like:
> \motiv #'Stefan {c'8 d' c' d' e2}
> and lat
Dear community,
the following code is very old, written by Rune Zedeler, but it is very
It allows You define a motive like:
\motiv #'Stefan {c'8 d' c' d' e2}
and later it can be used like this:
\Stefan {e f g }
and You will get
{e8 f e f g2 }
it can save a lot of typing.
Unfortunately it do
Dear Aaron,
thanks for your help. It's exactly what I was looking for!
> On 2020-05-16 10:49 am, Stefan Thomas wrote:
Dear community,
is it possible to encircle a note in lilypond?
And could someone give a short example of code for this?
Dear community,
is it possible to encircle a note in lilypond?
And could someone give a short example of code for this?
Thank You,
> link was probably changed unintentionally). If you use http then it
> should work.
> Kevin
> On Sun, May 03, 2020 at 06:23:00PM +0200, Stefan Thomas wrote:
> > I found the link which does not work.
> >
> >
> > Am So., and that works for me.
> Kevin
> On Sun, May 03, 2020 at 06:12:22PM +0200, Stefan Thomas wrote:
> > Dear community,
> > at your website You mention lilybin, but the link is broken.
> > By the way: are there other website, which allow to work with lilypond
Dear community,
at your website You mention lilybin, but the link is broken.
By the way: are there other website, which allow to work with lilypond and
maybee also to share scores?
Thanks for Your help,
Dear Roland,
thanks for Your link, You did really good work and I guess it would be
worth to develop it. But off course it's lot of work, I think I could't do
Am Fr., 17. Apr. 2020 um 03:01 Uhr schrieb Roland Goretzki <>:
> Hello Stefan & all,
> You wrote:
> > has
Dear community,
has someone experiences and/or ideas for using lilypond for
I know, there is gnu-solfege, but it has the disadvantage, that it doesn't
exist as an app or can be used browser based.
Are there other projects/ideas around?
Dear community,
I have a problem with the spacing between the piano staff for the left hand
and the violin staff.
I would like to increase the distance.
Off course, I could do it generally, but I would like to do it for just a
few measures.
I tried it by changing the minimun-Y-extent for tupletnumb
> \ottava #1
> \set Staff.ottavation = \markup{ \whiteout \pad-markup #0.2 "8va" }
> $(skip-of-length right)
> }
> \score {
> \new PianoStaff
> <<
> \new Staff= "right" { \right }
>\new Staff = "left" {
Dear community,
I tried to whiteout an ottava bracket, but without success. Does someone
know, how to do this?
> Thanks for Your help!
\version "2.18.2"
rD = { \change Staff = right \stemDown }
lU = { \change Staff = left \stemUp }
right = \relative b {
\override Stem.whiteout = ##t
Dear Thomas,
many thanks for Your reply.
The command \override Staff.AccidentalPlacement.right-padding = 0.25 does
the right thing for me now!
Am Di., 21. Aug. 2018 um 13:42 Uhr schrieb Thomas Morley <>:
> 2018-08-21 10:17 GMT+02:00 Stefan Thomas :
> >
Dear community,
I have a problem with the placement of accents in the following example.
I know it has to do with the layout-block of ekmel.ily, but I don't know,
how to restore the normal behavior.
Here is my example:
> \version "2.18.2"
> \include"ekmel.ily"
> Music = {\tuplet 5/4 { as''16 -
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