Oosterbeek near Arnhem) who can help?
I am willing to pay for this consultancy. Please let me know in a private
Thanks in advance,
Met vriendelijke groet,
Quintijn Hoogenboom
QH software, training & advies
Dennenkampweg 47
6861 GB Oosterbeek
(026) 3334372
Please reconsider my questions below:
Hello list,
Maybe I want too much for a beginner. Not easy, all this stuff, although I
am an experienced programmer in other languages.
I want to add Lyrics to a DrummStaff or (even better) a RhythmicStaff. See
example below.
In order to have
- a single li
Hello list,
Maybe I want too much for a beginner. Not easy, all this stuff, although I
am an experienced programmer in other languages.
I want to add Lyrics to a DrummStaff or (even better) a RhythmicStaff. See
example below.
In order to have
- a single line with a rythm, to be associated with
Mats helped me tremendous with a "tamtam" mode.
I now redefine notes like:
drumPitchNames = #'(
(t . lefttenor)
(T . righttenor)
(b . bass)
(B . rightbass)
#(define mydrums '(
(lefttenor default "marcato" 2)
(righttenor default #f1)
I would like to have a score with all parts in 1 line, but notes that can be
shifted up and down. Also stems fixed in the definition.
lefttenor shifted down 1 stem down
rigthtenor shifted down 1 stem up etc.
I try to figure things out myself ASAP, but the start is though, so thanks
in advance for
Great Mats, thats the way I want to go...
I have version 2.4.2. on windows.
I get the following message though, may be you can help: ('voorbeeld mats'
means 'example mats')
GNU LilyPond 2.4.2
Processing `voorbeeld mats.ly'
Interpreting music... [3]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Hi list,
I am new to lilypond, and am a bit dizzled by the possibilities.
Maybe someone can help me to start a new mode: "tamtam", having as basic
notes t (left tenor) T (left tenor) (or lt and rt if capitals are not
b (bass) B (right bass), s (slap), S (right slap), d (demi slap), D (