Try adding more "\skip"s to the lyrics, until it aligns with your music...
- Nov
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hendrik
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2006 02:43
Subject: How to get no lyrics in foreplay
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
Subject: Re: Italian/Spanish: multiple vowels on one note
>>cordilow (sent by wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've been searching for a way to represent what looks like an upside
>> down breve, and also what looks like a breve spaced as low as an
>> underscore.
Try including
\layout { indent = 0.0\cm }
In your .ly file, or adding the indent = 0.0\cm statement to your existing
\layout { } statement.
- Nov
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of debian
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 23:01
Oops, sent in private by accident.
- Nov
-Original Message-
From: Nahum wengrov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 06:11
To: 'Mats Bengtsson'
Subject: RE: How to retain empty Lyrics staff
It is a piano double-staff with two lyrics lines. Here is t
This causes the lyrics to jump above the piano staves rather than being
between them.
- Nov
-Original Message-
From: Mats Bengtsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 00:17
To: Nahum wengrov
Cc: 'Lilypond Mailing List'
Subject: Re: How to retain em
How do I retain an empty Lyrics staff?
The "\override" example in the manual explains how to retain the first
staff, but the empty lyrics on subsequent music lines are not retained. I
wish to retain an empty lyrics staff across a few lines. How do I do that?
- Nov
-Original Message-
From: Nahum wengrov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 05:28
To: 'Lilypond Mailing List'
Subject: Parentheses, and big continuing slur
>1. I have a big continuing slur all over the upper piano staff, across the
Problem solve
I need help with two problems:
1. I have a big continuing slur all over the upper piano staff, across the
2. I tried to implement the example in "" offered to me
earlier on this mailing list. First instance, around a beam, works fine.
Second instance, however, cau
Quoting Matts Bengtsson:
>> hello
>>> Is there a known bug in Notepad concerning UTF-8, or is it UTF-8
>>> encoding incompatible with Lilypond?
>On the contrary, LilyPond only knows about UTF-8, since version 2.6.0,
>see the manual.
I was asking if Notepad's UTF-8 encoding is incompatible w
Hi again,
I'm using Lilypond 2.6.5-1.
The following code causes Lilypond to halt:
fis4 << {
\override NoteHead #'print-function
#(parenthesize-callback Note_Head::print)
\revert NoteHead #'print-function
} \\ { \stem
I'm using Win XP, Lilypond 2.6.5.
I edited my .ly file, containing Hebrew in header text and in lyrics, in
Notepad and saved is as "UTF-8," but Lilypond seems not to recognise it.
Is there a known bug in Notepad concerning UTF-8, or is it UTF-8 encoding
incompatible with Lilypond?
Should I try
I'd like to thank everyone in this list who gave me
suggestions, and especially Matts Bengtsson
)I hope I spell your name correctly).
I've been able to solve all three of my problems,
According to your suggestions.
Hopefully the Piratical Ballad, also known as
"Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of Rum,"
To: 'Mats Bengtsson'
Cc: 'Lilypond Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Three Questions
>>>Read Section "8.3.2 Hiding staves" and don't forget about the
>>>remove-first option. Lyrics work this way by default.
The example doesn't show me how and where to use the following line:
\override Score.Remove
>>>Read Section "8.3.2 Hiding staves" and don't forget about the
>>>remove-first option. Lyrics work this way by default.
>>Thanks, I already got an answer here to this question. I used "
>>\context { \Staff \remove Time_signature_engraver }" in my \layout
>Yes, but I hope you a
>>2) How can I add parentheses around notes? (Look at the scanned image
>>-- link below -- to see what I mean. It's the two connected 16ths at
>>the end of the 2nd line, the 1st one with lyrics.)
>Well, sort of. See the example called "" in the
>Regression Test document. If yo
>>2) How can I add parentheses around notes? (Look at the scanned image
>>-- link below -- to see what I mean. It's the two connected 16ths at
>>the end of the 2nd line, the 1st one with lyrics.)
>Well, sort of. See the example called "" in the
>Regression Test document. If yo
-Original Message-
From: ... On Behalf Of Han-Wen Nienhuys
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 18:46
Cc: Linda Seltzer;
Subject: Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 38, Issue 17
Erik Sandberg wrote:
> Lilypond doesn't ship with an editor on the Windows p
-Original Message-
From: Mats Bengtsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 21:40
To: Nahum Wengrov
Cc: 'Lilypond Mailing List'
Subject: Re: Three Questions
Mats Bengtsson Wrote:
>Please always tell what LilyPond version you are using, to
>be sure
I'm relatively new to Lilypond. I experimented with it and explored the Fine
Manual quite extensively. I'm qorking now on a Project Gutenberg project,
which means the .pdf output needs to resemble the Original Score as closely
as possible.
I have three questions.
1) Can I hide, from the pdf
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