>From: David Kastrup
>To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
>Subject: Re: Ties across repeats
>"Maarten de Keijzer" writes:
> How can you ?program? ties across the alternative path of a repeat
> volta, to avoid untied notes or chords in the last part?
> Like
How can you ‘program’ ties across the alternative path of a repeat volta,
to avoid untied notes or chords in the last part?
Like in the included example.
lilypond-user mailing list
>-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
>Van: james [mailto:james.lilyp...@googlemail.com]
>Verzonden: zaterdag 19 januari 2013 11:48
>Aan: Maarten de Keijzer
>CC: lilypond-user@gnu.org
>Onderwerp: Re: General bar setup for score
>On Jan 18, 2013, at 11:26 AM, Maarten de Ke
>>Am 16.01.2013 08:51, schrieb Maarten de Keijzer:
>> Hi,
>> Is it possible to create some general setup for the total number of
>> bars within the score, including time changes?
>> In the example I have a score with two voices on t
Is it possible to create some general setup for the total number of bars
within the score, including time changes?
In the example I have a score with two voices on the right (piano) staff
with 6/8 and 3/8 bars.
When I create in one voice some rhythmic accents (like grace notes or
Hi David,
>Message: 2
>Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2012 15:23:40 +0100
From: David Kastrup
>To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
>Subject: Re: Lyrics (David Kastrup)
>Message-ID: <871uesvhjn@fencepost.gnu.org>
>Content-Type: text/plain
Hi David, you wrote:
> You are aware that you don't _need_ to use \lyricsto or \addlyrics?
> Just specify the duration you want in the text itself like
> \new Lyrics \lyricsmode { "And there were"1 "shepherds in"2. the4 field. }
> If you go "one lyric per bar", then you should just need the
With the following 'script' and syllables enclosed by "" I get a score
including the text:
\score {
\new Devnull = "inv" { \chd }
\new ChordNames {
\set chordChanges = ##t
\new Staff <<
\new Voice = "
OK, that brings me a lot further.
But now I want to adjust the text within the bars (more than one syllable per
I tried to that with tildes (like I~will~follow Him), but then the score
doesnot compile
(warning: weet niet hoe "MS-Gothic"="C:/Windows/fonts/msgothic.ttc" in te
bedden Convert
I am trying to create a sheet for choir accompaniment, and have arranged
chord names above the pianostaff with my own notes.
Now I want to add the choir lyrics to the (partly empty) bars to better be
able to deal with rests.
I tried this, but Lilypond complains on not finding 'upper' or 'chd'
Hi Damian,
Thanks, it looks great now, and the comments help to understand !
-Original Message-
From: Damian leGassick [mailto:damianlegass...@mac.com]
Sent: donderdag 22 december 2011 13:32
To: Maarten de Keijzer
Cc: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Subject: Re: Help for partial
Maarten de Keijzer
Cc: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Subject: Re: Help for partial
2011/12/22 Maarten de Keijzer :
> Can someone help me with some strange effects in this score (a
> composition of Yiruma, in which I tried to combine the solo and right
> hand to make it easier to play).
Can someone help me with some strange effects in this score (a composition
of Yiruma, in which I tried to combine the solo and right hand to make it
easier to play).
The piece starts with a partial, which is displayed on its own; why isn't it
combined with a few more measures?
And second: on p
I am using Lilypond on an XP machine, and I am trying to convert some
(compressed) XML files from Capella.
But all ends each time with the same error messages:
C:\Temp\nc\XML>musicxml2ly -v Yes.capx
Reading MusicXML from Yes.capx ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\Eas
From: Phil Holmes [mailto:m...@philholmes.net]
Sent: donderdag 27 mei 2010 12:10
To: Maarten de Keijzer; lilypond-user@gnu.org
Subject: Re: Using the Piano template
Congratulations on the Scarlatti - it looks excellent. I'm not an expert on
the template, since I&
Apparently my message did not make it to the 'users', maybe because of the
enclosed .ly file.
This is the text of the message, however:
I am using the "Piano template with centered dynamics" to engrave existing
music to improve its quality for using it in MusicReader (a program to show
and hand
I am using the "Piano template with centered dynamics" to engrave existing
music to improve its quality for using it in MusicReader (a program to show
and handle sheets on a computer screen).
I have been busy quiet some time to engrave Scarlatti's Sonate L345.
I took the template, and split both st
I am rather new to Lilypond, but eager to learn.
So, I am busy 'converting' existing sheetmusic to Lilipond files.
Now I need an arpeggio between two voices in one staff, where (at least) one
of the voices have single notes.
For example: upper voice b8, lower voice d4; both at the third count o
18 matches
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