Re:Ties across repeats (David Kastrup)

2013-10-01 Thread Maarten de Keijzer
>From: David Kastrup >To: >Subject: Re: Ties across repeats >"Maarten de Keijzer" writes: > How can you ?program? ties across the alternative path of a repeat > volta, to avoid untied notes or chords in the last part? > Like

Ties across repeats

2013-10-01 Thread Maarten de Keijzer
How can you ‘program’ ties across the alternative path of a repeat volta, to avoid untied notes or chords in the last part? Like in the included example. <>___ lilypond-user mailing list

RE: General bar setup for score

2013-01-21 Thread Maarten de Keijzer
>-Oorspronkelijk bericht- >Van: james [] >Verzonden: zaterdag 19 januari 2013 11:48 >Aan: Maarten de Keijzer >CC: >Onderwerp: Re: General bar setup for score > >On Jan 18, 2013, at 11:26 AM, Maarten de Ke

RE: Re: General bar setup for score

2013-01-18 Thread Maarten de Keijzer
>>Am 16.01.2013 08:51, schrieb Maarten de Keijzer: >> >> Hi, >> >> Is it possible to create some general setup for the total number of >> bars within the score, including time changes? >> >> In the example I have a score with two voices on t

General bar setup for score

2013-01-15 Thread Maarten de Keijzer
Hi, Is it possible to create some general setup for the total number of bars within the score, including time changes? In the example I have a score with two voices on the right (piano) staff with 6/8 and 3/8 bars. When I create in one voice some rhythmic accents (like grace notes or acciaccatur

RE: Re: Lyrics (David Kastrup)

2012-12-15 Thread Maarten de Keijzer
Hi David, -- >Message: 2 >Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2012 15:23:40 +0100 From: David Kastrup >To: >Subject: Re: Lyrics (David Kastrup) >Message-ID: <> >Content-Type: text/plain >"Maarten

RE: Re:Lyrics (David Kastrup)

2012-12-14 Thread Maarten de Keijzer
Hi David, you wrote: > > You are aware that you don't _need_ to use \lyricsto or \addlyrics? > Just specify the duration you want in the text itself like > > \new Lyrics \lyricsmode { "And there were"1 "shepherds in"2. the4 field. } > > If you go "one lyric per bar", then you should just need the

RE: Lyrics

2012-12-12 Thread Maarten de Keijzer
Thanks, With the following 'script' and syllables enclosed by "" I get a score including the text: \score { << \new Devnull = "inv" { \chd } \new ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t \chd } \new Staff << \new Voice = "

RE: Lyrics

2012-12-11 Thread Maarten de Keijzer
OK, that brings me a lot further. But now I want to adjust the text within the bars (more than one syllable per bar). I tried to that with tildes (like I~will~follow Him), but then the score doesnot compile (warning: weet niet hoe "MS-Gothic"="C:/Windows/fonts/msgothic.ttc" in te bedden Convert


2012-12-11 Thread Maarten de Keijzer
Hi, I am trying to create a sheet for choir accompaniment, and have arranged chord names above the pianostaff with my own notes. Now I want to add the choir lyrics to the (partly empty) bars to better be able to deal with rests. I tried this, but Lilypond complains on not finding 'upper' or 'chd'

RE: Help for partial

2011-12-22 Thread Maarten de Keijzer
Hi Damian, Thanks, it looks great now, and the comments help to understand ! Maarten -Original Message- From: Damian leGassick [] Sent: donderdag 22 december 2011 13:32 To: Maarten de Keijzer Cc: Subject: Re: Help for partial Hi

RE: Help for partial

2011-12-22 Thread Maarten de Keijzer
Maarten de Keijzer Cc: Subject: Re: Help for partial 2011/12/22 Maarten de Keijzer : > Can someone help me with some strange effects in this score (a > composition of Yiruma, in which I tried to combine the solo and right > hand to make it easier to play). > >

Help for partial

2011-12-22 Thread Maarten de Keijzer
Can someone help me with some strange effects in this score (a composition of Yiruma, in which I tried to combine the solo and right hand to make it easier to play). The piece starts with a partial, which is displayed on its own; why isn't it combined with a few more measures? And second: on p

XML2Liliypond conversion

2010-06-22 Thread Maarten de Keijzer
I am using Lilypond on an XP machine, and I am trying to convert some (compressed) XML files from Capella. But all ends each time with the same error messages: C:\Temp\nc\XML>musicxml2ly -v Yes.capx Reading MusicXML from Yes.capx ... Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program Files\Eas

RE: Using the Piano template

2010-06-02 Thread Maarten de Keijzer
7;. Maarten From: Phil Holmes [] Sent: donderdag 27 mei 2010 12:10 To: Maarten de Keijzer; Subject: Re: Using the Piano template Maarten, Congratulations on the Scarlatti - it looks excellent. I'm not an expert on the template, since I&

Using the Piano template

2010-05-25 Thread Maarten de Keijzer
Apparently my message did not make it to the 'users', maybe because of the enclosed .ly file. This is the text of the message, however: I am using the "Piano template with centered dynamics" to engrave existing music to improve its quality for using it in MusicReader (a program to show and hand

Using the Piano template

2010-05-25 Thread Maarten de Keijzer
I am using the "Piano template with centered dynamics" to engrave existing music to improve its quality for using it in MusicReader (a program to show and handle sheets on a computer screen). I have been busy quiet some time to engrave Scarlatti's Sonate L345. I took the template, and split both st


2010-05-14 Thread Maarten de Keijzer
Hi, I am rather new to Lilypond, but eager to learn. So, I am busy 'converting' existing sheetmusic to Lilipond files. Now I need an arpeggio between two voices in one staff, where (at least) one of the voices have single notes. For example: upper voice b8, lower voice d4; both at the third count o