Multiple voices tie across barline into single voice?

2014-09-14 Thread Joey Di Nardo
Looking for a solution to something like the following: { %measure 1 \time 1/4 << {\voiceOne r16 c8.~} \\ {\voiceTwo r8 e8~} >> | %measure 2 4 } Anyone have any leads? Thanks, Joey ___ lilypond-user mailing list https://lists.gnu

Replacing glyph visuals with arbitrary unicode character

2014-03-23 Thread Joey Di Nardo
I'm looking for a method to replace glyphs (in this case, clefs and certain rests) with unicode values from a preinstalled font. I can access the character I want with the standard \char ##x where is hexadecimal, but I would like to find a way to replace a glyph with the character without

Using custom fonts and unicodes

2014-03-22 Thread Joey Di Nardo
I am currently trying to access custom unicode characters via: \markup{\override #'(font-name . "Blissymbolics") \char ##x1234} Where 1234 is the unicode hexadecimal code, however this is giving me incorrect, foreign characters, which leads me to believe that the font I'm trying to access isn't v

Noteheads as numbers/characters

2014-03-21 Thread Joey Di Nardo
Does anyone know how to make a notehead a custom ascii character/s? Say, '+', '5', or '+5'? Thanks, Joey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Adjust individual accidental padding

2014-03-14 Thread Joey Di Nardo
Hi all, I am using an alternate notation that allows for multiple notes to be on the staff-line, using multiple accidentals to differentiate notes. My problem, as shown in the photo, is that I feel the topmost accidental should be placed over the bottom two, and I feel I could achieve this by adju

Altering spacing between individual accidentals

2014-03-10 Thread Joey Di Nardo
Hi all, Does anyone know of a snippet that will change the spacing of two accident las positioned near each other? For example, the distance between the two sharps that would appear when given: Thank you for the help, Joey ___ lilypond-user mailing li

Override default bar line style to 'dashed'?

2014-03-05 Thread Joey Di Nardo
I have seen in the lilypond docs how to do this on a bar by bar basis, a la: g1 \bar "dashed" a1 but I have been searching for an override command such thtat it will apply to all barlines. Does anyone happen to know the command offhand? Thanks for all help, Joey

'Accidental' collision in newer versions of lilypond

2014-03-05 Thread Joey Di Nardo
Hi all, I am attempting to use Sagittal notation accidentals in my lilypond files (see folder link), and as you can see when you run the accidentals collide with the actual note glyphs. The ratios_correct.pdf shows how it should appear, and ratios.pdf shows the current output from runnin

Re: Feathered Beams + Make-Moment Confusion

2012-02-15 Thread Joey Di Nardo
One more thing is that because they increase in speed, I don't want them labeled as a tuplet, so I suppose I'll have to figure out how to make that number invisible in that instance. On Feb 15, 2012, at 7:05 PM, Thomas Morley wrote: > Hi Joey, > > 2012/2/16 Joey Di Nardo :

Re: Feathered Beams + Make-Moment Confusion

2012-02-15 Thread Joey Di Nardo
rcOne } } \version "2.15.27" On Feb 15, 2012, at 4:09 PM, Thomas Morley wrote: > Hi Joey, > > 2012/2/15 Joey Di Nardo : >> Hello all, I am currently dealing with this measure: >> >> |%26 >> r8\mp >> \times 2/3 { wbh16 wbh r16 } >> \override B

Feathered Beams + Make-Moment Confusion

2012-02-14 Thread Joey Di Nardo
Hello all, I am currently dealing with this measure: |%26 r8\mp \times 2/3 { wbh16 wbh r16 } \override Beam #'grow-direction = #RIGHT \featherDurations #(ly:make-moment ? ?) { wbh16[ wbh wbh r16 wbh] } r2. |%27 And I'm a bit uncertain as to how to manipulate the make-moment in order to not retur

Re: Articulations positioned under stem when using \autochange

2012-02-01 Thread Joey Di Nardo
Thanks all, I see now how I missed explicitly instantiating the voices. If interpreted as three voices, would you consider the third voice (the double-stemmed) quarter-note value? On Feb 1, 2012, at 5:07 PM, David Kastrup wrote: > Thomas Morley writes: > >> I am interpreting the upper staff

Re: Making invisible the barline that extends between staff groups

2012-02-01 Thread Joey Di Nardo
Thank you kindly Toine! Worked like a charm On Feb 1, 2012, at 5:11 AM, Toine Schreurs wrote: >> It's just that barline that appears between the percussion parts >> (not between the two staves that comprise their parts) I want to >> make invisible. > > 1 Change the first '\new StaffGroup' into '

Articulations positioned under stem when using \autochange

2012-02-01 Thread Joey Di Nardo
Hi all, sorry I've been posting so much, just encountering a bunch of little griefs that I can't find the answers to in the IR or snippets. My staccatos and marcatos appear under the stem when I compile using \autochange. When I take it away, everything compiles correctly. I'm assuming this mig

Re: Making invisible the barline that extends between staff groups

2012-01-31 Thread Joey Di Nardo
Thanks for the help Thomas, am I correct in that all you added was: > \new StaffGroup\with { \override SpanBar #'transparent = ##t } It's just that barline that appears between the percussion parts (not between the two staves that comprise their parts) I want to make invisible.

Making invisible the barline that extends between staff groups

2012-01-31 Thread Joey Di Nardo
Hi all, I'm trying to make invisible the barline that extends between the staff groups, so that only the menstriche line are present. Here's my code: \paper { #(define dump-extents #t) #(set-paper-size "11x17") %line-width = 160\mm - 2.0 * 0.4\in %indent = 0\mm %force-assignment = #

Making accidentals invisible/or progress on Sagittal notations

2011-12-12 Thread Joey Di Nardo
Hi all, I've been following (through google) the current progress of microtonal notation in LilyPond, and as of September of 2009, there still seemed to be large amounts of trouble with microtonal notation in general, and the website that David Keenan had at bigpond: