Some of you assumed that I wanted to add text to the end, but that
is not the case: lilypond-book would have done a fine job. I want
to add some text in the middle of a piece, but that text has no
melody. The accompanying(?) music continues, but that small piece
of text goes without rithm
I would like to set lyrics on skips, text without melody.
Is that possible without very clever lilypond-tweaking?
Lilypond-user mailing list
I would like to use different fontshapes in lyrics. Within one line I require
regular, bold and italics/slanted to select the group singing. Looking at
the .tex file it looks like this cannot be accomplished easily. Writing
a perl script to add fontselectors is not my first option. Anot
The more I typeset, the more questions I have.
I would like to add some extra white between groups of notes,
small melodical patterns. At the moment I do that using \bar"",
but the white is very small, I cannot ajust it, and it feels
clumbsy. Is there something like the LaTeX \hspace{} in
Hello Lilypond experts,
Step by step I get where I want to be. At the moment I have two
items I cannot get right.
The first one is that I want to get rid of the TimeSignature,
I want it to be empty. How can I do that?
The second one is that I want to set the TextScript font myself
(hope the na
Hello Lilypond experts,
I'm stumbling over a problem I cannot fix. Because lilypond can set
such complex music, typesetting music exactly the way you want turns
out to be rather complex.
At the moment I want to set a piece of music that has four melody
lines on two beams (treble and bass). The
On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 12:29:58PM +0100, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> Fulko van Westrenen wrote:
> >...
> > I have a question about the tenuto symbol. The bar is very thin.
> > How can I get a fatter one?
> It's actually hard coded in the font. Of course, yo
Thank you for the help. The input/test/rests.ly file was very usefull.
I use \property Staff.Rest \set #'style = #'neo_mensural
All looks very nice now. Some wondered why I use stempUp/Down. I need that
for a proper placement of some notes, because sometimes a half-note is
completely cov
I try to set some barless music, a modern variant of Gregoriant chant.
There are no normal bars: bars are only used to separate the different
parts. The notes have no stems, only quarters and halves are used.
This is no problem using Lilypond. You only need lots of spaces (s1,s2,...).