On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 12:29:58PM +0100, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> Fulko van Westrenen wrote:
> >...
> > I have a question about the tenuto symbol. The bar is very thin. 
> > How can I get a fatter one?
> It's actually hard coded in the font. Of course, you could use a bar
> from some other TeX font if you wish.

I leave this one

> > Font selection seems difficult. Is it possible to let ly2dvi 
> > make a .tex file?
> It's easier to set the font in the .ly file directly.
> By default, Lilypond only knows about the CM fonts
> (with the choice of different size, series, shape and family).
> However, you can choose any LaTeX font by specifying its name
> (unfortunately, the low-level TeX name, Lilypond doesn't understand
> about NFSS2):
> \property Lyrics.LyricText \override #'font-name = #"pplr8r"
> Note that font-name will override all other font-* properties.

This works great. I use Bembo now. I also edited titledefs.tex
so that the correct fontfamily, fontshapes and sizes are selected 
when I run ly2dvi. It is all hardcoded (Q&D) at the moment, maybe 
I will think about a more flexible selection later.

The only miror flaw is that the the text-remarks on top of the beams
(e.g. a,2^"scream") are still CM-font. How can I select this font?

Thanks a lot,


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