Re: empty left space in measures

2014-10-09 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Thanks Trevor, Am 9.10.2014 um 15:44 schrieb Trevor Daniels : > > Kai, you wrote Thursday, October 09, 2014 2:27 PM > >> In many of my scores for choral pieces I see an effect, that I could >> not make a minimal example for. So my question is, if anyone has >> seen this and could point me tow

empty left space in measures

2014-10-09 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Hi List, In many of my scores for choral pieces I see an effect, that I could not make a minimal example for. So my question is, if anyone has seen this and could point me towards the usual suspects of reasons for this behaviour. Often I see a expanded empty space at the beginning of measures.

Re: constructing variables

2014-06-19 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Hi David and Urs, thanks for your fast replies. David’s suggestion does just very fine. > But this begs the question why you don't just assign the whole tempo > specification to a single variable. Of course, you are right! But I was using this request as an example for some other questions I

constructing variables

2014-06-19 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
\version "2.19.7" Hi everyone! is it possible to construct variables from others? I want to construct \tempo "Text" 4=80 from the variables tempoText = "Text" and tempoNumber = "4=80" that are defined at two different places in a complicated file structure (\include) I tried: \version "2.

Ambitus not in the beginning

2013-11-24 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Dear list, sorry to ask again and I hope this time it will not be something obviously explained in the manual. Is there a way to insert ambitus at the beginning of a staff, that is not the first staff of the score? A piece I am doing starts of with solo voice and organ and later the choir sets

Re: shape ties/slurs after line break

2013-11-24 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
the „known problem“ can be worked around partly with \shape. … I take that back!!! I originally read the german translation and the above is my replay for that (I was automatically referred there?!?!). The english version has it all. Thanks a lot. Kai > Hi, > > 2013/11/24 &quo

shape ties/slurs after line break

2013-11-24 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Hi everyone! just having finished my largest project so far I have been diving into tweaks and overrides quite extensively for the first time. I keep being amazed by LP’s capabilities Some questions have popped up, for which I couldn’t find any answer in the Manual. Could anyone give me a h

snippet does not work anymore

2013-05-27 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Hi List, I've been seeing a lot snippets being identified by numbers, but I can't find out, where to search for that number. Reading the manual I stumbled upon a snippet that hast stopped working somewhere between versions 2.16 and 2.17.15. It is in the snippet department in "Rhythms" under the

Thank you

2013-03-22 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Hello List, I just want to let you know, that I continue to be _very_ thankful for all the great ideas, patient explanations and profound help I draw from this list! The amount of time most of you invest in this is truly heroic! I have been telling this to many music-friends of mine and realise

silence single notes in MIDI

2013-03-12 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Dear List, In a choral piece I used cross-noteheads for places, where the singers are requested to make a noise (in this case a kissing-noise). I used d2 \once \override NoteHead.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print \once \override NoteHead.text = \markup { \musicglyph #"noteheads.s2cros

Warning with voltaSpannerDuration

2012-10-09 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
sorry, I forgot the example: \version "2.17.4" music = { \relative c'' { \repeat unfold 2 { g4 f a b } } } \score { \new Staff << \set Score.voltaSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 2 1 ) \repeat volta 2 { \music \music \music

Warning with voltaSpannerDuration

2012-10-09 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Dear list, when using repeats with alternatives and restricting the volta spanner to one or two bar I get warnings when compiling. If you uncomment the line \set Score.voltaSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 2 1 ) in the below example, I hope you will be able to reproduce the warning. The sam

Re: rhythm fragments in different pitches

2012-09-22 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Hi, I am seriously sorry, I annoyed you with bugs in the code and lengthy files. It was not meant like that and I apologize. Especially since I really continue to be amazed by the efficiency of this list and the speed, with which help is offered. So I hope you will forgive my obviously mistaken

rhythm fragments in different pitches

2012-09-22 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Hi Everyone, Although I am positive, that I read about this in the list, I cannot find it anymore. So I kindly ask for a pointer in the right direction. I am trying to code a piece with voices that use the same rhythmical fragment over and over again. I would like to write something like: \ve

Re: slashSeparator-question

2012-09-13 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
g the separator and a collision avoidance for it be a feature worthwhile including in a future version of Lilypond? Best regards, Kai Am 14.9.2012 um 04:50 schrieb eluze: > > Phil Holmes-2 wrote >> >> - Original Message ----- >> From: ""Dr. med. Kai Laute


2012-09-13 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Hi Everyone, in my scores I usually use the command: system-separator-markup = \slashSeparator within the /paper-block. Sometimes at the same time I want very narrow distances between staves (system-system-spacing). After searching the manuals I couldn't find an answer to two questions concern

Re: vertical spacing of text-paragraphs

2012-07-26 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
} Am 26.07.2012 um 20:40 schrieb Martin Guy: > On 26 July 2012 19:47, "Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger" > wrote: >> When I write text with several paragraphs, I noticed a different vertical >> spacing after the paragraphs, when they include semicolon (;) or "\"&qu

vertical spacing of text-paragraphs

2012-07-26 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Dear List, When I write text with several paragraphs, I noticed a different vertical spacing after the paragraphs, when they include semicolon (;) or "\"" (quotation marks). This does not change when I try to control the spacing with \vspace. Am I missing something or is this expected behavior?

Re: position of markup and eps

2012-07-14 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
\line did it. once again I ask myself, why I didn't think of that myself. Thanks a lot for pointing me there. best regards, Kai Am 14.07.2012 um 11:39 schrieb Thomas Morley: > 2012/7/14 "Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger" : >> Hi Thomas, >> >> thanks, that sol

Re: position of markup and eps

2012-07-14 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
noticed, that the upper edge of the picture is positioned slightly below the upper edge of the letters in the text's first line. Is there a tweak for that? best regards, Kai Am 14.07.2012 um 09:32 schrieb Thomas Morley: > 2012/7/14 "Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger" : >> Hi Li

position of markup and eps

2012-07-14 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Hi List, I want to add some information on the composer under the score. it should have picture (xxx.eps) at the left and a justified text on the right with a small white space between. Picture and text should be aligned at the top and the the text should run along the picture. The following un

horizontal shift

2012-07-07 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Hi List, is there any way to make lilypond shift the visible contents on a page to the _outer_ edge? It would be something like horizontal-shift, while that command within the \paper-block seems to shift the content to the right on _all_ pages (meaning even and odd ones). Did I miss something?

error with lilypond-book

2012-07-07 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Hi all, I am trying to get my way into lilypond-book. After reading the manual, I started and got the following error (using \version 2.15.40 with jEdit5.0pre1 on a Mac with OS 10.7.4) when I invoke lilypond-book: (command: --format=latex %buffer) "Error running external comma

Re: combining pieces in one book

2012-06-25 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Hi Jan-Peter, thanks for the explanation. Right now I am fiddling around with Christophers idea of splitting up the files in content-files and layout-files. I had this before and just changed… Oh, well. It sounds logical to me though. and working with functions is just copy and paste for me, be

Re: combining pieces in one book

2012-06-25 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Am 23.06.2012 um 22:23 schrieb David Kastrup : > "Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger" writes: > >> and got the following errors (this is just the first few of many many errors: >> >> ---8<---SNIP--- >> »/Users/kailautensc

Re: combining pieces in one book

2012-06-23 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Am 23.06.2012 um 16:37 schrieb Phil Holmes: > - Original Message - From: ""Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger"" > > To: "lilypond-user User" > Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2012 2:53 PM > Subject: combining pieces in one book > > >>

combining pieces in one book

2012-06-23 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Hi to all, If this has been answered before, please point me there. I searched the manual several times, but couldn't find an answer, that helped me. I have many pieces for male choir, that are stored as .ly-files in a directory with a subdirectory for every piece. All of them use some files v

Re: position of footer

2012-06-01 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Am 31.5.2012 um 17:26 schrieb -Eluze: > > I think you are filling the columns with empty lines - better (and easier) > would be to define a markup item for each case you have (middle pages and > last page): > > oddFooterMarkup = \markup > \fill-line { >%% Fuß alle Seiten außer erste und le

position of footer

2012-05-31 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Dear list, being on the list for only a few days has given me so many new ideas and input for improving my scores, that I like to send out my thanks for that first!!! Now to my latest question: I tweaked the footers in my files with: %% Einführung der Variable not-last-page #(define (no

Re: Appreciation / Financial support

2012-05-28 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Hi, > \mark \markup { > \musicglyph #"scripts.segno" } is just printing a nice graphic. and imho it does that better than any other program I used. best regards Kai ___ lilypond-user mailing list

cantor and choir

2012-05-14 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Hi Everyone, typesetting liturgical music I need a solution for the following problem: I have a solo system in change with a choir staff. solo staff should go on in highest choirstaff system (first tenor) when solo changes to choir. choirstaff (complete) should vanish completely, when choir cha

changing lyric font

2012-05-10 Thread Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger
Hi Everybody, is there a possibility to change the lyric font? I would like to add lyrics in hebrew and found out, how to include utf-8 in the lyrics. For better readability I need a hebrew font other then the standard. For \markup texts that works just fine. But in the \lyricmode it doesn't. C