s is a very recent feature of lilypond. Notice that it means that you
> don't any longer have to specify the bar lines with a property-statement
> - you CAN use \bar "|."
> -Rune
OK, how to syncronize them properly? Look at the example...
--- Dmitry Rutsky
elp. Maybe I did something wrong?
In the example I'm sending again I've inserted these translator modifications
in paper block, however lilypond makes the same two 4/4 time signatures...
--- Dmitry Rutsky
RH = \context Staff = upper \notes \relative c
\time 4/4
c'4 e g c
How can I get different time signatures on different staffs? Why example I am
sending doesn't work?
--- Dmitry Rutsky
RH = \notes \relative c
\time 4/4
c4 f g c
\bar "|."
LH = \notes \relative c
\time 12/8
c8 d e f g a b c