> This is one that was solved for me a short time ago. There may be a > newer fix, but you don't say which version of lilypond you're using.
I am using 1.6.4. > This one is good for 1.6.0 and on: > > In the paper block, add the following: > > > \translator{ \ScoreContext > \remove "Timing_engraver" } > > > \translator { \StaffContext > \consists "Timing_engraver"} <...> > > I hope this helps you as much as it helped me! It doesn't help. Maybe I did something wrong? In the example I'm sending again I've inserted these translator modifications in paper block, however lilypond makes the same two 4/4 time signatures... --- Dmitry Rutsky
RH = \context Staff = upper \notes \relative c { \time 4/4 c'4 e g c \property Staff.whichBar = "|." } LH = \context Staff = lower \notes \relative c { \time 12/8 c'8 d e d e f g a b a b c \property Staff.whichBar = "|." } \score { \context PianoStaff < \RH \LH > \paper { \translator { \ScoreContext \remove "Timing_engraver" } \translator { \StaffContext \consists "Timing_engraver" } } } \version "1.6.4"