On 3/24/09 2:40 AM, -Eluze wrote:
> how do you invoke the trill? the following makes the "tr" disappear!
> {
> \override TrillSpanner #'(bound-details left text) = \markup {}
> e 2
> \startTrillSpan
> fis
> d
> \stopTrillSpan
> }
On 3/23/09 10:06 AM, Graham Percival wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 10:01:58AM -0400, Benjamin Smedberg wrote:
>> Has edge-text changed since that example was written against 2.10?
> Yes; please see the News document for 2.12.
Do you mean this?
"All line spanners are
I've been trying to engrave a bell shake with a trill line using
\startTrillSpan + \stopTrillSpan
By default, trillspans have the text "tr" printed at the beginning of the
trill line: to suppress this, I used
\override TrillSpanner #'edge-text = #(cons "" "")
However, this didn't seem to have an