On 3/24/09 2:40 AM, -Eluze wrote:
> how do you invoke the trill? the following makes the "tr" disappear!
> {
>         \override TrillSpanner #'(bound-details left text) = \markup {}
>         e 2 
>         \startTrillSpan 
>         fis
>         d 
>         \stopTrillSpan
>         }

Thanks for your help: I was indeed putting the \override outside of a << >>
block. Do overrides only take effect for the current voice?

Also, the lilypond that comes with Fedora 9 (2.11.57) doesn't work. 2.12.2
works well.

Thanks all for the help. Does anyone know if/when the LSR will be upgraded
to 2.12? I'd like to post this solution and a couple others I've developed
for bell and chant notation.


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