> Le 14/01/2023 à 10:30, Bart Kummel a écrit :
>> Hi Jean,
>> Thanks for your reply. Very insightful! I wonder why Google didn’t come up
>> with a link to this issue…
>> Anyway, it looks like the solution will be merged into
As a follow up, I can confirm that installing the fonts manually from also fixed the problem. Can
be a work around if you want to stick with the Homebrew installation.
> Op 14 jan. 2023, om 10:30 heeft Bart Kummel het volgende
> gesc
Hi Jean,
Thanks for your reply. Very insightful! I wonder why Google didn’t come up with
a link to this issue…
Anyway, it looks like the solution will be merged into Homebrew’s main soon. I
might be able to just wait for it. I’ll keep an eye on the issue.
Thanks again!
> Op 13 ja
mation from XML to
non-XML, but not the other way around.) I think it should be possible to
write a XSugar grammar for converting Lilypond format to MusicXML and back.
Unfortunately I don't have the time to investigate this, but perhaps someone
else has...
Best regards,
Bart Kummel, Hilversum,
be converted with "Tools" > "Convert Text To..." > "Unicode". Good luck!
Best regards,Bart Kummel, Hilversum, The NetherlandsOn 7/27/06, anders stenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:Hi!Did download & install the conText editor & Your highlights &
Hi all,Is there some progress in this area? I'm still willing to co-sponsor the even/odd margin feature for EUR 15,00. Perhaps is can be combined with the feature for page layout sections?Best regards,Bart Kummel, Hilversum, The Netherlands
On 5/27/06, Bart Kummel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wr
Hi Han-Wen, Gianluca,I don't know if anybody else is going to help sponsoring the mirrored-margins feature, but you can add me to the list for EUR 15.Best regards,Bart Kummel, Hilversum, The Netherlands
On 5/26/06, Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Gianluca D. schreef:>
Using a wiki is just one suggestion to change this. Perhaps there are other ways. I'd like to hear other people's ideas about this.Best regards,Bart Kummel
lilypond-user mailing list
You're all doing a great job! Thanks for that!
Best regards,Bart Kummel, Hilversum, The NetherlandsOn 4/14/06, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:On 14-Apr-06, at 8:20 AM, Bart Kummel wrote:> So I was thinking of a method to make contibuting to the docs more
> easy. Perhaps
ur, so I know a low about organ and also choral music notation.
Best regards,Bart Kummel, Hilversum, The NetherlandsOn 4/14/06, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:Hi all,I'm getting a bit overwhelmed working on the documentation, so I'm
asking for help. I've posted a list of
>> \new Staff \relative c { \clef bass c1 }>>\layout { \context { \Staff \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-6 . 6)
}}Hope this helps.Best regards,Bart Kummel, Hilversum, The NetherlandsOn 4/9/06, MX <
Thanks a lot! This simply works. And it's flexible too, since I can manipulate the "%d-%m-%Y" string!Bart KummelOn 4/5/06, Toine Schreurs
Try:date = #(strftime "%d-%m-%Y" (localtime (current-time)))Toine Schreurs> I'm using Lilypond 2.8.0 on windows XP. For versioning re
m on Windows XP. (Using lily
2.8.0). Best regards,Bart Kummel, Hilversum, The Netherlands.On 4/5/06, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:Harald Wellmann wrote:>>> I hope you have seen the related emails on the mailing list.
>>>> I've seen some, but none that re
he Scheme language,
but I'm not very familiar with that.)
Best regards,
Bart Kummel, Hilversum, The Netherlands.
lilypond-user mailing list
of which I have very little these days, so it may take some time...Regards,
Bart Kummel On 3/23/06, Eduardo Vieira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Bart,Maybe you could achieve that by saving your files as EPS and inserting themin a word processor that could handle mirrored pages.I also wonder i
I think I'm going to give lilypond-book a try, as Graham suggested.
(Thanks for that Gramah!) I hope to find some time this weekend. Has someone already done this with lilypond-book? Please let me know your experiences and perhaps someone can be so kind to share some example with the mailinglist...
some hack? Has somebody done this before? (I already
searched the snippet repository.)
I am a programmer, so I'm not affraid of some hacking around, but Scheme is not
a language I'm familiar with, so I'd appreciate need some help on that.
Best regards,
Bart Kummel, Hilver
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