Hi all,

Unfortunately I do not agree with most of your points. About searching: I often use google. With the option site:lilypond.org you can narrow the search to that site and by including a version number in the search terms you can narrow it down to one version. This method could be used with a wiki too.

About the "tarballs". Most Windows users don't even know what a "tarball" is. Personally I hate local documentation. I always have a browser window open, so it's very easy to seach for a topic by using Google as explained above.

And Graham: I don't get your point saying that the current docs are easier to maintain that a wiki. In the current setup, every piece of documentation has to go through your hands. With a wiki, everyone could add things themselves, so you will get far less work, even if you think editing a wiki is more comples than what you are doing now. (Apart from the fact that in my opinion there is nothing simpler than editing a wiki page...)

Making tarballs available with newer docs than the website looks like a good step, but I think a website should always represent the latest state.

One of the reasons that earlier wiki's weren't a big success could be that people do not want another place to look for documentation. Therefore the best solution (in my opinion) is to replace the current docs with a wiki. I think the way the documentation is done now is a little bit oldfashioned. It may be good for the linux-geeks amongst the lilypond users. But for Windows users, who generally have less knowledge about operating systems, it is now not easy to use and/or to contribute.

Let me end with this: I do appreciate all the work you do in making both lilypond itself and its documentation better with every release. You're all doing a great job! Thanks for that!

Best regards,
Bart Kummel, Hilversum, The Netherlands

On 4/14/06, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

On 14-Apr-06, at 8:20 AM, Bart Kummel wrote:

> So I was thinking of a method to make contibuting to the docs more
> easy. Perhaps it's a good idea to set up a wiki for the docs.

As other people have pointed out, we've tried wikis in the past.  The
latest version is still online:

In addition, adding new material to the docs is EASIER than using a

> I think there are many benefits for using a wiki instead of the way
> the documentation is done now. I think it's more easy for the editor,
> because he doesn't have to add all contibutions manually,

This is absolutely NO problem for me if I get an email which proposes
the exact changes.  The problem in writing docs is in coming up with
the initial text, not in the technical step of translating it into

> Another benefit is that we don't have to wait until a new version of
> Lilypond is built for new documentation to come available on-line.

If this is a serious concern, I could start making doc tarballs
available -- or even hosting temporary docs on my webpage.  I agree
that sometimes this has bothered me.

>  A third benefit is that the documentation does not depend on one or a
> few persons any more.

There is nothing intrinsic in a wiki that does this.  Whether the
documentation depends on a few people is simply a matter of the
community.  As I've said, adding new material to the docs is easier
than adding an entry to a wiki.  All you need is email.

- Graham

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