3:51, Pierre Perol-Schneider <
pierre.schneider.pa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry, wrong link :
> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2020-01/msg00541.html
> Le ven. 17 févr. 2023 à 13:08, Pierre Perol-Schneider <
> pierre.schneider.pa...@gmail.com> a écrit :
ble bar. /bar "||" s1
> Shane
> On Fri, Feb 17, 2023, 4:36 AM Aberforth D - Instrumentals <
> aberfor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am working on a complete piano vocal score for an opera. To keep things
>> manageable I w
I am working on a complete piano vocal score for an opera. To keep things
manageable I work on individual pieces one at a time, one file per piece. I
intend to combine them later with a superseding file into a book. My
problem is this: Sometimes, a piece ends with a key change or time chang
I've come along a problem that made me wonder if this is by design or a bug
that could be fixed in future versions. I'm still on version 2.20.0 so
maybe it has been fixed already. In that case, sorry for lagging behind.
The problem seems to occur when an accidental (in this case a natural)
gt;> Please check:
>> http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/Text-spanner-with-middle-text-td233523.html
>> HTH, cheers,
>> Pierre
>> Le mar. 14 juil. 2020 à 11:04, Aberforth D - Instrumentals <
>> aberfor...@gmail.com> a écrit :
spanText "al"
s4. s8\stopTextSpan s2\startTextSpan
s2.. s8\stopTextSpan
\score { <<
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff <<
\new Voice \RH
\new Dynamics \dyn
\new Staff <<
\new Voice \LH
I'm having problems inserting a long dynamic spanner. It spans a total of
about 16 bars starting with pp and ending with ff. In between I need dashes
with regular spaced words: "cresc. poi a poco a poco sino al".
I know how to do this with only 2 words where the first word goes into the
Thanks for this insightful clarification. I'll just take care not to apply
it to the first or last bar on a staff. A minimum of 3 bars per staff
should not be a real limitation.
Aberforth D
On Mon, 29 Jun 2020 at 16:46, Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote:
> Hi,
> > No, I was applying it to the
other bar on the
staff. As I rarely have just 1 bar on a staff this should not be a problem
in practice.
Aberforth D
On Mon, 29 Jun 2020 at 15:06, Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 29.06.20 um 14:41 schrieb Aberforth D - Instrumentals:
> > It works although it doesn
\showMultiRests R \break
> }
> \score {
> <<
> \new Staff
> \with {shortInstrumentName = #"Pt A"}
> \partA
> \new Staff
> \with {shortInstrumentName = #"Pt B"}
> \partB
> >>
> }
> Cheer
I'm currently working on a piano-vocal score for an opera. I'm using a
Frenched score layout so empty staves are removed from the systems. I
usually aim for 12 to 14 staves on a page. If necessary I am willing to
accept a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 15 staves, but I try to avoid that.
I have a problem obtaining the correct font for TextScripts. When I type
the following command:
c4^\markup \italic "legato"
it shows up all right in Frescobaldi but the svg file does not produce the
correct font. Indeed, the source-code of the svg file only states "serif"
as font. When I
12 matches
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