
I'm currently working on a piano-vocal score for an opera. I'm using a
Frenched score layout so empty staves are removed from the systems. I
usually aim for 12 to 14 staves on a page. If necessary I am willing to
accept a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 15 staves, but I try to avoid that.

I have now run into a situation where I have a system with only 8 staves
and it is impossible to fit another system on that same page. The result is
that the system is stretched out enormously and it just looks terrible. In
such a case professional engravers often choose to show the empty staves as
well in that specific system because it's visually more pleasing that way.

I tried to do that with
\override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup.remove-empty = ##f
but this only works at the beginning of a score, not halfway.

So I looked into a way to make Lilypond think there is actually music on
the staff and the solution I came up with is to add a second voice with
just one note and remove its stencil. I use a whole note so I only have to
omit the notehead and I make it a grace note to avoid problems with time
signatures other than 4/4. Like this:

  \omit Staff.NoteHead
  << R2.*4 \new Voice \grace g'1 >>
  \undo \omit Staff.NoteHead

There is a script below this message that demonstrates how it works.
Although it works, it feels like an ugly hack and something tells me there
must be a more elegant way to do this. I would be grateful for any help.

Another solution in this specific case would also be acceptable: It so
happens that 2 singers have exactly the same notes and lyrics (in that
system, not the whole score) so it should be possible to omit one of the
two staves and change the shortInstrumentName of the other to represent
both singers. The same is true for the next system, so they would then fit
together on one page. Changing the name of a staff on the fly is easy, but
I have found no way to omit the staff of the other singer, other than
replacing the music itself by rests. Removing the stencil of all grobs just
leaves an empty space where the staff used to be. Any suggestions?

Aberforth D

\version "2.20.0"
\language "english"

\layout {
  \context {

fillBar = \relative c' { g'8[ g g g g g] | }
fillLine = { \fillBar \fillBar \fillBar \fillBar }

partA = {
  \key d \major \time 6/8 \clef "G"
  \fillLine \break
  \fillLine \break

partB = {
  \key d \major \time 6/8 \clef "G"
  \fillLine \break                  % Staff with notes is shown
  R2.*4 \break                      % Staff without notes is hidden
  \omit Staff.NoteHead
  << R2.*4 \new Voice \grace g'1 >> % Staff without notes is shown...
  \undo \omit Staff.NoteHead        % ...but is there a better way?
}                                   % How to hide a staff with notes?

\score {
  \new Staff
    \with {shortInstrumentName = #"Pt A"}
  \new Staff
    \with {shortInstrumentName = #"Pt B"}

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