Hi Jean,
could have sworn there was some issue with contexts being alive using
\RemoveEmptyStaves, but I fail to reproduce this ... But then, it doesn’t
really make sense, as page breaking is done after als context magic is
applied. I probably just messed up, that’s something I’m quite proficie
> Le 22 août 2022 à 17:12, Valentin Petzel a écrit :
> Hi Ken,
> you have two different scores, one that produces a score and one that
> produces
> midi (is there any specific reason not to use one score with both \layout { }
> and \midi { }?).
> The first one works fine, the second
Hi Ken,
you have two different scores, one that produces a score and one that produces
midi (is there any specific reason not to use one score with both \layout { }
and \midi { }?).
The first one works fine, the seconds creates problems. Basically what’s
happening is that you never actually na
Pavel, thank you! Everything worked out. I will add that it should not just be enclosed in curly brackets, but also with spaces { #lyric }.A byzantine font "ByzantineLily" ("ByzantineMusic" & "EZ"):https://disk.yandex.ru/d/3olUfp1eHpZFBwSymbol table:https://disk.yandex.ru/i/CM0oXkWfqUaNSAhttps://di
Павел writes:
> Нужно ещё заключить #lyricup и #lyricdown в фигурные скобки (в функции
> makeScore), как в моём примере. С этим исправлением ваш пример у меня
> заработал.
> 21.08.2022 21:02, Лысов Дмитрий пишет:
>> Я исправил, но все равно что-то не так. Этот вариант кода выдает ошибки:
Uh, P
Нужно ещё заключить #lyricup и #lyricdown в фигурные скобки (в функции
makeScore), как в моём примере. С этим исправлением ваш пример у меня
21.08.2022 21:02, Лысов Дмитрий пишет:
Я исправил, но все равно что-то не так. Этот вариант кода выдает ошибки:
I fixed it, but there's still
Or possibly
\version "2.22.1"
\fixed c' {
\once \set subdivideBeams = ##t
\once \set baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/8)
c32 c c c
\tuplet 3/2 {c32 c \set stemRightBeamCount = #2 c } \set stemLeftBeamCount =
c64 c c c
> 22 aug. 2022 kl. 09:47 skrev Leo Co
I’d guess it’s a written-out accelerando. For exactly how I would do it could
depend a bit on circumstances, like tempo and melody, but I think this is
fairly readable and how I would do it at lest in reasonably slow tempi…
\version "2.22.1”
\fixed c' {
\set subdivideBeams = ##t