I’d guess it’s a written-out accelerando. For exactly how I would do it could 
depend a bit on circumstances, like tempo and melody, but I think this is 
fairly readable and how I would do it at lest in reasonably slow tempi…

\version "2.22.1”
\fixed c' {
  \set subdivideBeams = ##t
  \set baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/16)
  c32 c c c \tuplet 3/2 {c32 c c} c64 c c c
  \unset subdivideBeams
  \unset baseMoment

> 22 aug. 2022 kl. 04:28 skrev Greg Lindstrom <gslindst...@gmail.com>:
> I am working on transcribing a euphonium solo and have come across a rhythm 
> that I cannot figure out how to notate. As an aside, I am loving lilypond and 
> am impressed with the level of detail that has gone into it. It makes 
> engraving scores fun!
> Here is the figure; it is a single beat in 5/4 time (so it's duration is 1 
> quarter beat):
> 4-32nd notes
> a triplet consisting of 3-32 notes
> 4-64th notes
> I'm not even sure of how to divide this up, as the 4-32nd notes would take 
> twice as long as the 4-64th notes. I'm note sure what the composer is going 
> for or how the performer will interpret it, but I want to be faithful to the 
> part (there isn't a full score -- only a piano reduction -- so I'm engraving 
> the parts to make it). Normally, I would have the 32nd and 64th note beams 
> with an 8th note beam between each of the 3 groups, but the 3 groups are not 
> of equal duration.
> Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
> --greg

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