Re: setting the beatlength for sixteenth-sixtuplets

2009-11-08 Thread Paul Scott
Stefan Thomas wrote: Dear community, I would like to define a function, that allows me to set the beat-length to 1/8 for 16th-triplets. And I would like, if it could work for every kind of bar. I tried it with: \version "2.12.2" SSX = #(define-music-function (parser location x) (ly:music?) #{

Re: change lyric placement depending with \RemoveEmptyStaffContext

2009-11-08 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Am Sonntag, 8. November 2009 schrieb Peter Keller: > I'm have a vocal score which uses bass clef almost exclusively during > the verses. I'd like to keep the lyrics below the staff when the treble > clef is hidden, and between staves (above bass clef) when it appears. > Any suggestions for how to

change lyric placement depending with \RemoveEmptyStaffContext

2009-11-08 Thread Peter Keller
I'm have a vocal score which uses bass clef almost exclusively during the verses. I'd like to keep the lyrics below the staff when the treble clef is hidden, and between staves (above bass clef) when it appears. Any suggestions for how to do this? Peter

Re: Partial measure repeat alternatives

2009-11-08 Thread Hans Aberg
On 8 Nov 2009, at 21:09, Jay Anderson wrote: I wonder how to fix partial measure repeat alternatives, as in the snippet below. The MIDI unfold part causes bar-check error, and experimenting with \skip and spacer rests "s..." introduces unwanted extra space. The first section does not have

Re: Partial measure repeat alternatives

2009-11-08 Thread Jay Anderson
On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 8:47 AM, Hans Aberg wrote: > I wonder how to fix partial measure repeat alternatives, as in the snippet > below. The MIDI unfold part causes bar-check error, and experimenting with > \skip and spacer rests "s..." introduces unwanted extra space. The first > section does not

programming error: Improbable offset for stencil

2009-11-08 Thread Frédéric Bron
What do these errors mean? programming error: Improbable offset for stencil: Infinity staff space Setting to zero. continuing, cross fingers programming error: Improbable offset for stencil: NaN staff space Setting to zero. continuing, cross fingers Frédéric ___

programming error: Adding reverse rod?

2009-11-08 Thread Frédéric Bron
What does this error mean? "programming error: Adding reverse rod" Frédéric ___ lilypond-user mailing list

setting the beatlength for sixteenth-sixtuplets

2009-11-08 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear community, I would like to define a function, that allows me to set the beat-length to 1/8 for 16th-triplets. And I would like, if it could work for every kind of bar. I tried it with: \version "2.12.2" SSX = #(define-music-function (parser location x) (ly:music?) #{ \set beatLength = #(ly

Partial measure repeat alternatives

2009-11-08 Thread Hans Aberg
I wonder how to fix partial measure repeat alternatives, as in the snippet below. The MIDI unfold part causes bar-check error, and experimenting with \skip and spacer rests "s..." introduces unwanted extra space. The first section does not have an upbeat; only the one following it. Hans

Re: Tie doesn't tie

2009-11-08 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi David, Wouldn't it be nice to be able to say ~~ and have the tie work staff-level? Yes. it gets worse when working with <<\\>> when you have to start guessing the right \voiceOne and similar settings in order to have the invisible notes sit on the same place as the visible ones. I neve

Re: Tie doesn't tie

2009-11-08 Thread David Kastrup
Kieren MacMillan writes: > Hi Erik, > >> Why doesn't the first bar tie to the second? > > Because there are three different Voice contexts involved here... be > sure to read the documentation, especially > voices#Multiple-voices>

Re: lilypond 2.13.7 is released

2009-11-08 Thread David Kastrup
Jean-Charles Malahieude writes: > Forgot the list! [...] > I think the only new users to know that when you push the switch, > first the roll advances two clicks so your sheet goes forward, and > when you push it further, the carriage goes to the right so that the > character on top of the next