On 8 Nov 2009, at 21:09, Jay Anderson wrote:

I wonder how to fix partial measure repeat alternatives, as in the snippet below. The MIDI unfold part causes bar-check error, and experimenting with \skip and spacer rests "s..." introduces unwanted extra space. The first
section does not have an upbeat; only the one following it.

Take out the skips and make the second ending a partial measure:

   \alternative {
     { \times 2/3 {c8-. r16} | }
     { \partial 16*2 \times 2/3 {c8-. f,16} | }

That did it. Thanks!

The latest notation.pdf has a comment on p. 50/61, "Known issues and warnings", saying that \partial is intended to only be used at the beginning of a piece. So this use in \alternative seems contradicting that.


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