Dear group members,
since a couple of days I try to align a single system (orchestral score)
vertically: see attachment for details;
the problem is that there is a large amount of
M@ Nichols wrote:
Instead of putting a single, double, or triple slash tremolo on a snare
drum note, how do you add the "z" as a roll?
\version "2.12.2"
\drums {
sn4 sn8 sn sn4 sn4:32
sn8 sn16 sn sn sn8 sn16 sn8 sn sn4
How would I add the "z" marking to the red snare example?
Greetings M
On 07/25/2009 08:09 AM, Neil Puttock wrote:
I'd class this as a bug, since the documentation suggests it should
work. Fortunately, it's rather easy to fix, so I'll post a patch for
it soon.
If you're feeling adventurous and can't wait for a new release with
the fix, you can use the attached fi
I use something like (this is pulled from a score I recently set):
\markup\small\italic { "D.C. al " \raise #0.8 \musicglyph #"scripts.coda" }
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [mailto:lilypond-user-bounces+nick.payne=internode
aha! Many thanks Mark!
Mark Polesky wrote:
Nick Didkovsky wrote:
What is the proper way to add 16th note tremolo to a note that
has a dotted duration?
The following renders a dotted eighth note with a single tremolo
slash instead of two trem slashes
That is correc
Nick Didkovsky wrote:
> What is the proper way to add 16th note tremolo to a note that
> has a dotted duration?
> The following renders a dotted eighth note with a single tremolo
> slash instead of two trem slashes
> g'8.:16
That is correct. For a note value equal to a quarter note or
Dear Bertalan,
thanks for Your advices!
I was now able to change the desired stuff.
2009/7/27 Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool)
> To exit the piano, Escape alone should work. If it doesn't try to change
> its binding to something different.
> Stefan Thomas wrote:
> Dear Beralan,
> thanks for
Try this:
\general-align #Y #CENTER {
\bold \large "D.S. al"
\musicglyph #"scripts.varcoda"
and see if that does what you want. You can make life easier by doing:
varCoda = {
\general-align #Y #CENTER {
\bold \large "D.S. al"
\musicglyph #"s
What is the proper way to add 16th note tremolo to a note that has a
dotted duration?
The following renders a dotted eighth note with a single tremolo slash
instead of two trem slashes
Nick Didkovsky
PS Excuse me if this appears twice on the mailing list. I emailed
> ...and I'm not getting entirely what I need. The varcoda sign is too
> low and too close to the preceding text. I've been searching through
> the docs to find a solution and have not yet come across what I need.
> Ideas?
Try fiddling with
\raise #1.0
\hspace #1.0
2009/7/27 Daryna Baikadamova :
> Hi,
> I have got some friends in the orchestra who are really afraid of
> tackling the Lilypond language. However I would really need them to
> share my workload of re-typesetting orchestral scores to get the
> parts.
> My long term plan is to give a player an
I'm trying to create a \mark which contains:
\markup {\bold \large "D.S. al" \musicglyph #"scripts.varcoda" }
...and I'm not getting entirely what I need. The varcoda sign is too
low and too close to the preceding text. I've been searching through
the docs to find a solution and have not yet
To exit the piano, Escape alone should work. If it doesn't try to change
its binding to something different.
Stefan Thomas wrote:
Dear Beralan,
thanks for Your help!
Changing the shortcut was no problem now, but, unfortunately, shift
escape didn't help, although the windows was docked. I don't
Dear Beralan,
thanks for Your help!
Changing the shortcut was no problem now, but, unfortunately, shift escape
didn't help, although the windows was docked. I don't know, why!
2009/7/27 Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool)
> Stefan Thomas wrote:
> Dear Bertalan,
> thank You very much for the new ver
I have got some friends in the orchestra who are really afraid of
tackling the Lilypond language. However I would really need them to
share my workload of re-typesetting orchestral scores to get the
What do you think about the quality of Lilypond outputs by MuseScore
0.94? I had a lo
Stefan Thomas wrote:
Dear Bertalan,
thank You very much for the new version of the Lilypondtool!
For the virtual piano, that can make use of midi, I've been waiting
for a long time.
But I have two problems with this plugin (which, I guess, can be
solved easily):
1. When the piano is switch
Dear Bertalan,
thank You very much for the new version of the Lilypondtool!
For the virtual piano, that can make use of midi, I've been waiting for a
long time.
But I have two problems with this plugin (which, I guess, can be solved
1. When the piano is switched on, it is not so comfor
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