vertical alignment of single systems on page

2009-07-27 Thread grisu_76
Dear group members, since a couple of days I try to align a single system (orchestral score) vertically: see attachment for details; Missa+in+Es_Partitur_04_Graduale.pdf the problem is that there is a large amount of

Re: attaching buzz marking in percussion

2009-07-27 Thread Bryan Stanbridge
M@ Nichols wrote: Instead of putting a single, double, or triple slash tremolo on a snare drum note, how do you add the "z" as a roll? \version "2.12.2" \drums { sn4 sn8 sn sn4 sn4:32 sn8 sn16 sn sn sn8 sn16 sn8 sn sn4 } How would I add the "z" marking to the red snare example? Greetings M

Re: clip-systems png output?

2009-07-27 Thread M Watts
On 07/25/2009 08:09 AM, Neil Puttock wrote: I'd class this as a bug, since the documentation suggests it should work. Fortunately, it's rather easy to fix, so I'll post a patch for it soon. If you're feeling adventurous and can't wait for a new release with the fix, you can use the attached fi

RE: text with \musicglyph

2009-07-27 Thread Nick Payne
I use something like (this is pulled from a score I recently set): \markup\small\italic { "D.C. al " \raise #0.8 \musicglyph #"scripts.coda" } Nick > -Original Message- > From: > [mailto:lilypond-user-bounces+nick.payne=internode

Re: adding tremolo to a note with dotted duration

2009-07-27 Thread Nick Didkovsky
aha! Many thanks Mark! best Nick Mark Polesky wrote: Nick Didkovsky wrote: What is the proper way to add 16th note tremolo to a note that has a dotted duration? The following renders a dotted eighth note with a single tremolo slash instead of two trem slashes g'8.:16 That is correc

Re: adding tremolo to a note with dotted duration

2009-07-27 Thread Mark Polesky
Nick Didkovsky wrote: > What is the proper way to add 16th note tremolo to a note that > has a dotted duration? > > The following renders a dotted eighth note with a single tremolo > slash instead of two trem slashes > > g'8.:16 That is correct. For a note value equal to a quarter note or longer,

Re: ANN: LilyPondTool 2.12.869 Final Release

2009-07-27 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear Bertalan, thanks for Your advices! I was now able to change the desired stuff. 2009/7/27 Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) > To exit the piano, Escape alone should work. If it doesn't try to change > its binding to something different. > > > Stefan Thomas wrote: > > Dear Beralan, > thanks for

Re: text with \musicglyph

2009-07-27 Thread David Stocker
Try this: \mark \markup \line \general-align #Y #CENTER { \bold \large "D.S. al" \musicglyph #"scripts.varcoda" } and see if that does what you want. You can make life easier by doing: varCoda = { \mark \markup \line \general-align #Y #CENTER { \bold \large "D.S. al" \musicglyph #"s

Re: adding tremolo to a note with dotted duration

2009-07-27 Thread Nick Didkovsky
Hello What is the proper way to add 16th note tremolo to a note that has a dotted duration? The following renders a dotted eighth note with a single tremolo slash instead of two trem slashes g'8.:16 Thank-you Nick Didkovsky PS Excuse me if this appears twice on the mailing list. I emailed

Re: text with \musicglyph

2009-07-27 Thread Gilles Sadowski
Hi. > ...and I'm not getting entirely what I need. The varcoda sign is too > low and too close to the preceding text. I've been searching through > the docs to find a solution and have not yet come across what I need. > > Ideas? Try fiddling with \raise #1.0 and \hspace #1.0 Best, Gil

Re: Quality of Lilypond outputs by MuseScore > 0.94

2009-07-27 Thread Francisco Vila
2009/7/27 Daryna Baikadamova : > Hi, > > I have got some friends in the orchestra who are really afraid of > tackling the Lilypond language.  However I would really need them to > share my workload of re-typesetting orchestral scores to get the > parts. > > My long term plan is to give a player an

text with \musicglyph

2009-07-27 Thread David Bobroff
I'm trying to create a \mark which contains: \markup {\bold \large "D.S. al" \musicglyph #"scripts.varcoda" } ...and I'm not getting entirely what I need. The varcoda sign is too low and too close to the preceding text. I've been searching through the docs to find a solution and have not yet

Re: ANN: LilyPondTool 2.12.869 Final Release

2009-07-27 Thread Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool)
To exit the piano, Escape alone should work. If it doesn't try to change its binding to something different. Stefan Thomas wrote: Dear Beralan, thanks for Your help! Changing the shortcut was no problem now, but, unfortunately, shift escape didn't help, although the windows was docked. I don't

Re: ANN: LilyPondTool 2.12.869 Final Release

2009-07-27 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear Beralan, thanks for Your help! Changing the shortcut was no problem now, but, unfortunately, shift escape didn't help, although the windows was docked. I don't know, why! 2009/7/27 Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) > Stefan Thomas wrote: > > Dear Bertalan, > thank You very much for the new ver

Quality of Lilypond outputs by MuseScore > 0.94

2009-07-27 Thread Daryna Baikadamova
Hi, I have got some friends in the orchestra who are really afraid of tackling the Lilypond language. However I would really need them to share my workload of re-typesetting orchestral scores to get the parts. What do you think about the quality of Lilypond outputs by MuseScore 0.94? I had a lo

Re: ANN: LilyPondTool 2.12.869 Final Release

2009-07-27 Thread Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool)
Stefan Thomas wrote: Dear Bertalan, thank You very much for the new version of the Lilypondtool! For the virtual piano, that can make use of midi, I've been waiting for a long time. But I have two problems with this plugin (which, I guess, can be solved easily): 1. When the piano is switch

Re:ANN: LilyPondTool 2.12.869 Final Release

2009-07-27 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear Bertalan, thank You very much for the new version of the Lilypondtool! For the virtual piano, that can make use of midi, I've been waiting for a long time. But I have two problems with this plugin (which, I guess, can be solved easily): 1. When the piano is switched on, it is not so comfor