On 6/8/09 6:15 PM, "Laura Conrad" wrote:
>> "Carl" == Carl D Sorensen writes:
> Carl> Here's my attempt to get the spacing you're looking for. I've
> Carl> done it manually, but if you like it, I think that I can write
> Carl> a music function \petrucciSpacing{} that will
Thanks! That worked perfectly.
On 2009 Jun 13, at 10:38, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi Tom (and Jon)
This almost works perfectly - however, it still prints the actual
barline (or puts the space for it if I set it transparent) as seen
Why not just override the BarLine itself?
Hi Tom (and Jon)
This almost works perfectly - however, it still prints the actual
barline (or puts the space for it if I set it transparent) as seen
Why not just override the BarLine itself?
\version "2.12.2"
divisioMaior = {
\once \override Score.BarLine #'stencil = #ly:breathin
This almost works perfectly - however, it still prints the actual
barline (or puts the space for it if I set it transparent) as seen here:
What I'm trying to do is get the end of a line end with a half bar
(instead of the more proper open bar) so I can break like music at the
I'm glad to announce version 0.4.0 of OOoLilyPond, the software that
combines the power of OpenOffice.org and LilyPond.
The new version is now easier to use and it has many new features:
- The line width and the staff size can be set in the OLy dialog.
- OLy has a built in template editor.
- The t
Kalirren wrote:
In general, is it possible to create a laissez-vibrer tie that
lasts a certain length of time, or until a certain note?
Probably not, because IR 3.2.85 [1] says it is
A tie which is only on one side connected to a note head.
You could however make it _look_ longer, but then
On 6/12/09 9:10 AM, "Tim McNamara" wrote:
> On Jun 12, 2009, at 1:28 AM, Tao Cumplido wrote:
>>> I think it's great that you did this. Have you put this on LSR?
>> Thanks. I haven't put this on LSR yet because the function hasn't
>> been much tested yet. Maybe I should have done
Le 9 juin 09 à 18:25, Carl D. Sorensen a écrit :
On 6/9/09 9:16 AM, "Jean-Alexis Montignies" wrote:
You can find an example of a chord notated as 'phrygian' (well it's
more a
modal indication, but that's what the composer Gary Peacock
intended) in the
lead sheet for Vignette.