(simulating) a spanner with multiple "stops"

2009-03-25 Thread Wilbert Berendsen
Hi, I try to write something like: poco . . . . . a . . . . . . poco . . . . . . descresc. ideally it would be one spanner with on two places some text displaying (and hiding the dashes). What would be a strategy? Currently I use two spanners, one for 'poco' til the 'other' (but ending in emp

Re: fermata below the barline

2009-03-25 Thread Gilles THIBAULT
Hi Gilles (et al.), It's not a troll, but i don't think it is very useable in a real music because the snippet add the "Mark_engraver" to the second Staff, so you have to do the choice to get also all \mark in both Staff, like in the example below. Good point... although that's easy to g

Re: repeat percent and chords

2009-03-25 Thread Robin Bannister
Kees Serier wrote: but it is the "normal" percent sign with open zeros, where the repeat sign has filled zeros Yes, well, those repeat signs are site-mixed as it were, and I have no idea how to persuade the contractor to do an unscheduled job in unfamiliar surroundings. But I did find some

Re: repeat percent and chords

2009-03-25 Thread Neil Puttock
2009/3/23 Kees Serier : > I changed the two e:m chords for the following: \repeat percent 2 {e:m} > What happens is that in the second measure, instead of the percent sign, > there is nothing (in the MIDI file no chord is played on that measure) There's no engraver in the ChordNames context to pr

Re: fermata below the barline

2009-03-25 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Gilles (et al.), It's not a troll, but i don't think it is very useable in a real music because the snippet add the "Mark_engraver" to the second Staff, so you have to do the choice to get also all \mark in both Staff, like in the example below. Good point... although that's easy to get a

Re: fermata below the barline

2009-03-25 Thread Gilles THIBAULT
Hi all, This is the snippet that gave me the clues: http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=402 Even more useful is It's not a troll, but i don't think it is very useable in a real music because the snippet add the "Mark_engraver" to the second St

Re: repeat percent and chords

2009-03-25 Thread Kees Serier
Robin Bannister schreef: > Kees Serier wrote: >> I want to have the percent sign for a duplicate chord in the next >> measure (in \chordmode). > > I don't know how particular you are. Would this be good enough? > > > percentCN = \once \override ChordNames.ChordName #'stenci

Re: Overlong extender

2009-03-25 Thread Carl D. Sorensen
On 3/25/09 12:07 PM, "Chris Snyder" wrote: > Carl D. Sorensen wrote: >>> Can you give a bit more context? After paring down to just this, I'm having >>> a >>> little difficulty understand how this problem arises in the actual music. >>> The >>> extender is so long because there's no text after

Re: odd configure error

2009-03-25 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 25.03.2009 um 14:54 schrieb John Mandereau: James E. Bailey a écrit : Am 25.03.2009 um 14:41 schrieb Graham Percival: Nothing; they come from exactly the same source. The version in the AU is going to die soon, where "soon" means "within 4 months". So then why the difference? I should

Re: Overlong extender

2009-03-25 Thread Chris Snyder
Carl D. Sorensen wrote: >> Can you give a bit more context? After paring down to just this, I'm having a >> little difficulty understand how this problem arises in the actual music. The >> extender is so long because there's no text after it, simply adding another >> syllable solves that problem. S

Re: Sibelius conversion - sib2ly

2009-03-25 Thread Johan Vromans
Grammostola Rosea writes: > Did you try to import midi in NtEd? and export it to lily. I thought > the midi import is pretty good of nted, don't know how well the > lilypond export functions works.. NtEd has problems importing the MIDI. It seems to insist on putting the 4 voices on a single staf

Re: fermata below the barline

2009-03-25 Thread Hajo Dezelski
Hello, the first solution produced an error: "Warnung: Zwei gleichzeitige mark-Ereignisse, dieses wird verworfen" The second of the snippet database seems to work. Sorry that I didnt find the solution. I searched through all manuals and snippets list and overlook the repository. Next time I know

Re: fermata below the barline

2009-03-25 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi all, This is the snippet that gave me the clues: http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=402 Even more useful is If you search the LSR for "fermata", it's on the first page of hits. =) Hope this helps! Kieren.

Re: feathered midbeam direction change

2009-03-25 Thread Jonathan Kulp
Neil Thornock wrote: Oops, to the whole list now... In response to my own question, one can just set the positions of the main beam as well, so actually, I think this works rather well. It's certainly cleaner than Finale... Thanks Trevor for putting me on it again! \version "2.12.1" \new St

Re: fermata below the barline

2009-03-25 Thread Jonathan Kulp
Hajo Dezelski wrote: Hello, is there a way to position the fermata below the barline? I only found : \mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.ufermata" } And Such objects are only typeset above the top staff of the score; Hajo You can set the direction of the RehearsalMark object: \overrid

Re: feathered midbeam direction change

2009-03-25 Thread Neil Thornock
Oops, to the whole list now... In response to my own question, one can just set the positions of the main beam as well, so actually, I think this works rather well. It's certainly cleaner than Finale... Thanks Trevor for putting me on it again! \version "2.12.1" \new Staff {<< { \oneVoice \ov

fermata below the barline

2009-03-25 Thread Hajo Dezelski
Hello, is there a way to position the fermata below the barline? I only found : \mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.ufermata" } And Such objects are only typeset above the top staff of the score; Hajo --- ... indessen wandelt harmlos droben das Gestirn <>__

Re: Overlong extender

2009-03-25 Thread Carl D. Sorensen
On 3/25/09 12:12 AM, "James E. Bailey" wrote: > > Am 25.03.2009 um 02:26 schrieb Frederick Dennis: > >> Dear All, >> In the following extract from "The Preces and Responses" >> by John Reading (d. 1692), the tenorTwoSnippet lyric "to" >> has an over-long extender. Adding skips after it makes

Re: odd configure error

2009-03-25 Thread John Mandereau
James E. Bailey a écrit : Am 25.03.2009 um 14:41 schrieb Graham Percival: Nothing; they come from exactly the same source. The version in the AU is going to die soon, where "soon" means "within 4 months". So then why the difference? I should think a one line command to get the source is eas

Re: odd configure error

2009-03-25 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 25.03.2009 um 14:41 schrieb Graham Percival: On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 02:37:10PM +0100, James E. Bailey wrote: Although apropos of nothing, what's the difference between the instructions in the AU (and on the web-site) on getting the source code, and the instructions in the CG? Nothing; th

Re: odd configure error

2009-03-25 Thread Graham Percival
On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 02:37:10PM +0100, James E. Bailey wrote: > Although apropos of nothing, what's the difference between the > instructions in the AU (and on the web-site) on getting the > source code, and the instructions in the CG? Nothing; they come from exactly the same source. The versi

Re: odd configure error

2009-03-25 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 25.03.2009 um 12:50 schrieb John Mandereau: James E. Bailey a écrit : I'm having a configure error, and I don't know how to solve it. I get this: ERROR: Please install required programs: /Users/lilydev/bin/ fontforge >= 20050624 (installed: .fontforge 20080927) What does 'which fontfo

Re: odd configure error

2009-03-25 Thread John Mandereau
James E. Bailey a écrit : I'm having a configure error, and I don't know how to solve it. I get this: ERROR: Please install required programs: /Users/lilydev/bin/fontforge >= 20050624 (installed: .fontforge 20080927) What does 'which fontforge' and '`which fontforge` --version' say? Could yo

Re: Sibelius conversion - sib2ly

2009-03-25 Thread Grammostola Rosea
Johan Vromans wrote: Domain Admin writes: If anyone's interested, I've started work on a Sibelius plug-in to export Lilypond data. I'm one of the people that have to convert Sibelius scores to Lilypond on a regular basis. I use MIDI export from Sibelius, and the MIDI import / Lilypo

Re: Sibelius conversion - sib2ly

2009-03-25 Thread Johan Vromans
Domain Admin writes: > If anyone's interested, I've started work on a Sibelius plug-in to > export Lilypond data. I'm one of the people that have to convert Sibelius scores to Lilypond on a regular basis. I use MIDI export from Sibelius, and the MIDI import / Lilypond export facility of Rosegar

Re: mixing notehead styles in chords

2009-03-25 Thread Tao Cumplido
Hi, just a minor suggestion. 'h' is already a taken name in deutsch.ly, so everyone who uses German note names couldn't use your function. I also learned this just recently. Regards, Tao Original-Nachricht > Datum: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 14:40:55 -0700 > Von: Kees van den Doel > A