I'm new to lilypond, and apologize if this is a simple question. I've
searched the documentation and the online archives, and I can't seem to
figure out what the problem is. I have a piece in proportional-time
notation, yet some of the notes do not seem to be evenly spaced.
Everything is just about perfect! Thank you again for your help. I have
(hopefully) one last question. I need to put in a number between the verses
in the lyrics, but there won't be a note above the number. I tried to
enclose the number in a string with the last syllable of the verse, but the
(windows XP - Lilypond
It's ok when installed in
C:\Program Files\OOoLilyPond
Thank !
lilypond-user mailing list
Hi Jan,
Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
Samuel Hartmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
The new release of OOoLilyPond can be downloaded now
This is really cool, thanks! Is there any way of automating the
installation? If so, we should consider shipping this with
Laura Conrad laymusic.org> writes:
> Has anyone figured out a way around this?
A workaround, yes:
For each EPS file, between running lilypond-book and tex, replace the first
(and negative) number in the BoundingBox comment with 0.
On Unix (including Mac), you could do this step thus:
Hi Mats,
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Samuel Hartmann wrote:
* on Linux, ~/.ooolilypond-tmp is used for temporary files
Why not use a directory in /tmp/ for temporary files? I'm probably not the
only one who has $HOME on a network file system with limited quota.
Of course, I could add a soft l
My fault! Since you connect arpeggios between the two
staves of a PianoStaff context, the setting has to be done
on the PianoStaff level. Just replace Staff with PianoStaff
in the macro definitions.
(You can also remove the "\sequential" which is redundant.
Mehmet Okonsar wrote:
I tried
David Bobroff wrote:
Samuel Hartmann wrote:
Hi David,
David Bobroff wrote:
I've grabbed v0.3 and the install instructions are not consistent
with what I'm seeing. When I get to the part where it says:
- Select "OpenOffice.org Macros/user/OOoLilyPond/OOoLilyPondMusic"
as Functions Category
Samuel Hartmann wrote:
Hi David,
David Bobroff wrote:
I've grabbed v0.3 and the install instructions are not consistent
with what I'm seeing. When I get to the part where it says:
- Select "OpenOffice.org Macros/user/OOoLilyPond/OOoLilyPondMusic" as
Functions Category
that path is no
Hello all,
Has anyone successfully used pstoedit with an EPS file generated by
Lilypond? I am attempting to do this but pstoedit appears to be unable
to map the embedded fonts.
Transcript follows.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/bin$ ./lilypo
Thanks for the suggestion Mats.
My motivation for this is that I am currently writing some lesson material
that reference full scores and would like to make a nice word processor
document that flows, with illustrations embedded in the text, and the text
flows around the illustrations, etc. (an ol
I tried it at various places in the file it doesn't seem to work:
\version "2.9.22"
\include "english.ly"
arpeggioUp = \sequential {
\override Staff.Arpeggio #'arpeggio-direction = #UP
arpeggioDown = \sequential {
\override Staff.Arpeggio #'arpeggio-direction = #DOWN
I believe this has been discussed before, but I can't remember that
anyone has figured out a solution.
If you look at the output of the attached .lytex file, after running
the commands:
lilypond-book --output=out --psfonts test.lytex
cd out
latex test.tex
On Oct 12, 2006, at 2:12 PM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
If you use
make install
That's just the problem: done that, everything gets installed into /
usr/local then, when running
bash-3.00$ lilypond example.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.8.7
ERROR: In procedure primitive-load-path:
I recently put together a Lilypond bundle for the [TextMate][tm]
text editor, which any Mac users on this list might like to try.
The easiest way to get it is to first install TextMate, and then
use the recently-created ["GetBundle"][gb] tool by Sebastian Gräßl.
[tm]: http://macromates.com [g
If you use
make install
./configure --prefix=/whatever/path/
make install
then all the files should be found automatically.
Ebrahim Mayat wrote:
Hello again
Now that compilation ran successfully, a few questions for running the
lilypond binary and scripts:
Hello againNow that compilation ran successfully, a few questions for running the lilypond binary and scripts:I first tried to generate a lilypond source file from a MIDI file:bash-3.00$ midi2ly example.midTraceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/midi2ly", line 60, in ? import li
On Oct 11, 2006, at 3:28 PM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
It seems that there's a problem with Guile 1.6.8, see
Hello Mats
THANKS: downgrading to guile-1.6.7 did the trick.
Samuel Hartmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The new release of OOoLilyPond can be downloaded now
> (http://ooolilypond.sourceforge.net).
This is really cool, thanks! Is there any way of automating the
installation? If so, we should consider shipping this with the
lilypond binary installers.
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> It's not such a good idea to include gregorian-init.ly if you just
> want the breath mark, since it has several side-effects. Then it's
> much better to copy the relevant macro definition into some header
> file of your own, i.e. to make a file mydefs.ly containing the
> fo
It's not such a good idea to include gregorian-init.ly if you just want the
breath mark, since it has several side-effects. Then it's much better to
copy the relevant macro definition into some header file of your own,
i.e. to make a file mydefs.ly containing the following lines:
divisioMinima =
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> They are certainly enabled by default, except when you use
> gregorian-init.ly, where the idea probably was that bar numbers never
> were used in the original manuscripts and the intention of the
> gregorian chant support is to be able to imitate the originals as
> closely
Ole Hesprich wrote:
I searched the documentation for 2.9.22. In chapter 8.4.2 I found, how
to remove the bar numbers, but not that they have to be enabled.
Maybe that should be fixed before the 2.10. :-)
They are certainly enabled by default, except when you use
where th
thanks for your quick answer.
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> This change happened already in version 2.9.3 or so.
> If you want the bar numbers back, add something like
> \layout{
> \context{
> \Score
> \consists Bar_number_engraver
> }
> }
That solves the problem. Thank you very
There are some possibilities to do this today.
1. Read "Skipping Corrected Music". You can add a separate identifier
that you redefine to something like
select = {
\set Score.skipTypesetting = ##t \skip 1*20
\set Score.skipTypesetting = ##f \skip 1*8 \set Score.skipTypesetting = ##t
to get a ce
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