help with uneven proportional notation

2006-10-12 Thread jim altieri
Hello, I'm new to lilypond, and apologize if this is a simple question. I've searched the documentation and the online archives, and I can't seem to figure out what the problem is. I have a piece in proportional-time notation, yet some of the notes do not seem to be evenly spaced. Particul

Re: Newbie Question about cadenzas

2006-10-12 Thread Silouan
Everything is just about perfect! Thank you again for your help. I have (hopefully) one last question. I need to put in a number between the verses in the lyrics, but there won't be a note above the number. I tried to enclose the number in a string with the last syllable of the verse, but the

Re: OOoLilyPond 0.3 release

2006-10-12 Thread Martial
(windows XP - Lilypond It's ok when installed in C:\Program Files\OOoLilyPond Thank ! -- Martial ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: OOoLilyPond 0.3 released

2006-10-12 Thread Samuel Hartmann
Hi Jan, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote: Samuel Hartmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: The new release of OOoLilyPond can be downloaded now ( This is really cool, thanks! Is there any way of automating the installation? If so, we should consider shipping this with

Re: lilypond-book shifts music right relative to text

2006-10-12 Thread Arvid Grøtting
Laura Conrad> writes: > Has anyone figured out a way around this? A workaround, yes: For each EPS file, between running lilypond-book and tex, replace the first (and negative) number in the BoundingBox comment with 0. On Unix (including Mac), you could do this step thus: sed

Re: OOoLilyPond 0.3 released

2006-10-12 Thread Samuel Hartmann
Hi Mats, Mats Bengtsson wrote: Samuel Hartmann wrote: * on Linux, ~/.ooolilypond-tmp is used for temporary files Why not use a directory in /tmp/ for temporary files? I'm probably not the only one who has $HOME on a network file system with limited quota. Of course, I could add a soft l

Re: Connected arpeggios up-down

2006-10-12 Thread Mats Bengtsson
My fault! Since you connect arpeggios between the two staves of a PianoStaff context, the setting has to be done on the PianoStaff level. Just replace Staff with PianoStaff in the macro definitions. (You can also remove the "\sequential" which is redundant. /Mats Mehmet Okonsar wrote: I tried

Re: OOoLilyPond 0.3 trouble --> follow-up

2006-10-12 Thread David Bobroff
David Bobroff wrote: Samuel Hartmann wrote: Hi David, David Bobroff wrote: I've grabbed v0.3 and the install instructions are not consistent with what I'm seeing. When I get to the part where it says: - Select " Macros/user/OOoLilyPond/OOoLilyPondMusic" as Functions Category

OOoLilyPond 0.3 trouble

2006-10-12 Thread David Bobroff
Samuel Hartmann wrote: Hi David, David Bobroff wrote: I've grabbed v0.3 and the install instructions are not consistent with what I'm seeing. When I get to the part where it says: - Select " Macros/user/OOoLilyPond/OOoLilyPondMusic" as Functions Category that path is no

pstoedit "unable to map"

2006-10-12 Thread aws
Hello all, Has anyone successfully used pstoedit with an EPS file generated by Lilypond? I am attempting to do this but pstoedit appears to be unable to map the embedded fonts. Thanks, Andy. Transcript follows. [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/Applications/$ ./lilypo

Re: I would like to buy this enhancement (highly motivated buyer)

2006-10-12 Thread Rick Hansen (aka RickH)
Thanks for the suggestion Mats. My motivation for this is that I am currently writing some lesson material that reference full scores and would like to make a nice word processor document that flows, with illustrations embedded in the text, and the text flows around the illustrations, etc. (an ol

Re: Connected arpeggios up-down

2006-10-12 Thread Mehmet Okonsar
I tried it at various places in the file it doesn't seem to work: = \version "2.9.22" \include "" arpeggioUp = \sequential { \override Staff.Arpeggio #'arpeggio-direction = #UP } arpeggioDown = \sequential { \override Staff.Arpeggio #'arpeggio-direction = #DOWN }

lilypond-book shifts music right relative to text

2006-10-12 Thread Laura Conrad
I believe this has been discussed before, but I can't remember that anyone has figured out a solution. If you look at the output of the attached .lytex file, after running the commands: lilypond-book --output=out --psfonts test.lytex cd out latex test.tex dvip

Re: 2.8.7: runtime errors

2006-10-12 Thread Ebrahim Mayat
On Oct 12, 2006, at 2:12 PM, Mats Bengtsson wrote: If you use ./configure make make install That's just the problem: done that, everything gets installed into / usr/local then, when running bash-3.00$ lilypond GNU LilyPond 2.8.7 ERROR: In procedure primitive-load-path: ERROR: Una

Lilypond and TextMate

2006-10-12 Thread Jacob Rus
Hi, I recently put together a Lilypond bundle for the [TextMate][tm] text editor, which any Mac users on this list might like to try. The easiest way to get it is to first install TextMate, and then use the recently-created ["GetBundle"][gb] tool by Sebastian Gräßl. [tm]: [g

Re: 2.8.7: runtime errors

2006-10-12 Thread Mats Bengtsson
If you use ./configure make make install or ./configure --prefix=/whatever/path/ make make install then all the files should be found automatically. /Mats Ebrahim Mayat wrote: Hello again Now that compilation ran successfully, a few questions for running the lilypond binary and scripts:

2.8.7: runtime errors

2006-10-12 Thread Ebrahim Mayat
Hello againNow that compilation ran successfully, a few questions for running the lilypond binary and scripts:I first tried to generate a lilypond source file from a MIDI file:bash-3.00$ midi2ly example.midTraceback (most recent call last):  File "/usr/local/bin/midi2ly", line 60, in ?    import li

Re: Lilypond-2.8.7: succesful compilation (was:Compile failure)

2006-10-12 Thread Ebrahim Mayat
On Oct 11, 2006, at 3:28 PM, Mats Bengtsson wrote: It seems that there's a problem with Guile 1.6.8, see Hello Mats THANKS: downgrading to guile-1.6.7 did the trick. E ___ li

Re: OOoLilyPond 0.3 released

2006-10-12 Thread Jan Nieuwenhuizen
Samuel Hartmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > The new release of OOoLilyPond can be downloaded now > ( This is really cool, thanks! Is there any way of automating the installation? If so, we should consider shipping this with the lilypond binary installers.

Re: no bar numbers

2006-10-12 Thread Ole Hesprich
Mats Bengtsson wrote: > It's not such a good idea to include if you just > want the breath mark, since it has several side-effects. Then it's > much better to copy the relevant macro definition into some header > file of your own, i.e. to make a file containing the > fo

Re: no bar numbers

2006-10-12 Thread Mats Bengtsson
It's not such a good idea to include if you just want the breath mark, since it has several side-effects. Then it's much better to copy the relevant macro definition into some header file of your own, i.e. to make a file containing the following lines: divisioMinima =

Re: no bar numbers

2006-10-12 Thread Ole Hesprich
Mats Bengtsson wrote: > They are certainly enabled by default, except when you use >, where the idea probably was that bar numbers never > were used in the original manuscripts and the intention of the > gregorian chant support is to be able to imitate the originals as > closely

Re: no bar numbers

2006-10-12 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Ole Hesprich wrote: I searched the documentation for 2.9.22. In chapter 8.4.2 I found, how to remove the bar numbers, but not that they have to be enabled. Maybe that should be fixed before the 2.10. :-) They are certainly enabled by default, except when you use, where th

Re: no bar numbers

2006-10-12 Thread Ole Hesprich
Mats, thanks for your quick answer. Mats Bengtsson wrote: > This change happened already in version 2.9.3 or so. > If you want the bar numbers back, add something like > \layout{ > \context{ > \Score > \consists Bar_number_engraver > } > } > That solves the problem. Thank you very

Re: I would like to buy this enhancement (highly motivated buyer)

2006-10-12 Thread Mats Bengtsson
There are some possibilities to do this today. 1. Read "Skipping Corrected Music". You can add a separate identifier that you redefine to something like select = { \set Score.skipTypesetting = ##t \skip 1*20 \set Score.skipTypesetting = ##f \skip 1*8 \set Score.skipTypesetting = ##t } to get a ce