Laura Conrad <lconrad <at>> writes: > Has anyone figured out a way around this?
A workaround, yes: For each EPS file, between running lilypond-book and tex, replace the first (and negative) number in the BoundingBox comment with 0. On Unix (including Mac), you could do this step thus: sed -i 's/%%BoundingBox: -*[1-9][0-9]*/%%BoundingBox: 0/' lily*eps Yes, it's an ugly hack. Here's why it works: Lilypond-book produces EPS files where some point on the left edge of the staff has coordinates (0, 0). The first 0 here would be an ideal candidate for horisontal aligment within the TeX file. Some stuff extends to the left of this: bar numbers, most notably. The BoundingBox PS comment describes where in the EPS file there's any ink. This includes anything printed to the left of the left edge of the staff line. LaTeX, when deciding where to place an EPS graphic, uses the BoundingBox comment. When not given a bounding box in the \includegraphics command, that's how LaTeX knows where there's any graphics to place. Now, I guess lilypond-book could be modified to give an explicit *and deliberately misleading* BoundingBox argument to the \includegraphics command in order to get the correct placement without compromising the EPS file. That would, IMHO, be a better and more permanent solution. Cheers, -- Arvid _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list